Shows from 2021

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Shows from 2021

Walter Boseley on Veiled Destinies - Dec 25, 2021

Part 1 of 2.

Seriah interviews researcher, writer, scholar, and retired federal investigator Walter Bosley. Topics include Juan Cabrillo, mysteries of old California, Sir Richard Francis Burton, Ambrose Bierce, Napoleon, intelligence operations in the colonial era, Ingersoll Lockwood, Margaretta Todd, esoteric lost history, Joan of Arc and her sacred sword, Excaliber, Saint Catherine of Alexandria, the Godess Hecate, Hypatia, Roman Catholic syncretism, Vodou, "Empire of the Wheel", Catalina Island, Hecate synchronicities, Marco Polo, anomalous maps, Pre-Columbian expeditions from Europe to the Americas, precious metal trading, Sir Francis Drake, the Cham culture and empire, a lost city in the Grand Canyon, an extremely ancient temple, Atlantis in Southeast Asia, lost cities in South America, underwater archeological finds off of Africa, ruins discovered after a tsunami, Randall Carlson, after-effects of the last ice age, California as an island, Queen Calafia, lost waterways, David Childress, the Smithsonian Institution and the National Park Service, bones of giants, destruction and suppression of inconvenient artifacts, Graham Hancock, classified storage facilities, ancient high-tech civilizations, Antarctica, the myth of linear progress vs. cyclical conditions, the South Pole ozone hole, John E. Brandenburg and Mars, Knights of Malta, Knights Templar, megaliths, Oak Island, hidden objects, Henry Sinclair, hidden seceret vaults, reality TV, missing artifacts, antikythera mechanism, the Cathars, Constantinople, and much more! This is fascinating conversation on a vast number of subjects! Ths s one not to be missed!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell

Outro Music by David Wirsig with Black Eyes


The Nine with Chris Ernst - Dec 18, 2021

Seriah discusses the channelled entities "The Nine" with Chris Ernst. Topics include Andrija Puharich, Dr. D.G. Vinod, "The Stargate Conspiracy" by Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince, Uri Geller, CIA and Mossad psychic programs, "Third Eye Spies", remote viewing, fakery and the paranormal, James "the Amazing" Randi, poltergeist activity and emotion, Peter Levenda and "Sinister Forces: The Nine", "The Only Planet of Choice: Essential Briefings From Deep Space" by Phyliss V. Schlemmer, The Round Table Foundation, Eileen Garrett, Arthur Young, Bell Helicopter, Alice Bouverie, Aldous Huxley, upper-crust/old money seances, the Dupont and Aster families, ancient Egyptian gods, Vice-President of the U.S. Henry Wallace, Masonic symbology on American paper money, possible technology from Nikola Tesla, Ingo Swan, SPECTRA, John Whitmore, "Tom from The Nine", the Bronfman family, Gene Roddenberry, Aaron Gulyas, Star Trek and Deep Space Nine, Jenny O'Connor, Esalen Institute, new age light work, Terence and Dennis McKenna, Dorothy Martin, The Seekers, "When Prophecy Fails", cognitive dissonance, Carla L. Rueckert, Don Elkins, the Sphinx, "Babylon Five", Secret Chiefs, Meher Baba, UFO Contactees vs. Channellers, "Hoova" and "Rombus 4D", archons, gnosticism, Nag Hommadi, mystics with connections to intel agencies, "Department of Truth" comic, Tim Renner, and much more! Absolutely fascinating discussion with a ton of references!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell

Outro Music is by BELLS≥ with The New Freedom Project



Wandering the Road - Dec 11, 2021

Seriah hosts Saxon AKA super_inframan, and Taylor Bell of the Green Lion Podcast for a free-wheeling discussion. Topics include the "Last Exit For The Lost" radio show, heavy music of various types, the goth esthetic, "Area 51: An Uncensored History of America's Top Secret Military Base" by Annie Jacobsen, non-alien Roswell theories, nuclear-powered aircraft, Stanton Friedman, Douglas Dietrich, the SR-71 Blackbird, after-effects of nuclear testing, activities people engaged in before the dangers of radiation were known, secret projects hidden by private corporations, Skunkworks, insects at extremely high altitudes, Wernher von Braun's reaction to the atomic bomb, J. Robert Oppenheimer, a bizarre true story of Norwegian art restorationist Gerhard Gotaas and a mural of demons, the discovery of "superionic" hot black ice, extremophile lifeforms, panspermia, tardigrades, possible life elsewhere in this solar system, a strange 1891 "meteor" strike in Kansas, director Guillermo del Toro and a possible film adaptation of H.P. Lovecraft's "At The Mountains Of Madness", the movie "Pacific Rim" and its sequel, Kaiju films, the symbolic meanings of Godzilla, nuclear bomb issues in Japanese culture, hypnosis and cognitive flexibility, the hypnotic experiment on "Hellier", a study on the reversal of false memory, the nature of memory itself, the ethics of memory manipulation, different perceptions in different cultures around the world and over time, ghoti/fish, Tarot decks, 6degreesofJohnKeel, and more! This is thoroughly enjoyable eclectic discussion!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell

Outro Music is The Huntress in the Armchair from Fox 45


The Witch Cloud with Tim Renner and Chad Redding - Dec 4, 2021

Seriah hosts Tim Renner and Chad Redding after the release of Tim's latest book (and multi-media experience) "The Witch Cloud". Riveting conversation ensues. Topics include Gettysburg, witch cloud phenomena, Pennsylvania Dutch vampire lore, haunted bridges, ghost hunting, York County PA, a strange experience on a hike, the difficulties of recording or photographing paranormal phenomena, digging into local history, apparitions of non-existent people, use of the ghost box, encounters with owls, the "web" of the "other", anomalous sounds, Site 7 experiences, the dampening effect of crowds on paranormal phenomenon, the ghost hunting subculture, the Battle of the Crows, a paranormal "suggestion" to do a ritual, contagious emotions, light phenomenon, the mystical power of blood, and much more! This is a discussion not be missed!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell

Outro Music is The Witch Cloud by Black Happy Day



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