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About This Show

When it comes to unexplained phenomena, it is just that. Unexplained. We try to approach this from as many different ways as possible, and to throw out the assumptions that have driven research for a very long time. These strange experiences people have, no matter what you want to label or catagorize them as, are real in some way. They have been reported throughout history and across cultures. If nothing else, they are a very Human experience. None of the theories we have may even come close to divining what we are actually experiencing, if they did, we would have some answers. We do not know what Reality is, what life or death are, or truly why we are here. We do know that our senses filter much out, and our memories do not work like we think they do. New approaches are needed if we are ever to make any progress at all in understanding what we are interacting with. Some of that comes from understanding ourselves, and some of that comes from having a truly open mind in confronting those things that defy explanation. We need new eyes, perspectives, and better questions. That is the goal of Where Did the Road Go? To go places that have not been tread before, and explore new things from new angles. To leave the well worn road, and wander...

Listener Stories - Aug 20, 2022

Seriah is joined by Chris Ernst and Super Infra Man to read and discuss listener stories. Topics include a bizarre encounter with a medium/psychic, free will vs. predistination, the nature of time and reality, energy "sucking", chakras, experiences with unexplainable true predictions, "fixed points", a Vedic analogy for free will and karma, a vintage ouija board story that must be heard, Paul Weston, Glastonbury, paranormal events during and after a trip to plantations and graveyards, a disturbing shadow person entity, a hostile encounter with a spirit eagle on a Native American reservation, a huge humanoid running along the freeway, a terrifying experience at the scene of a tragedy, unexplainable handprints, poltergeist activity, weird areas of New Mexico, lights vs. eyes, Pukwudgies, egregores, the appearance of a strange woman co-inciding with a sudden fever, a bizarre encounter in the Philippines involving a weird man and dogs, Aswangs,vistations from the deceased, Odin, dreams, hypnagogic states, "the time I met God", LSD, universal knowledge, psychedelics and/or meditation, consciousness, illusions encountered during trips, "Yogi Medicine", a fascinating anecdote from Ram Dass, plusses and minuses of psychedlic use, personal experiences, Jeff Kripal and Kali, the Yogic conception of each human having multiple types of bodies, disembodied voices and paranormal activity in an apartment, a hat man visit, "Mother Goose" and strange music, a camper encounters a goblin-like entity, the light spectrum, a bizarre Irish experience involving Fae music and a dancing jacket, a visit from a weird threatening entity, life stress and the paranormal, liminality, and much more! These are some fascinating stories and engrossing discussion!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast


Outro Music by Vrangvendt with the song "What Happiness Feels Like"


The Very Strange Experiences of AP Strange - Aug 13, 2022

Seriah is joined by Chris Ernst, Super Infra Man, and AP Strange for a wide-ranging discussion. Topics include the Magonia Research Group, social media, Liminal Earth, Keel's theory of UFOs appearing most on Wednesdays, maps, Jorge Luis Borges, broccoli wizards, strangely misplaced fruits and vegetables, Fae encounters, a strange personal experience involving traffic and weird weather, static electricity and lightning, musicians as shamans, group dynamics in musical performance, a childhood encounter with luminous entities, a vision of a future McDonald's, dreams, premonitions, astral projection, reincarnation, preparations for the afterlife, disembodied voices, a bizarre encounter with a clock-radio, Seriah's fire alarm and weird dream experience, poltergeist activity, levitating objects, a haunted convenience store and the "slushpuppy ghost", paranormal movies from the 1980's, bigfoot and orbs, a strange experience with an interactive UFO while driving, synchronicities, Beat-era poetry and a weird coincidence, the book "Alien Animals", a 1800's report of a bizarre green object referred to as a moon and an angel, and much more! This is some fascinating conversation!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music is Cowboy Matt Hopewell with New Old School.



ET's and Disenchantment - Aug 6, 2022

Seriah is joined by Red Pill Junkie and Chris Ernst for an eclectic discussion. Topics include re-enchantment, debunking, a fake bigfoot skull, To The Stars Academy, the Extra-Terrestrial Hypothesis (ETH), Fae folklore, Djinn, the search for alien technology, bigfoot as a natural animal, high strangeness, the enlightenment mindset of science vs. religion, "woo" in the paranormal community, New Age grifters and con-jobs, modern-day dinosaurs, Ancient Aliens, possible pre-ice age civilizations, academic hubris, Rupert Sheldrake's morphogenic field, defining "advanced" among cultures, Graham Hancock, Philip Coppens, archeological discoveries of ancient cities and monuments, Dr. Ardy Sixkiller Clarke, archeology vs. Native peoples' beliefs, Solomonic magick, Greco-Roman biases in anthropology, Oumuamua, Jacques Vallee, J. Allen Hynek, allegations of deals between President Eisenhower and aliens, exotic materials, Elon Musk, the limitations of human knowledge, dark matter, consciousness, material-reductionism, Jeffrey Kripal, Jeff Ritzmann, the paranormal and the personal, Vallee's account of a French farmer encountering entities in a field and being transformed, alien experiences and NDEs, Joshua Cutchin, UFOs and the death experience, Whitley Strieber, electronic recording and life after death, late 1800's- early 1900's Spiritualism, John Lear, the movie "Final Fantasy", Star Trek and its influence on paranormal thinking, Frank Herbert, Adam Gorightly, 1930's and 40's pulp sci-fi and its influence on perceptions of UFO phenomenon, Leonard H. Stringfield and military UFO stories, and much more! Completely fascinating conversation!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music by 50 Dollar Dynasty with Where the Stories Lie



