Shows from 2016

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Demons in Seattle with Keith Linder - Part 1: December 10, 2016

Keith.jpgKeith Linder lived in a very haunted house, known as the Seattle Demon House, or simply as Demons in Seattle, Keith and others had an array of experiences in the house over the course of a few years. and numerous paranormal groups have confirmed this activity with a plethora of evidence. We talked with Jenny Ashford and Steve Mera previously on the show about Steve's investigation of this case, and now Keith fills in the rest. This is Part 1 of 2, the second part will be up next week. Patreons will have PT 2 right away.






Links, Courtesy of Keith


Keith's YouTube

Baby Doll Video

Sounds from the House

House Attack

History of Bone Black

Bone Black

US Teams Niki Novelle and Karissa Fleck Involvement

UK Team Involvement

More Evidence

Offical UK Report










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