Shows from 2013

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Gregory Sams - Sun of gOd and The State is out of Date - December 14, 2013



Where Did the Road Go? Show Archive

We speak this night with Gregory Sams. Gregory's book is entitled Sun of gOd, and we discuss the idea of consciousness and what it really means. Does it really make sense that our 13.7 billion year-old universe waited 13.698 billion years before anything in it developed what we call ‘consciousness’? And that the experience was restricted to humans?
Sun of gOd is a radical re-think of our Sun, our universe and what it means to be alive. Using scientific ideas and bringing them to their logical philosophical conclusions, Gregory Sams proposes that our Sun itself is conscious, living and fully aware of its place in the universe. Furthermore, our Sun communicates with other stars, and with us, in ways which mirror our own communities and even the way in which our own brains function.
According to Gregory Sams, ‘Creative intelligence is a ‘bottom-up’ system in which everything, from molecules of water, to neurons in our brain to the Sun itself is working together to gently steer and organize our universe. For humans, the Sun is the center of our lives, a fact that the ancient Sumerians, Chaldeans, Assyrians, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Mayans, Inca, Aztec, Celts and Native Americans all realized, but we do not understand today. For all intents and purposes, the Sun is our God.’
Gregory Sams has been bringing novel concepts to the culture since the age of 19, when, in 1967, he and brother Craig introduced organic and natural foods to the UK marketplace. After 15 years of catering, Seed magazine, Ceres Grain Store & Bakery, Harmony & Whole Earth Foods, in 1982 Gregory conceived and christened the original VegeBurger, creating a marketplace for vegetarian food. Leaving food for fractals in 1990, he opened Strange Attractions, the world's only shop dedicated to chaos theory. This new science underpinned his first book, Uncommon Sense, the State is Out of Date, which is not about politics, but about not politics. His book, Sun of gOd, Discover the Self-Organizing Principle that Underlies Everything, re-introduces us to our local star, the most revered deity in history.
For more on the book;
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