Dr. Jack Hunter is an Anthropologist who researches the Paranormal. His latest book, Greening the Paranormal, is a compilation of essays on how we connect with the planet and nature, and the how it affects extraordinary experiences. We talk about the array of subjects covered in the book, and delve deep into what may be the underpinnings of these experiences.
Seriah is joined by Joshua Cutchin, RPJ, and Michael Hughes as they discuss various Fortean based books that got them interested in this stuff, as well as books they think are important for people to read.
The list we talk about, thanks to Richie Dagger on Facebook....
Encounters with UFO's by John Weldon & Zola Levitt Los Ovni y la Arqueologia de Mexico by Pedro Ferriz & Christian Siruguet Gods and Spacemen in the Ancient East by W. Raymond Drake Unexplained! Strange Sightings, Incredible Occurrences, & Puzzling Physical Phenomena by Jerome Clark Stranger Than Science: A Fantastic Yet Factual Collection of Fascinating Stories Taken from Life by Frank Edwards Sasquatch: Enigma Antropologico by Renzo Cantagalli The Loch Ness Monster by Tim Dinsdale Mysteries of the Unexplained: Ordinary Men and Women Have Experience the Strange, the Uncanny, and the Incredible by Carroll C. Calkins (editor) Daimonic Reality: A Field Guide to the Otherworld by Patrick Harpur Secret Cypher of the UFOnauts by Allen H. Greenfield Caballo de Troya by Juan Jose Benitez The Magician's Dictionary: An Apocalyptic Cyclopaedia of Advanced Magi(k)al Arts and Alternate Meanings by E. E. Rehmus non-specific works authored by Mike Clelland The Secret Teaching of All Ages by Manly P. Hall Communion: A True Story by Whitley Strieber Intruders: The Incredible Visitations at Copley Woods by Budd Hopkins Taken: Inside the Alien-Human Abduction Agenda and Masquerade of Angels by Karla Turner Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul by Jane Roberts non-specific works authored by Rosemary Ellen Guiley Center of the Cyclone: Looking into Inner Space by John C. Lilly non-specific works authored by Carlos Castaneda The Omega Project: Near-Death Experiences, UFO Encounters, and Mind at Large by Kenneth Ring The Fairy-Faith in Celtic Countries by Walter Evans Wentz Project Beta: The Story of Paul Bennewitz, National Security, and the Creation of the Modern UFO Myth by Greg Bishop
Outro Music by From Space, "It was Pulsating (In the Sky)"
Peter joins Seriah in studio to talk about the way the UFO seems to be perceived today, how the NY Times article changed things, Project Blue Book, and much more...
This is the final part for now in this series. This time, Seriah is joined by the Snake Brothers, and a short while in, Timothy Renner. They explore various ideas and theories, and delve into the Folklore around missing people and people getting lost...
Outro Music, Leaves about our Feet, We Reached for the Moon by Stone Breath.
Angel Hammer (real name) joins Seriah to talk about her new book, Companion of the Dead, about the strange experiences she has had throughout her life.
Seriah is joined by The Snake Brothers to further discuss the Missing 411 phenomena, and take it apart to try and find better questions to ask about it, and more reliable patterns.
Seriah is joined by The Snake Brothers to discuss the Missing 411 phenomena, and take it apart to try and find better questions to ask about it, and more reliable patterns.
This is a very casual conversation with Seriah, Gwen, and Roejen, which is a follow-up on the show on Sex Magick that Roejen did on his show, Project Archivist. The focus is more on Tantras, the repressive view of sex in Western culture, and the false ideas that this tends to implant in the society as a whole.