Wandering the Dark Road - July 16, 2022

Seriah is joined by a crack team: Nathan Issacs, Taylor Bell, Chris Ernst, Octavian Graves, and Super_Inframan. Fascinating, wide-ranging discussion ensues. Topics include the Georgia Guidestones and their recent destruction, "R.C. Christian", Dr. Future, "Dark Clouds Over Elberton" documentary, eugenics and extreme-right politics, the GG's time capsule, Candace Taylor, second satanic panic, the Draper family in Kentucky, mythologies of Grey Aliens, Dan Burisch, Project Camelot, Bill Ryan, blue avions, Gaia TV, Coast to Coast AM, unsolved murders in Somerset KY, Clinton Kennedy Cundiff, the documentary "Hail Satan", the Satanic Temple, Anton Lavey and the Church of Satan, Michael Aquino and the Temple of Set, historical evolutions of God and Satan, Ashtoreth, Pharaoh Akhenaten and monotheism, grimoires, Alister Crowley, right and left hand path occultism, ceremonial magick, chaos magick, Dr. Stephen Skinner, the Bate Cabal, the "Green Man Cult", Welsh magicians in Somerset KY, randomness, art and magic, Peter J. Carroll, occult electronic machine art, Dan Dutton, magic in art, the child ballads and Wicca, art movements and magical revivals, John Cage and experimental jazz, the situationalist and surrealist artists, a deep mushroom experience, Robert Anton Wilson, ceremonial magick and paranormal beings, culturally instilled fears of occult subjects, ADHD and ceremonial magick, Grant Morrison, Jack Kirby, the "motherbox", sigils in different contexts, tulpas, data mining and the paranormal, AI and magick, internet egregores, computers doing rituals, Michael Hughes, magical rituals to influence politics, data analyics and the occult, electronic divination, the CCRU and Nick Land, accelerationism, neo-fascism, bitcoin, transhumanism, altering consciousness through technology, and much more! TBH, this episode is about as good as it gets!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music is The Scarlet Ending with Such a Shame



Mysteries of the Unexplained: Part 1 - June 4, 2022

Seriah hosts a round table discussion featuring Taylor Bell, Chris Ernst, Octavion Graves, and Timothy Renner. Topics, drawn from the classic "Reader's Digest Mysteries of the Unexplained", include bizarre hoofprints in rural England, a 16th century British explorer's reports of cryptids in Africa, a massive worm in Brazil, a bigfoot wielding a club, wild men wearing clothes, bigfoot and UFOs, spectral bigfoot, the Society for the Investigation of The Unexplained {SITU}, bigfoot and magick, possible purposes of tree structures, a very weird experience, a gunpoint encounter with a female bigfoot, Jerry Crew, a modern Native American man abducted by bigfoots, bigfoot kidnappings, bigfoot and the Fae, bigfoot auditory encounters, red eyes in the woods, bigfoot encounter by Chinese Communists, the Yeren, an extensive official scientific search by the Chinese government, red-haired giants, alleged Smithsonian Institution cover-ups, Dr. Bryan Sykes, an undiscovered bear, very large humans, giants in folklore, non-Homo Sapien ancient humans, Andrew Collins and Gregory L Little, a bigfoot hit by a car, bigfoot break-ins, hair and blood evidence, and much more! This is a fascinating conversation, not be missed!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell

Outro Music is What Happiness Feels Like from Vrangvendt. Their music is also available on all the common streaming services as well!



Strange Disappearances - Part 2 of 2: May 15, 2022

Seriah is joined by Chris Ernst and Octavion Graves to continue the discussion of Brad Steiger's book Strange Disappearances. Topics include Brad Steiger himself, objects falling from the sky- including monkeys, salamanders, meat, and a huge non-meteorite stone; angel hair phenomenon, rains of blood, a mysterious dead elephant, the impossible appearance and disappearance of a tiger in Britain, a man disappearing in South Africa and awaking in the U.S., the sudden appearance of a naked man, amnesia, the "devil's breath" drug-induced robberies, an Irish boy who disappears in America and reappears in South Africa, a man who shows up in Germany claiming to be from a country and city that don't exist, people who speak only non-existent languages, visitors from Venus, the green children, a disappearance/re-appearance from New Zealand to London, UK; abductions and returns, bizarre amounts of ice falling from the sky, anomalous weather, strangely targeted falls of weird inanimate objects, the waterspout explanation for falls of small water creatures, the Solway spaceman picture and it's strange connections, photographic anomalies and fakery, analog vs. digital photography and film, the Patterson-Gimlin film, problems of evidence and fakery, Octavion's experience on a ghost tour, Greg Bishop's It Defies Language, bizarre shootings where no bullet is ever found, sporadic waves of window shatterings, epidemics of windshield breaking and pitting, a "dinosaur" or dragon in 1970 Italy, demonology, paranormal publishing, John Keel, and much more! This is some fascinating, wide-ranging discussion.

