Shows from 2013

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Shows from 2013.

Interview with Jerry Wills of Xpeditions.TV - August 17, 2013

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Jerry and Kathy Wills have explored some dangerous regions of South America, particularly in the Andes. They have discovered lost cities, been perused by death squads, and much more. On this night I spoke with Jerry about some of these discoveries and mysteries. We talk about the age of various sites, who the people may have really been, and where they may have come from. We discuss the absurd dismissals of conventional science and archaeology, and the proof that a high technology must have been used to construct some of these sites...  A technology that is beyond what we can do today. It's a fascinating adventure, and you can watch the videos of some of their work at their website: Xpeditions.TV

Interview with David Metcalfe on the Paranormal, Consciousness, and Reality - August 24, 2013

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David and I talk about a lot in this interview. We talk about music and its effects on the brain. We talk about perceptions, media, preferences, bi-aural compositions, and more. Then we get into the paranormal, and discuss ghosts, UFO's, consciousness, reality, and liminality. This goes all over the place, gets pretty deep and subtle at times, and makes some strange connections. 
David Metcalfe is an independent researcher, writer and multimedia artist focusing on the interstices of art, culture, and consciousness. He is a contributing editor for Reality Sandwich, The Revealer, the online journal of NYU’s Center for Religion and Media, and The Daily Grail. He writes regularly for Evolutionary Landscapes, Alarm Magazine, Modern Mythology,, The Teeming Brain and his own blog The Eyeless Owl. His writing has been featured in The Immanence of Myth (Weaponized 2011), Chromatic: The Crossroads of Color & Music (Alarm Press, 2011) and Exploring the Edge Realms of Consciousness (North Atlantic/Evolver Editions 2012). Metcalfe is an Associate with Phoenix Rising Digital Academy, and is currently co-hosting The Art of Transformations study group with support from the International Alchemy Guild.
Metcalfe's most recent project is a collaboration with Dr. R. Andrew Chesnut, Chair of Catholic Studies at Virginia Commonwealth University, exploring the sanctification of death in the popular faith traditions of the Americas.
Check out his websites., and
This interview was recorded on July 16, 2013.

Micah Hanks - Conspiracies and the Paranormal - August 31, 2013

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We welcome back Micah Hanks, author of The UFO Singularity, Reynolds Mansion: An Invitation to the Past, and Magic, Mysticism & the Molecule: The Search for Sentient Intelligence from Other Worlds. Micah is also the host of The Gralien Report as well as The Micah Hanks Program. Known as The Mouth of the South, he is rarely at a loss for words or information. We talk about Syria, and the media, we talk about conspiracies and connections vs assumptions, we talk about what may be at the heart of the paranormal, the singularity, and much, much more. 
You can listen to our first interview from back in April HERE.
And you can find everything Micah at and

Originally Recorded August 29, 2013.


Original Source

Interview with Nick Redfern about Monster Files, Chupacabra, and Men in Black - September 7, 2013

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On this night we were joined by one of the most prolific writers on the paranormal. Nick Redfern. We discussed his most recent book, Monster Files: A Look Inside Government Secrets and Classified Documents on Bizarre Creatures and Extraordinary Animals. This book opens long-hidden portals into the mysteries, conspiracies and cover-ups behind secret files in the Pentagon, the Kremlin, the British military and other government entities.
We spoke of the supernatural aspects of Bigfoot, vampires, government experiments, Roswell, UFO's, Men in Black, Black Eyed Children, El Chupacabra, and much, much more...
Redfern is one the world’s most sought-after speakers and media spokespersons on the science of animals whose existence has not been proven (until now) and the existence of animals considered to be extinct. He has appeared on more than 100 radio and TV programs, from the BBC to Fox News, MSNBC and National Geographic. 
Monster Files lays out the persistent rumors, tales, and legends that government agencies around the world have secretly collected, and the book reveals a wide variety of hair-raising data on bizarre beasts, amazing animals, and strange creatures. No longer the subject of just folk tales and bedtime stories, Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, sea serpents, psychic pets, the chupacabras, and abominable snowmen have all been sighted, documented and hidden from the public. In his inimitable, entertaining style, Redfern ferrets out this official, ultra-classified information.
Monsters, creepy creatures, and terrifying beasts really do exist––our governments know all about them––Monster Files exposes them. A regular contributor to UFO Magazine, Fate, Mysterious Universe, Nick Redfern is the author of:
* The Pyramids and the Pentagon
* Keep Out! Top Secret Places Governments Don’t Want You to Know About
* The Real Men in Black
* The NASA Conspiracies
* Contactees: A History of Alien-human Interaction
* Memoirs of a Monster Hunter: A Five-Year Journey in Search of the Unknown
* Science Fiction Secrets: from Government Files and the Paranormal
* Celebrity Secrets: Official Government Files on the Rich and Famous
* There’s Something in the Woods
A researcher, consultant and spokesperson on TV, Redfern has appeared on:
* Fox News
* BBC’s Out of This World
* SyFy Channel’s Proof Positive
* History Channel’s Monster Quest
* America’s Book of Secrets
* Ancient Aliens
* UFO Hunters
* National Geographic Channel’s Paranatural
* MSNBC’s Countdown

