Seriah, along with Wren Collier and Adam Sayne discuss a selection of stories related by listeners. We deal with stories about anomalous lights, Shadow Birds and Shadow People, and a Toilet Elf!
Outro Music is Whirring World by Psyche Corporation.
Exploring the Fringe...
Shows from 2019
Seriah, along with Wren Collier and Adam Sayne discuss a selection of stories related by listeners. We deal with stories about anomalous lights, Shadow Birds and Shadow People, and a Toilet Elf!
Outro Music is Whirring World by Psyche Corporation.
Seriah, along with Wren Collier and Adam Sayne discuss a selection of stories related by listeners. We deal with stories about anomalous lights, Shadow Birds and Shadow People, and a Toilet Elf!
Outro Music is Whirring World by Psyche Corporation.
Seriah is joined by Jamie Kimball who talks about his various experiences with UFO's, electrical disturbances, Sleep Paralysis, Shadow people, astral travel, and more...
Outro Music by Magic Circle, Gone Again, from their CD Departed Souls.
Mark Brady joins Seriah to talk about his sighting of the Phoenix Lights, A Ghost of Corregidor, and a Dream visit visit from his friend's stillborn son...
Outro Music, Whirring World, by Psyche Corporation.
John Lordan (LordanArts) joins Seriah to talk True Crime, what happened to Elisa Gomez, and why he does all this, and more...
Outro Music is On Down the Road from 50 Dollar Dynasty.
Jeff Ritzmann returns to the show to talk about his ghost hunting work in Gettysburg, with 3D mapping and more. The conversation also turns to liminality, high strangeness, and UFO's...
Outro Music is Fire by DramaScream.
Seriah is joined again by Walter Bosley, who speaks about his latest Secret Missions book, The Esoteric Napoleon. They discuss the character assassination that has taken place since his defeat, what he may have REALLY been looking for in Malta, and in Egypt, what may have happened inside the Great Pyramid, and much more...
Outro Music is Dangerous Man by Island of Doubt.
After a brief talk about Paramania, and summoning Angels, we get into some listener stories, we talk of strange babies, Shadow People, and Sleep Paralysis, among others...
Outro Music: Nightmares by Psyche Corporation.
Seriah is joined by Louis Proud to talk about his latest book, Borderland Phenomena - Volume One. They talk about Spontaneous Human Combustion, Electric People, Ball Lightning, Plasma Intelligence, Poltergeists, and much more...
Outro Music by Micah Hanks, Never Without You
Hosts of the YouTube channel Reicher and Stark join Seriah to talk about their strange experiences, Time Loops, Alternate Realities, UFO's, Out of Body Experiences, and much more...
Outro Music is Strange Machine by Psyche Corporation