- Recap by Vincent Treewell

Outro Music is In Coldness from ...And Here I Lie



Strange Disappearances: Part 1 - April 30, 2022

Seriah hosts Chris Ernst, Super Infra Man, and Taylor Bell for a discussion of Brad Steiger's 1972 book "Strange Disappearances". Topics include vintage Fortean writings, David Paulides, Donald Lee Baker and Brenda Howell, Devil's Den AR, Terry Lovelace, strange companions that assist lost people, Charles Holden, Mendocino Triangle, "alien" abduction experiences, ritual and paranormal encounters, Captain Charles G. Reed, UFOs and disappearances, ball lightning, fata morgana, USOs, Thor Heyerdahl, Polynesian navigation using undersea lights, te lapa, a car vanishing into the Los Angelos sewers, time storms, seven missing truckers (and trucks) in a short time in the UK, a vanishing man in a cape, Batman in movies and comics, Dixie Lee Arensen, Thomas "Tommy" Eldon Bowman, a possible confession by a serial killer, strange letters, Earl and Dolly Kirk, mundane explanations, Thomas P. Meehan's bizarre death and timeline, Cotard's Syndrome, Per "Dead" Ohlin, the film "After Life" starring Christina Ricci, Peggy Bueller and the disappearance of Patricia Meehan, false serial killer confessions, Henry Lee Lucas, missing time in a forest, and much more!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell

Outro Music is Away by Eden Cantu



Weird Locations, Strange Geometry, and Magick - Feb 26, 2022

Seriah welcomes Taylor Bell, Wren Collier, and Chris Ernst for wide-ranging discussion. Topics include "the Skinwalker Ranch of the South", a magickal ritual performed at night, spirit boxes, "living geometry", glow worms, synchronicities, vampire and Fae folklore surrounding counting, Nathan Issacs and "Penny Royal", co-creation of paranormal phenomena, guidance from the higher self, the human body as a portal, death and the paranormal, ghost hunting paraphernalia, reincarnation and other realms, Nag Hammadi scrolls and Gnostic appocryphal texts, a possible 5 dimensional universe, new age vibration theory, the subtle body and subtle organs, the reality of the imaginal, multi-dimensional sigils, inner monologue and intuition and language, the Tower of Babel, Ramsey Dukes, communication without verbal language, telepathy, "Amazon Beaming" by Petru Popescu, an encounter with the spirit of a dead friend, Terence McKenna, untranslatable/inexpressible ideas, oral vs. written language, "The Bicameral Mind" by Julian Jaynes, the multiple minds within our personalities, ancient ways of thinking, dreams, visualization in sports, and much more!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell

Outro Music is Lee Lee the Wondergirl from Psyche Corporation




AMA Show Part 2 - Feb 5, 2022

Seriah welcomes Christopher Ernst and super_inframan to an Ask Me Anything episode. Topics include Gef the Talking Mongoose, "Archive 81", "No One Gets Out Alive", a ritual to induce paranormal activity, egregores and tulpas, poltergeists and imaginary friends, visualization leading to manifestation, "Hellier", Allen Greenfield, synchronicities vs. coincidences, some personal experiences, the Fibonacci number, Indrid Cold, Woodrow Derenberger, Gray Barker, contactee experiences, the posible influence of involuntary dosing with psychedelic's, Second Order Cybernetics, Nathan Isaac, Paul Kimball, synchronistic weather, Stephanie Quick, "Tik-Tok Synchromystics", technology in mystical practice, Randonautica, UFO abduction experiences, Terry Lovelace, "Incident at Devil's Den", Milabs, abduction as shamanic awakening, "Witness to Another World", Betty Andreasson, ancient Greys, Betty and Barney Hill, Whitley Strieber, Anjali Schultz, Travis Walton, channeled material from Seth through Jane Roberts, time as an illusion, retro-causality, simulation theory, "The Holographic Universe" by Michael Talbot, "Dust" audio-drama podcast, "Behind the Hatch", written by Jamie Killen, "Mirrors" audio-drama, "Sandman Slim" by Richard Kadrey, today's world as a cyberpunk dystopia, J.G. Ballard, "Demolition Man", "Idiocracy", "Don't Look Up", psychic impressions and alcohol use, sex and chi/life-energy, kundalini, puritanical beliefs, 3 types of sex, "The Magus of Java", Mo-Pai, and much more! This is fascinating, wide-ranging discussion!

- Vincent Treewell

Outro Music is All the Miles by Fifty Dollar Dynasty


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