Seriah and Wren are joined by David, whose experiences they had previously covered on the show. David expanding on those, and talked about some other things that have happened to him. Reddit Link with David's drawings.
Seriah is joined by Mike Clelland and Aaron Gulyas as they continue their series on UFO History, talking about the events since the last show at the beginning of 2018. They talk about To the Stars, MUFON, Rendlesham, and a lot more...
Outro Music by Dredneks, "Face of Grey", live from The Last Exit for the Lost.
Seriah is joined by Joshua Cutchin and Timothy Renner as they discuss the very strange case of Casey Hathoway, who was missing for two days, and said a bear took care of him. They discuss the truly mysterious elements of this story, how the media has addressed it, and what may have happened.
On this, the 6th Anniversary Show for Where Did the Road Go?, Seriah welcomes back his first ever guest on the show, Jim Elvidge, to talk about his latest book, Digital Consciousness. They discuss the evidence that reality is digital, and that we live in a sort of simulation, and what all that may mean. Jim says it's a theory that can explain everything, and they go over various parts of it, from Quantum Strangeness to the Paranormal...
Seriah is joined by Joshua Cutchin and Wren Collier as they review some more listener stories. They start with some follow ups, Giant UFO's, Clumsy Shadow People, Violent Spirit Attacks, Ghosts, and much more... They end with a talk about liminality and Professional Wrestling...
Outro Music by Snaig Tharta, Lullabye for the Damned.
Seriah talks with Eric Wargo, author of Time Loops, about his ideas on retro-causation, movement, though time, fate, premonitions, dreams, and a static universe.
Seriah is joined by Wren Collier and Cherylee Black as they discuss some more listener stories, some ghost stories, spirits, bigfoot, and a very high strangeness doppelganger story, and some UFO's as well.
Seriah is joined by Wren Collier, Timothy Renner, and Red Pill Junkie and they discuss listener stories that they have received that deal with weirdness in the woods, cryptids, high strangeness, ghosts, and more...
The Vardoger is something that people hear before it happens. Like a premonition, or time slip. Jenn talks to us about her experiences with this strangeness and what it may mean...