Shows from 2014

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Main Shows from 2014

Paranormal Stories from our Listeners - December 27, 2014






This week's show was listener stories. Encounters with the Paranormal. This is the first time we have done something like this, and I feel that it is a good way to give back to our fans. If you have a story you want to share, please get in touch as we will likely do another show like this in the future!

David Paulides - Missing 411: The Devil's in the Detail - Part 2 - December 20, 2014



This is part 2 of 2 of my interview with David Paulides. We dig in detail into the Missing 411 Phenomenon, mysterious disappearances in and around National Parks, hear about new cases, and try to weed out what makes sense in all of this.
David's website is
Also take the time to sign this petition; This petition was authored by a reader of the "Missing 411" books. It addresses one of the specific issues we discuss in the books, the lack of accountability inside the DOI when dealing with missing people on their land. Here is the exact wording in the petition:
Currently, there is no centralized registry or database of persons who have gone missing in our national parks and forests or on Bureau of Land Management lands. If search and rescue parties are unable to locate the missing, no records are required to be kept by our government about the missing person case or the circumstances surrounding the event. When remains of the missing are found, again, no records are required to be maintained. 
It is time to demand that a national, publicly accessible registry/database be created in which all missing persons are accounted for in our national parks and forests and on BLM lands. The purpose of this would be to make the government accountable for keeping track of the missing, to inform the public of the facts surrounding missing persons cases on public lands, as well as keeping account of all missing individuals and the circumstances under which they went missing on public lands.
We need everyone to get behind this effort and help us get to 10,000 signatures. David Paulides is assisting the author in her efforts and will do everything possible for this issue to get the visibility it deserves.
Go to this link to sign the petition;


David Paulides - Missing 411: The Devil's in the Detail - Part 1 - December 15, 2014



For the next two weeks we will have on the show David Paulides. Because of the length and depth of this interview, I have split it into two parts. We dig in detail into the Missing 411 Phenomenon, mysterious disappearances in and around National Parks, hear about new cases, and try to weed out what makes sense in all of this.
David's website is
Also take the time to sign this petition; This petition was authored by a reader of the "Missing 411" books. It addresses one of the specific issues we discuss in the books, the lack of accountability inside the DOI when dealing with missing people on their land. Here is the exact wording in the petition:
Currently, there is no centralized registry or database of persons who have gone missing in our national parks and forests or on Bureau of Land Management lands. If search and rescue parties are unable to locate the missing, no records are required to be kept by our government about the missing person case or the circumstances surrounding the event. When remains of the missing are found, again, no records are required to be maintained. 
It is time to demand that a national, publicly accessible registry/database be created in which all missing persons are accounted for in our national parks and forests and on BLM lands. The purpose of this would be to make the government accountable for keeping track of the missing, to inform the public of the facts surrounding missing persons cases on public lands, as well as keeping account of all missing individuals and the circumstances under which they went missing on public lands.
We need everyone to get behind this effort and help us get to 10,000 signatures. David Paulides is assisting the author in her efforts and will do everything possible for this issue to get the visibility it deserves.
Go to this link to sign the petition;

David Carr on The Coral Castle - December 6, 2014



This week's guest is David Carr. David will be discussing the mystery of Coral Castle. He is working on a book that will encompass this subject and some others, and we briefly discuss that as well. 
In David's words; While visiting Coral Castle, during the winter solstice of 2005, the intention was to investigate the entire site in search for any clues of how the building process was accomplished. The reason for the trip to Coral Castle, out of all the great sites in a reasonable distance, Edward Leedskalnin is the only person in our modern era to claim he knew how the pyramids in Egypt were built and left behind the evidence to prove it. Before the thought of visiting Coral Castle hours of online research was spent on Leedskalnin and the book he had written entitled Magnetic Current. At the time in 2005 there wasn't as much information available on the internet but whatever could be located was taken into consideration before the trip. There were quite a few theories on how he accomplished his mysterious building methods but no one has yet to actually demonstrate how it was done from beginning to end. Some have attempted on a smaller level but still to this day not one single person has accomplished the building feats on the scale of Coral Castle. 
All of David's Pages:

