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When it comes to unexplained phenomena, it is just that. Unexplained. We try to approach this from as many different ways as possible, and to throw out the assumptions that have driven research for a very long time. These strange experiences people have, no matter what you want to label or catagorize them as, are real in some way. They have been reported throughout history and across cultures. If nothing else, they are a very Human experience. None of the theories we have may even come close to divining what we are actually experiencing, if they did, we would have some answers. We do not know what Reality is, what life or death are, or truly why we are here. We do know that our senses filter much out, and our memories do not work like we think they do. New approaches are needed if we are ever to make any progress at all in understanding what we are interacting with. Some of that comes from understanding ourselves, and some of that comes from having a truly open mind in confronting those things that defy explanation. We need new eyes, perspectives, and better questions. That is the goal of Where Did the Road Go? To go places that have not been tread before, and explore new things from new angles. To leave the well worn road, and wander...

Year End Super Roundtable: Part 2 - Jan 7, 2023

Seriah hosts the continuation of the 2022 in Review Round Table with guests A.P Strange, Super Inframan, Red Pill Junkie, and Christopher Ernst. Topics include the late Professor Frank Drake and the Drake Equation, SETI, The 1997 film “Contact” (starring Jodie Foster, based on a novel by Carl Sagan), NASA’s new announcement of its intention to investigate UAPs, President Jimmy Carter’s attempts at greater UFO transparency, Jacques Vallee getting stone-walled by NASA, a potential space-race with China, “Superman IV”, Congressional hearings on UFOs, UAPs as foreign (human) intelligence and surveillance, former fighter pilot Lt. Ryan Graves, classified projects done by corporations, plausible deniability, the Wilson memo, congress creating a channel for UFO whistle-blowers, a delayed final report on UAP sightings in the military, the USS Nimitz and media ridicule, the Calvine UFO photo, Nick Pope, Professor Avi Loeb’s search for a crashed extraterrestrial tech object in Papua New Guinea, the 1959 encounter with Rev. William Gill and high strangeness, NASA’s successful deflection of an asteroid, denial of asteroid cataclysm, the Tunguska event in 1908 Russia and its fortunate placement, Charles Berlitz, Nikola Tesla, the Chicxulub asteroid impact in the Yucatan Peninsula, Blake Lemoine and alleged Google sentient AI, Cristóbal de las Casas and the souls of Indigenous people, the Ufological Tarot Deck project, comic artist Mark Gruenwald’s cremation and ashes mixed into his final work, the partial release of JFK assassination documents, George H.W. Bush, John Foster Dulles, a humorous Aleister Crowley story, “Two Flat Earthers Kidnap a Freemason” and “Subjective Truth” podcasts, a tragic but bizarre story of a woman killed by an elephant, strange incidents of groups of animals walking in circles, unintended consequences of electronic waves, rising population, nuclear fusion, economic inequality, possible lunar and asteroid mining, “Ancient Apocalypse” and Graham Hancock, manipulation of information and theories by racists, biases in academia, geologist Robert M. Schoch, archeologist Virginia Steen-McIntyre’s controversial work with ancient footprints in Mexico, and much more! This some wide-ranging, fascinating discussion!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music is "Hollow" by New Animal




Year End Super Roundtable: Part 1 - Dec 31, 2022

Seriah is joined by Taylor, Super Inframan, Chris Ernst, Red Pill Junkie, and A.P. Strange for an end of the year super round table episode. Topics include the bombing of the Georgia Guide Stones and the political/religious hysteria surrounding it, Consprinormal and Dr. Future, “Dark Clouds Over Elberton”, Rosicrucianism, the death of Betty Andreasson, mystic visions, alien/human hybrids, the Shaker religious community, Raymond E. Fowler, John G. Fuller, Betty and Barney Hill, hybrid young with the “other” in Celtic folklore and Greco-Roman mythology, Biblical fallen angels, “The Watchers”, the death of high strangeness experiencer Alta Dillard, the death of John Lear, Coast-to-Coast AM and Art Bell, the O.H. Krill papers, William Cooper, UFO/Alien disinformation, “Saucers, Spooks, and Kooks” by Adam Gorightly, Aaron Gulyas, Bob Lazar, the CIA, a soul-catching machine on the moon, Carlos Castaneda and Whitley Strieber’s concerns over “entering the light” at the point of death, the death of Linda Godfrey, the Beast of Bray Road, Dogman, the death of Brazilian researcher A.J. Gevaerd, the 1996 Varginha Brazil strange entity encounter, James Fox and “Moment of Contact”, Antonio Vilas-Boas, the endless baiting of “disclosure”, paranormal incidents and the local tourist economies, the “Chupa-Chupas” and Operation Saucer in Brazil, the Ant People of the Navajo, lore of underground cities, “Ancient Apocalypse” and Graham Hancock, Mount Shasta and the Lemurians, Sedona AZ, Nation Of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan’s UFO encounter in Tepotzlan Mexico, Dr. Stephen Finley, Jeremy Vaeni, “Aliens: the First and Final Disclosure”, mundane astrology, astrological conjunctions in the near future involving technology, nuclear fusion, the planet/non-planet Pluto, the Pioneer space probe, the difficulties of communicating with a truly alien intelligence, origins of life, panspermia, engineered seeds spread throughout the cosmos, the tenacity of life, DNA, imagery in DMT visions, esoteric laws affecting physical laws, the Vedic concepts of three bodies and three worlds/spheres, the nature of Fate, Jacques Vallee’s concept of a “control system”, Seriah’s recommendation for “ars PARADOXICA”, ecosystems, the death of James Lovelock, the Gaia hypothesis, the documentary film “Ariel Phenomenon” about an encounter in 1994 in Zimbabwe between dozens of school children and apparently non-human entities, Dr. John Mack, Randall Nickerson, Chris Ernst’s documentary on WDTRG, Jordan Peele’s “Nope”, the purposes of gathering evidence of paranormal phenomena, disclosure and authority, Dr. Avi Loeb and a possible extraterrestrial tech object on the ocean floor, and much more! This is riveting discussion at its best!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro music is from Vrangvendt with Sinful Nature