Interview with Peter Robbins about Left at East Gate / Rendlesham Forest UFO's - September 14, 2013

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For the first time, we have a live in studio guest in Peter Robbins. Peter and I discussed different theories on UFO's, and thoroughly delved into The Rendlesham Forest incident.
Peter Robbins is an investigative writer, author and lecturer best known for his UFO related papers, columns, articles, editorials, commentaries, lectures and media appearances. He is a regular fixture on radio and has appeared as a guest on and been consultant to numerous television shows and documentaries.
Robbins’ background is fairly nonstandard for his chosen field. He was born in New York City and studied art, design and theater at University of Bridgeport in Connecticut, receiving his BFA (painting, film history) from New York City’s School of Visual Arts (SVA) where he taught painting for more than a dozen years. He was a member of the art faculties of St. Anns School in Brooklyn Heights and the Oklahoma Council on the Arts ‘Arts Encounters’ program. Following graduation from art school he was studio assistant to the abstract expressionist painter Adolph Gotlieb and to the American primitive painter William Cply. He worked in Off Broadway theater for years, primarily as house manager for New York City’s distinguished Mirror Repertory Company. Peter has traveled in approximately thirty countries, is an experienced New York City tour guide and an accomplished photographer. He is also co-author, along with Larry Warren, of the highly acclaimed British best-seller, Left at East Gate: A First-Hand Account of the Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident, Its Cover-Up and Investigation.
Television appearances include “The Early Show,” CBS; The History Channel’s “Britain’s Roswell;” "Unsolved Mysteries;" "Good Day New York;" “The O’Reilly Factor;” “The Real Roswell,” National Geographic Channel; The SCI FI Channel documentary “UFO Invasion At Rendlesham;” “Cultural Odyssey,” Voice of America TV (Chinese Branch); “The Geraldo Show,” NYC; "L'Odyssee De L'Etrange" (France); “The Nina Hagen Show” (Germany); "Network First: UFO" (UK); Lifetime Network and “Conspiracy”(Film One Production) Canada; "EXOCILIZATIONS," La Locale Television, Paris; as well as numerous BBC TV affiliates around the United Kingdom.
Radio interviews and commentary include “Coast 2 Coast” with hosts George Noory and George Knapp; "The Art Bell Show;” “Hieronimus & Company” (Baltimore); “The Paracast;” “Wake Up U.S.A.” and “UFO Undercover” (New Orleans); "Sightings On the Radio with Jeff Rense” (LA); “The James Whale Show” (London); “The Alan Colmes Show” (NYC); “The Paracast;” “Through the Keyhole” (Rochester, NY); WBAI-NY's "UFO Desk;"”The Kate Valentine UFO Show,” NYC; “The Jerry Pippin Show;” BBC World Service "UFO's - Fact, Fiction or Fantasy?" and numerous BBC Radio affiliates, among other programming. Peter is also a co-host of the “Encounters” radio show.

Interview with David Paulides author of Missing 411 - September 21, 2013


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In a special 2 hour interview, we talk with David Paulides about his Missing 411 work. David has released three Missing 411 volumes dealing with mysterious disappearances in National Parks. On first glance, people missing in National Parks may not seem strange, after all, people get lost, animals attack, etc, but these disappearances defy explanation  David has discovered something real and disturbing. We discuss the patterns and individual cases to illustrate just how strange these disappearances are. We will talk about what may be happening and what the park service is doing, or not doing, about it. This work is important. Very important. People, often small children are disappearing into thin air, sometimes never to be found again, sometimes found dead, and occasionally found alive. We hear about all of these. The circumstances are bizarre, as are the patterns. Something is going on, and this is a subject that people need to know more about. 

Learn more at his website at


Interview with Randall Carlson of Sacred Geometry International - September 28, 2013


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Randall Carlson Returns to talk about Sacred Geometry, Cycles of Cataclysm, Atlantis, Lost Civilizations, and much, much more...  We talk about the recently found pyramid in the Azores, and whether it may be part of Atlantis, what ended the last Ice Age, Pole Shifts, evidence of cataclysm, his online classes on Sacred Geometry, and his part in Graham Hancock's new book!
Randall Carlson is a master builder and architectural designer, teacher, geometrician, geomythologist, geological explorer and renegade scholar. He has 4 decades of study, research and exploration Into the interface between ancient mysteries and modern science, has been an active Freemason for 30 years and is Past Master of one of the oldest and largest Masonic lodges in Georgia. He has been recognized by The National Science Teachers Association for his commitment to Science education for young people.
The acclaimed 1997 TBS/CNN documentary “Fire from the Sky” was based upon his research into Earth change and catastrophic events. He has organized several dozen field expeditions documenting evidence for catastrophic earth change. He has received academic recognition for outstanding work as a student of geology. His work incorporates Ancient Mythology, Astronomy, Earth Science, Paleontology, Symbolism, Sacred Geometry and Architecture, Geomancy, and other arcane and scientific traditions. For over 25 years he has presented classes, lectures, and multimedia programs synthesizing this information for students of the Mysteries.
Randall is uniquely qualified to interpret the hidden meaning of the great masterpieces of mystical architecture, as well as esoteric and occult ritual and symbolism. It is his aspiration to affect a revival of lost knowledge towards the goal of creating the new world based upon universal principles of harmony, freedom, and spiritual evolution.
Sacred Geometry International -