Rick Waid on his Paranormal Journey - November 29, 2014



This week's guest is Rick Waid. Rick's book is My Paranormal Journey, and we discuss the book, and where his journey has led him since.
From his webiste,, "Rick Waid is a seer, remote viewer, and past-life reader. He was born with gifts that he did not realize he had until his late-30s. While Rick’s mother was also a reader, he did not become aware of his talents until he began researching the paranormal field.
Rick Waid began to connect with the other side through electronic voice phenomena, and he started having visions and hearing his spirit guide,” Rick explained. “As his gift progressed, He learned how to remote view and was able to psychically see places he had never been to before.”
As Rick’s gifts progressed, he began to see past lives of individuals. He can also now connect with “the other side” and frequently receives messages from loved ones beyond the veil.
“He wrote My Paranormal Journey: One Man’s Obsession to share with others a compelling passion that ultimately revealed to me gifts he never knew he had,” Rick said. “I hope it will help others realize there are reasons for exploring into new territories and breaking through current boundaries.”

Jim Harold's True Ghost Stories - November 22, 2014



Jim Harold returns to the show to talk about his latest book and tell us some ghost stories. Jim's latest collection is True Ghost Stories; Jim Harold's Campfire 3. 70 Stories in this one, of all kinds, not just ghosts.
In 2005, Jim created The Paranormal Podcast. After over a decade of working on the business side of media, Jim decided it was time to dust off his broadcast training and step back behind the mic. A life long interest in the paranormal, combined with his love of broadcasting and technology, resulted in some the most successful podcasts of their type to date. Jim has worked in radio, business to business media and has written, hosted and produced award winning video programming over the course of his career.
He holds a Master’s Degree in Applied Communication Theory and Methodology and is accredited as a Certified Digital Media Consultant by the Radio Advertising Bureau. Jim has also had the opportunity to teach at the university level.
Jim Harold's website is

Peter Robbins on Deliberate Deception - November 15, 2014



Peter Robbins joins us again, and this time we will get in depth to this latest book, Deliberate Deception: A Case of Disinformation in the UFO Research Community. Originally published by Phenomena Magazine as a free download on their site, I have made the whole thing available on our site, with Peter's permission. You can download it in our free book section.

Micah Hanks and Jeremy Lynes on the Bigfoot Phenomenon - November 8, 2014



Micah Hanks joins us again, along with Jeremy Lynes. Jeremy is a proponent of the more paranormal nature of Bigfoot, and has many strange stories to support his view. Micah is more grounded, and believes in a more flesh and blood type explanation. The contrast worked out well I think. They have never spoken before, but seemed to contrast their views nicely. One word of warning, the audio on Jeremy's side is a little muddy. Nothing we could do about it, but it is completely listenable. Enjoy.

Ghost Hunters of the Finger Lakes and Lorna Reynolds - November 1, 2014




We welcome back The Ghost Hunters of the Finger Lakes and Lorna Reynolds for our day after Samhain show... We discuss Exorcisms and Possessions, Ouija Boards, Provoking Hauntings, and much more...


Melanie Zimmer on the Curiosities of the Finger Lakes - October 25, 2014



We will have with us in studio this night, Melanie Zimmer, to talk about the weird history and folklore of New York State. We get into lost ruins and folklore of the Seneca Indians. We talk about the haunted locations around Upstate New York, and some of the weird stories and personalities that have contributed to the history of the region.
Storyteller Melanie Zimmer has written four books on New York State lore:Central New York and the Finger Lakes Myths Legends and Lore,Forgotten Tales of New York, and Curiosities of Central New York, published by The History Press. Her latest book is Curiosities of the Finger Lakes. Ms. Zimmer has been a storyteller for several decades and enjoys sharing and studying the folklore of the regions of New York State.
Melanie Zimmer has recently created the script for a legendary walking tour app of Midtown Manhattan called “Secrets of Manhattan” “Discover Midtown Manhattan and its legends; explore New York City through its tales” which is available for iPhone or Android phones through PocketGuide Inc. She is a member of the New York Folklore Society.
Her website is

Exploring the Fringe...