Ancient Apocalypse Roundtable - Dec 3, 2022

Seriah is joined by Christopher Ernst, Taylor Bell, Octavian Graves, and Ian Burton to discuss Graham Hancock’s Netflix series “Ancient Apocalypse”. Topics include talk radio, podcasting, Randall Carlson, Joe Rogan, racist tropes in alternative history/archeology, the Ethiopian Coptic Church, comet and meteor strikes, the last ice age, recently discovered ancient sites, Graham Hancock’s books, marijuana, Ayahuasca, Robert M. Schoch, geology vs archeology, a possible ancient civilization destroyed by cataclysm, the scablands, gradualism vs catastrophe, the Snake Brothers, research rejected by academia, the scientific method, anomalous evidence, plate tectonics, doing accurate research, problems with unsourced internet information, agendas in archeology and Egyptology, social scapegoating in human nature, Immanuel Velikovsky, respecting vs dismissing ancient stories, temples uncovered by a tsunami, David Hatcher Childress, Gobekli Tepe, parallels between artifacts from ancient Latin America and Ancient China, tunnel vision in academia, Jordan Peterson, far-right infiltration of alternative research, the dilemma of choosing media platforms, Terence McKenna, “News Radio”, Bob Lazar, Michael Shermer, the age of the Sphynx, John Keel and bitterness with the establishment, “type A and type B" scientists, the progression of advancement in science by generational change, Bigfoot hunting, Ivan T. Sanderson, vanishing evidence, ancient giants across cultures, Greg Little, Serpent Mound, giants and the Bible, Viracocha and Indigenous Latin American religion, folklore of white-skinned red-haired giants in ancient America, Moon-eyed people, colonialist reinterpretation of Indigenous beliefs, race as a cultural construct, the politics of Egyptology, remnants of an ancient culture distributing information to later peoples, the subjective nature of being a giant, pro wrestling, the societal rebellion against expertise, the “Bosnian Pyramids”, the psychologists who wrote “The Invisible Gorilla”, Egyptian Minister of Antiquities Zahi Hawass, colonialism and anti-colonialism in archaeological research, skeptics vs debunkers, resistance to innovation in science, the negative influence of billionaires, Jacques Vallee and internet search engines, cover-ups of astronomical anomalies, Dr. X, and much more! This is a fascinating round table discussion!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro music by Vrangvendt with Turn to Glass




