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Owls, Hatman, and Hauntings - Jan 11, 2025

Seriah is joined by Mark Wyatt and Janice. Topics include the mind/body/spirit scene in the UK, meditation, fake gurus, manifestation, an encounter with a huge owl at a crossroads, building a stone circle, King Arthur, the goddess Hecate, inspiration to write, Aleister Crowley, “Wyatt’s Weird World” book, Jim Harold’s “The Camp Fire” podcast, a story triggering a buried memory, repetitive bizarre dreams, astral travel, Adam Sayne’s “Strange Realities” podcast, Neal Ward English paranormal investigator, the gun powder ghost, meeting in a dream before meeting in real life, traveling to America, an experience with a strange light, a disturbing Hat Man encounter, clairaudience phenomena, strange American disembodied voices, moving residences, ghost encounters, unexplainable radio activation, feelings of being watched, taunting a poltergeist leads to injury, apparitions in a haunted house, moving a jacket leads to strange activity, weird encounters in a cemetery, skipping a cleansing ritual leads to being followed home and having disturbing experiences, anomalous doorbell ringing, unexplainable waves of fear, the fictional podcast “Shelterwood”, certain people attracting the paranormal, real estate and a psychic prediction, the ghost of a previous resident, a haunted hotel where a mad doctor had done experiments, ghost hunting tours, Wyatt getting possessed by an angry spirit, voices and noises that they could hear but nobody else could, tommy knockers and Cornish miners in Britain and America, a photo of a ghost, ghosts that look like grey pencil drawings, a bizarre encounter with a strange entity in the trees while hiking, Bigfoot outside of the wilderness, and much more! This is fascinating conversation!



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