Shows from 2019

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Shows from 2019

John Chewter - The Tales Of Old Mother Shipton - Archetypal Witch & Prophetess

old mother shiptonJohn Chewter (of Deprogrammed Radio) in conversation with Seriah.

Ursula Southeil (c. 1488–1561) (also variously spelt as Ursula Southill, Ursula Soothtell or Ursula Sontheil), better known as Mother Shipton, is said to have been an English soothsayer and prophetess. The first publication of her prophecies, which did not appear until 1641, eighty years after her reported death, contained a number of predictions. After that, later editions go off the scale. She is reportedly the model for Shakespeare's MacBeth Witches with the hooked nose and jutting chin. If you dressed up like that at halloween - you were being Old Mother Shipton.

One of the most notable editions of her prophecies was published in 1684 and states that she was born in Knaresborough, Yorkshire, in a cave now known as Mother Shipton's Cave which, along with the Petrifying Well and associated parkland, is operated as a visitor attraction. She was reputed to be hideously ugly. The book also claims that she married Toby Shipton, a local carpenter, near York in 1512, told fortunes and made predictions throughout her life. The made her name by accurately fortelling the death of Cardinal Wolsey, the reformation and much more. Later editions have prophesies of submarines, ET saviours after an Armageddon from a cometary impact and much more. Now read on..

NOTE: In the 'read more' is a lot of links to articles and  downloadable books (free), an interactive timeline with events mentioned in conversation, and some videos showing the famous cave where she lived.


Bigfoot Terror in the Woods with WJ Sheehan - October 26, 2019

WJ Sheehan joined Seriah again to talk weird bigfoot stories, including sightings with Portals, and Bill's ideas of what they are...

Outro Music is Curses by Black Heart Blisters



Listener Stories - October 19, 2019

Seriah is joined by Adam Sayne and Serfiel of Conspirinormal as they talk about some very strange listener stories included hooded figures, shadow people, ghosts, strange lights, and much more...

Outro Music is Whirring World by Psyche Corporation.


John Keel and The Mothman with Brent Raynes - October 12, 2019

Brent joins Seriah in this conversation about John Keel, his life, The Mothman Prophecies, his theories, and much more. This is the first part, another will follow in the next few weeks...

Also check out Brent's magazine, Alternate Perceptions.

Outro music is Black Eyes from David Wirsig.



Bigfoot, Pandemonium, and more with Tim Renner - Oct 5, 2019

Timothy Renner and Seriah talk about some of their recent strange experiences...

Outro Music is Stone Breath with Sixteen Hooves



News from the Edge - September 28, 2019

Seriah and Adam Sayne discuss various news articles, most on the science front of things, Cattle Mutes, Implanted Memories, and Our Strange Sun...

Outro music is Gallow's Burden by Hearse



Randy Dillon's Strange Encounters - Sept 21, 2019

Listener Stories continues with Randy Dillon who has had a lifetime of experiences, some of them very strange...

Outro Music is Big Star by Ghazm



Lodge 49 with Jeff Ritzmann - September 20, 2019

Seriah is joined by Jeff Ritzmann to discuss the themes and symbolism present in the AMC show, Lodge 49. They discuss the ideas of Liminality, Alchemy, and much more...

Outro Music is Black Eyes by David Wirsig


Listener Stories - Invisible Guests - September 17, 2019

A few very strange stories from listeners that are discussed by Seriah, Wren, Adam, and Russ. Shadow People, Guardian Angels, and some Invisible Visitors in the woods...

Outro Music is "The Dance (Drums)" from Moth Masque



Swapcast with Conspirinormal - September 13, 2019

Seriah joins the guys from Conspirinormal to discuss some of his thoughts on Sex Magick (nothing overly explicit but not for the younger audience obviously), the Occult, and the nature of paranormal entertainment. We also speak about some of his experiences with the Occult and his personal journey with it. We then proceed to discuss how some of how anti-occult material can lead as a gateway to further study of the Occult and Hermeticsim. Plus they drop some New Thought knowledge on Seriah.

Outro Music is Whirring World from Psyche Corporation.



Exploring the Fringe...