Mysteries of the Unexplained: Part 3 - Nov 19, 2022

Seriah is joined by Christopher Ernst, Octavian, and Taylor Bell to discuss stories from the 1982 Fortean classic “Reader’s Digest Mysteries of the Unexplained”. Topics include anomalies, strange footprints, White Sands NM, possible objects left by time travelers, ancient technology, catastrophe and the archeological record, bizarre skeletons, lost races of giants, horned skulls, the Smithsonian Institution, Greg Bishop, fanatical debunking and the disappearance of artifacts and evidence, Richard J. Dewhurst, Neanderthals, Denisovans, other “breeds” of humans, mutations, a very tiny mummified corpse, Buddhist monks voluntarily leaving their physical bodies, Steven Greer’s “alien” fetus fiasco, the 1996 version of “The Island of Doctor Moreau” starring Marlin Brando, strange things found by miners, Lovelock Cave, red-haired giant cannibals and Native American lore, “Weird America” and Jim Brandon, myths of little people, possible abilities of ancient peoples, hidden groups of people, Ferdinand Magellan and Indigenous giants, allegations of Egyptian artifacts in the Grand Canyon, a closed and guarded area of the canyon, lost records, Roswell, secrecy vs human error, rhino skeletons found by miners in Britain, a live horned lizard found in stone, frogs and toads found inside rock, bizarrely preserved amphibians and reptiles, tiny tool artifacts, Octavian’s co-host Ian Burton pops in as special guest, unusual living newts discovered amongst fossils, amphibians and witchcraft, the last Pterodactyl found in 1800’s France, stolen art and materials sought and possessed by the ultra-rich, the one-issue Wu Tang album, celebrities dabbling in occult imagery, Beyonce, Drake, Bohemian Grove, theatre and magickal working, CERN, unexplained artifacts on the Isle of Pines, the Darwinian expectation of progress, ancient superior technologies, the Antikythera mechanism, Roman concrete, “Greek Fire”, ancient sound technology, Andrew Collins, Malta, Atlantis, the “Mirror Line” project in Saudi Arabia, attempts to re-create ancient monuments, the Olmec heads, academic disbelief in Native denials of having built massive objects, Randall Carlson, Graham Handcock, and much more! This is fascinating discussion at its best!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music is from Eliza Rickman with Black Rose



Steve Berg on Weird Nebraska - Nov 5, 2022

Seriah welcomes Fortean researcher and actor Steve Berg as well as Christopher Ernst. Topics include high strangeness in Nebraska, police patrolman Herbert Schirmer’s abduction experience, the Condon Report, R. Leo Sprinkle, hypnotic regression, Ashland Nebraska, John Keel, Hollywood and being a character actor, improvisational comedy and Magick, John E. L. Tenney, Dell Close, L. Ron Hubbard, theatre and ritual, Sammy Davis Jr. and Anton Lavey, Jacques Vallee, Skinwalker Ranch, Adam Gorightly, sense of place, local historians and librarians, Ray Boeche, an experience with a bowhunting Bigfoot witness, tree structures, mockery comedy, flesh and blood Bigfoot theory, a newly discovered bear in the Himalayas, the Goblin Universe, A.P. Strange, the ETH, simultaneous UFO and monster flaps, window areas, winged humanoids, a 1957 encounter with a humanoid wearing mechanical wings, Greg Bishop and co-creation, youth and poltergeist activity, Seriah’s autobiography, the brain’s reaction to the unknown, a 1922 flying saucer and flying humanoid encounter, Gray Barker, Linda Moulton-Howe, Christopher O’Brien, cattle mutilation, Sasquatch hunting on Native American reservations, Rezsquatching on the Omaha Reservation, tribal police interactions with Sasquatch, Seven Sisters Road, enchantment of place vs what people bring themselves, quartz, a personal experience of Chris Ernst, Jeff Ritzmann and his theory of inducing a paranormal encounter, a lake monster in the late 19th century, high strangeness in human-made crop circles, Andrew Collins, earthworks, a 1970’s UFO encounter involving slag meta-material, Stanford professor Garry Nolan studying meta-material with Jacques Vallee, apports, Diana Walsh Pasalka and gifting fields, the book “Trinity” and Paola Harris, Steven Greer and the disclosure movement, George Adamski, the Trickster phenomena among people who encounter high strangeness, the Fox sisters, hoaxing, Uri Geller, the New York Times and tic-tac UFOs, government secrecy and manipulation, UAPs and military technology, Greek Mystery schools, Jeremy Corbell, disclosure activism, Time Wave Zero theory of Terence McKenna, and much more! This is riveting discussion not to be missed!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music is The Way You Move by Mark Anthony King and Rob Mauer



AMA Show Super Roundtable - Oct 29, 2020

Seriah hosts an all-star round table (Chris Ernst, Saxon/Super Inframan, Barbara Fisher, and Greg Bishop) to answer patreons’ questions. Topics include trends in paranormal witnesses’ reports, origins of different phenomena, co-creation, rains of frogs, Whitley Streiber, mental perceptions of the unknown, witness forgetfulness, Donald Hoffman, a personal experience with a proto-shadow person, Carl Jung, archetypes, the universe as information theory, UFO materials, dark matter, apports, the effects of the internet on folklore, an AI cryptid, Loab, a personal experience of lights in the woods, the Fae/Fairy folk, folklore vs ETH, hypnotic regression and its dangers, Jenny Randles, Barbara’s personal experience with memory manipulation, value of eyewitness testimony in the legal system, Brendan Dassey, the West Memphis three, the brain and memory, NDE life review, Cherylee Black, hell, karma, the Hindu belief in humans as splinters of God, a personal experience with a Pima Native American sheriff, earliest paranormal experiences, kundalini, a personal encounter with an unknown entity, personal experiences with haunted objects, a strange vision, a bizarre UFO encounter, family tales, a bizarre old-time encounter with an “angel”, a prankster and an apparition, memories of growing up with followers of an Indian holy man, a bizarre Ouija board experience, Paul Weston and Glastonbury, a creepy disappearance of a dog, a ball lightning encounter, a personal experience with “blobby” apparitions, mundane explanations and meaning, Animism, William S. Burroughs, synchronicities, a weird divination experience, David Metcalfe, Kiki Dombrowski, good and bad streaks of experiences, structured craft UFOs, “Trinity” by Jacques Vallee and Paola Leopizzi Harris, Atomic Energy Commission, Adam Gorightly, Twin Peaks, Ivan T. Sanderson, fireballs emerging from water, Fin Handley, Saint Teresa, VR recreations of paranormal experiences, and much more! This is weird conversation at its best!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music is Whirring World by Psyche Corporation


