Walter Cruttenden's book, The Lost Star of Myth and Time is a groundbreaking piece of work dealing with the cycles of time and the possibility that precession is driven by a binary companion of our own sun. Walter is also the founder of the Binary Research Institute, and host of the CPAK conference. He has a documentary out called The Great Year, and even a children's book on this topic called, The Great Year Adventures with Tommy the Time Travelling Turtle. In this interview, we discuss;
- Cycles of Time.
- The Rise and Fall of Civilizations.
- How Ancient Cultures viewed Time.
- Precession and it's possible causes.
- Binary Star Systems.
- Whether or not we could have a binary companion.
- The possibility of being connected to Sirius.
- The unusual behavior of Sirius.
- What the ancients said about Sirius.
- Ancient technology.
- Golden Ages.
- Yuga Cycles.
- The Great Year.
- Out of place artifacts.
And plenty more. Walter's work is unique in many ways. The book is really a must read, and although we get speculative at times, Walter is very grounded and scientific in his work.