David Weatherly Interview; Strange Intruders / Black Eyed Children - October 5. 2012


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We welcome back David Weatherly to talk about his latest book, Strange Intruders. We will be talking about more Black Eyed Children, as well as other Black Eyed Beings, The Grinning Man, The Slender Man, Shadow People, Djinn, Puckwudgies, and much more...
David was the second guest ever on this show, and having him back was just as good, if not better.
Get the book at

Interview with Frater Enatheleme on Aleister Crowley - October 12, 2013


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Frater Enatheleme returns on Aleister Crowley's birthday to continue our discussion about the man know as The Beast... We discuss...
  • LAM
  • Crowley's Mountain Climbing
  • His view of Women
  • Enochian Magick
  • The Goat Incident
  • Sex Magick
  • The Thoth Tarot Deck
  • Jack Parsons, L. Ron Hubbard, and Scientology
  • The Golden Dawn, OTO, and Thelema
  • His time as a Spy
  • 93
  • Crowley in Pop Culture
  • Do as Thou Wilt...
  • Love Under Will...
Frater Enatheleme has been an autodidact for most of his adulthood. He is now a student of biomedical physics at Portland Community College and Portland State University, a NASA National Community College Aerospace Scholar, and a member of Phi Theta Kappa honor society.
Frater Enatheleme is a Thelemite, Priest of Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica, and Initiator of Mysteria Mystica Maxima. He is former editor of Agapé and of Lion & Serpent, and a principal contributor to Thelemapedia. He is a founding co-producer and contributor for the monthly Speech in the Silence podcast and the creator of AC2012. He also co-edited and contributed to the proceedings book from NOTOCON VII.
Frater Enatheleme has participated in hundreds of public dramatic rituals in the last two decades, in every aspect of such productions. This has included performance in solo ritual, performance in Eucharistic ceremony and initiatory rites, direction and production of invocative performances with full lighting & live music, and promotion and support of dramatic ritual groups in other cities.

Interview with Maria Wheatley on Stonehenge, Avebury, Earth Energies, and much more... October 19, 2013


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This show we are joined by Maria Wheatley. We talk about ancient stone circles, Stonehenge  gamma radiation at sites, earth energy, dowsing, ley lines, ying and yang water, consciousness alterations, and much more...
Maria is a second-generation dowser who is a leading authority on the geodetic system of earth energies. She was taught how to decode and divine the land by her late father, Dennis Wheatley, who was considered to be one of the UK's top Master Dowsers. 
Maria is an accomplished author of books on sacred sites and dowsing. She has researched the esoteric design canons of prehistoric sites, Druidic ceremonial enclosures and the Knights Templar for many years. Maria has studied Neolithic Britain and Bronze Age prehistory with the University of Bath and alongside other professionals, Maria combines her knowledge of archaeology, and earth energies with state of the art equipment to locate and detect the hidden frequencies that the Earth emits. Believing in the Earth Force or dowsing is simply not enough for Maria, she wants to show the world that the prehistoric designers of ancient sites could locate and harness earth energy. Her findings challenge our understanding of sacred sites. 
Maria has lectured and given workshops in America and Europe and has also appeared on the History Channel - she managed to get several of the participants who had never before held a dowsing rod - to successfully detect ley lines at Stonehenge, 
In the late 1980s, Maria studied astrology and tarot and during the 1990s turned her attention to hypnotherapy, past life regression and reflexology. She has taught complimentary medicine for Swindon College for over 15 years. She has also written holistic diploma courses for private colleges such as the British School of Yoga (BSY Group). She recently founded the Avebury School of Esoteric Studies which offers certificated courses on holistic subjects including past life regression, astrology and dowsing and which is affiliated with the Association of British Correspondence Colleges. 
Cosmologist, healer and author of HOPE Dr Jude Currivan endorsed The Avebury School of Esoteric Studies and has this to say: 
In the mid 1990s, I was very fortunate to be introduced to and guided in the art of dowsing by the great master dowser Dennis Wheatley. Dennis's enormous knowledge, straight-forward approach, easy companionship and willingness to answer all my questions(!) made him the perfect teacher. I'm delighted that his daughter Maria now continues the family tradition of sharing this wonderfully valuable art and science with the world. 
Maria's vision is to apply ancient wisdom to a modern generation. Imagine for one moment if we could integrate the Earth's healing and harmonic energies into hospitals, care homes, and schools. Another example, one global grid system is said to enhance our powers of communication and so Medieval Masons placed the pulpits of old churches on this grid line. If we could incorporate this energy into the classrooms of dyslexic and autistic children or those suffering with speech problems I am sure we would see a vast improvement. Living in harmony with the Earth's subtle frequencies is beneficial for all. 
Check out her website, The Avebury Experience,

Exploring the Fringe...