Fin Handley's Videos which are mentioned in the show:


Lovecraft and the King in Yellow - Sept 3, 2022

Artwork by the always awesome Mister Sam Shearon. Purchase a print and check out more of his artwork at his store -

Seriah is joined by an all-star round table (Taylor Bell, Walter Bosley, Chris Ernst, and Super Infra Man) to discuss H.P. Lovecraft and his many influences and connections. Topics include Lovecraftian fiction, Robert W. Chambers, Ambrose Bierce, cosmic horror, Kenneth Grant, Dion Fortune, Aleister Crowley, synchronicities, "The Magical Revival", atheism and religious experience, Mike Clelland, paranormal entities and interactions with humans, the Aeon of Horus, artists picking up a mystical message unconsciously, muses, Robert E. Howard, the terrifying abyss of knowledge, "The King In Yellow", City of Carcosa, Lake of Hali, George R.R. Martin, "True Detective", Nic Pizzolatto, deep occult references, Epstein and Maxwell, Lovecraft Historical Society, Blue Oyster Cult, "Flaming Telepaths", film vs. VR, ritual in film, "Corpse", connections between Lovecraft and Crowley, Peter Levenda, Cthulhu, weird parallels between Crowley and Lovecraft's writings, August Derleth, "Weird Tales", Daniel Harms, Grady McMurtry, "Impossible Landscapes", "Call of Cthulhu" RPG, Lovecraft's wife Sonia Greene, Joseph Fink, "Welcome to Night Vale", writers of speculative fiction who deny any interest in the paranormal, practitioners who deny occult practice, disgraced author Jason Pargin, a Star Wars analogy, fear and denial of the paranormal, IRL dangers of occult practice, Greg Bishop, Susan Demeter, the Necronomicon, the Picatrix, Lovecraft-inspired films, "Lovecraft Country" in art and real life, a possible actual person who may have inspired Lovecraft's recurring protagonist, a tale of fascinating madness, and much more! This is fascinating discussion, not to be missed!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music is Nightmares by Psyche Corporation



Mysteries of the Unexplained: Part 2 - August 28, 2022

Seriah is joined by Red Pill Junkie, Super Infra Man, and Chris Ernst to discuss stories from the Fortean classic "Readers' Digest Mysteries of the Unexplained". Topics include a hurricane in Britain, volcanoes on the moon, ball lightning, an astronomer's sighting of a bright light on the moon, a weird fog in colonial Connecticut, W.T. Watson, a mirage of an entire city in Ireland, Jeremy Corbell and Skinwalker Ranch, Fata Morgana, Hy Brasil, co-ocurring earthquake and sunspots and howling sounds, an astronomer's sighting of a micro-planet within Earth's orbit, Tabby's Star, rogue planets, dark days and strange clouds, volcanic activity, forest fires, fire tornadoes, meteorites and lightning, the planet Vulcan, assumptions in science, big discoveries and citizen scientists, a flaming cylinder, Dr. James E. McDonald and fire tornadoes, lunar lights, energy sources on the moon, helium-3, strange bubbles, the yellow day, pyramids or horns appearing on the moon, a bizarre cloud, a wave of darkness in Oshkosh Wisconsin, a dust storm on Mars, strange episodes of darkness, causeless fires, a transient shadow on the moon, a lost Soviet Mars probe, life on Mars, Tesla's received signals, Edison vs Tesla, free energy, Marconi and the death ray, volcanoes and UFOs, the Ufology Tarot deck, a trench-digging fireball, a freakish blast of heat, a weird electrical encounter, an object orbiting Earth, activity in the solar system, a meteor in Russia, public reaction to disclosure, bizarre indoor ball lightning, Garry Nolan and Christopher "Kit" Green, and much more! This is wide-ranging, fascinating discussion!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music from DramaScream with Fire


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