Michael Cremo entered the world of alternative archeology in 1993 with the publication of his groundbreaking book, Forbidden Archeology. Investigating whether or not mainstream archeology is ignoring data that suggests that modern man is millions of years old, he presented roughly 800 pages of compelling and well researched data. From there, Michael has published books that connect his religious beliefs and the data of science. His latest, My Science, My Religion is a collection of papers from 1994-2009 that Michael has presented at various Academic Conferences around the world. In this interview, we talk about;
- What got Michael started on this path.
- What role consciousness plays in reality.
- The initial reactions to Forbidden Archeology.
- How old man may really be.
- How advanced ancient cultures may have been.
- The elements of his new book, My Science, My Religion
- Combining science and spirituality.
- The evidence for the extreme antiquity of plants.
- A spiritual perspective on the current environmental crisis.
And plenty more. You can buy Michael Cremo's new book on Amazon or through his webpage for My Science, My Religion. You can check out his webpage, where you can find info on all his books, upcoming appearances, interviews, and more.