Shows from 2016

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Main Shows from 2016.

The House of Fire and Whispers with Jenny Ashford and Steve Mera - October 29, 2016

fire.JPGAuthor Jenny Ashford and Investigator Steve Mera join me to talk about their book, The House of Fire and Whispers, which details the investigation of the Seattle Demon House. Pretty amazing case...



Jenny Ashford is a horror and paranormal writer, and a graphic designer. Her books include two paranormal works, The Rochdale Poltergeist (with Steve Mera) and The Mammoth Mountain Poltergeist (with Tom Ross). Her other books include the horror novels Red Menace, Bellwether, The Five Poisons, and The Tenebrist, and two short-story collections, Hopeful Monsters and The Associated Villainies. Her horror blog,, contains current writing news, short stories and articles, and her opinions about horror films and the genre in general.

Steve Mera is a parapsychologist, paranormal investigator, freelance journalist, international lecturer, and tutor. He is the owner of the free monthly publication known as Phenomena Magazine, chairman of Manchester’s Association of Paranormal Investigation and Training, and founder of the Scientific Establishment of Parapsychology in Manchester, England. He is the author of three books—Strange Happenings: Memoirs of a Paranormal Investigator; Paranormal Insight: A Concise Study of the Strange and Profound; and The Paranormal Investigators Handbook: A Professional Look at the Subject of Ghosthunting—and the co-author of The Rochdale Poltergeist, with Jenny Ashford. He has appeared on over 90 TV shows and series, over 100 radio stations, and has published articles in over 300 publications internationally.

Time Travel with Micah Hanks - October 22, 2016

MH-Site-About-961x1024.jpgMicah Hanks joins me to discuss the possibility of Time Travel, and what problems we may have ever achieving it. We also delve into the role of consciousness and whether time is a real thing or not. Find Micah at


End song by Micah, "Never Without You".

The Brimstone Deceit with Joshua Cutchin - October 17, 2016

Brimstone Deceit

Joshua Cutchin joins me to talk about his latest book, The Brimstone Deceit: An In-Depth Examination of Supernatural Scents, Otherworldly Odors, and Monstrous Miasmas, which deals with smells associated with the Paranormal. Seems simple, but it is a fascinating and revealing exploration and may give us some keys to what is going on...


End Music from Joshua's Half Dozen Brass Band "Loa Dance" from their album Cold Six, available on Amazon

True Ghost Stories, Campfire Tales 5 with Jim Harold

True Ghost Stories

Jim Harold joins the show to talk about his latest book, True Ghost Stories: Jim Harold's Campfire Vol 5. We talk ghosts, high strangeness, weird stories, black-eyed kids, and much more. Check out for his podcasts and more. 


Outro music by David Wirsig "Black Eyes", from his Sunken CD EP. Check him out on Bandcamp!

Demons and Exorcism Roundtable Discussion - October 1, 2016


On this roundtable, we discuss Demons and Demonic, a subject suggested by one of our Patreons. We discuss the orgin of Demons, Exorcism, the concept of Evil itself, and much more...I am joined by Joshua Cutchin, Red Pill Junkie, and Micahel M. Hughes.


Outro Music by One-Eyed Doll "Afflicted"

John Lordan on Elisa Lam - September 24, 2016


John Lordan is an Actor, Independent Producer, Director, Writer, Entertainment Technologist, Inventor, Overlord of GeekendorX the YouTube Channel (now renamed LordanArts), and aspiring one man production company. John has done pretty thorough research on various strange disappearances and deaths on his YouTube channel, in the Brainscratch section. We spend this show going over the actual facts of the Elisa Lam case, which are often misrepresented. 


Ending music for this show is by Sleestack "Blacklight Communion" from their 2012 Book of Hours CD.

Roundtable: Missing People, New Tech, SETI, and Clowns... - September 18, 2016


On this roundtable we talk about a bunch of news articles and what they may mean to the bigger picture. We talk about why people really go missing in National Parks, and why so many may be of German heritage, The mysterious Clown scares in South Carolina, The tardigrade genome, the latest SETI signal, EM Drive, and much more... I am joined as usual by Red Pill Junkie, Joshua Cutchin, and Michael M Hughes. 



High Strangeness with Jeff Ritzman, Roejen Razorwire, and Joshua Cutchin - September 10, 2016

Project ArchivistIn some ways, this is a part 2. I (Seriah) was on Project Archivist along with Jeff Ritzmann just before we went live with this show. You can hear that show here. You don't need to listen to it first, but they should compliment each other well. Between the shows, we lost Lobo, and gained Joshua Cutchin. We then talked about the nature of paranormal experience, why it is draw in by Anti-Structure, thoughts on Magick, the nature of Reality, Consiousness, and much more. 


Ending music: Sanjuro Fields "This Ship I Call a Skull". 

Steph Young on Nightmares in the Woods: Part 2 - August 27, 2016

Nightmares in the Woods

Steph Young returns to the show to talk about one of her more recent books, Nightmares in the Woods. We talk about Count of Saint Germain, The Pied Piper, Weirdness at Crater Lake, Theories of why water is involved, and The Riddle of the Body Parts.  


Steph Young on Nightmares in the Woods: Part 1 - August 27, 2016

Nightmares in the Woods

Steph Young returns to the show to talk about one of her more recent books, Nightmares in the Woods. We talk about The Whispering People of Malaysian Legend, and their connection to Fairies. Lost people and their tragic remains, and the explorer who went off to find proof of an M Shaped cave he claimed to have encountered, and then he disappeared. 


Also, the YouTube channel mentioned at the end of the show is actually, GeekenDorx.

Exploring the Fringe...