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About This Show

When it comes to unexplained phenomena, it is just that. Unexplained. We try to approach this from as many different ways as possible, and to throw out the assumptions that have driven research for a very long time. These strange experiences people have, no matter what you want to label or catagorize them as, are real in some way. They have been reported throughout history and across cultures. If nothing else, they are a very Human experience. None of the theories we have may even come close to divining what we are actually experiencing, if they did, we would have some answers. We do not know what Reality is, what life or death are, or truly why we are here. We do know that our senses filter much out, and our memories do not work like we think they do. New approaches are needed if we are ever to make any progress at all in understanding what we are interacting with. Some of that comes from understanding ourselves, and some of that comes from having a truly open mind in confronting those things that defy explanation. We need new eyes, perspectives, and better questions. That is the goal of Where Did the Road Go? To go places that have not been tread before, and explore new things from new angles. To leave the well worn road, and wander...

Primer 2: UFO's, Magick, and The Electric Universe - June 8, 2024

In part 2 of the Primer episode, Seriah is joined by Chris Ernst to answer frequently asked questions about the show, its guests, and his life. Topics include WDTRG’s positions on the paranormal, artificial separations between strange phenomena, Aldus Huxley, universal truths, William James, experiences across cultures and over time, Seriah’s experience with AI predicting his career, government disclosure, disenchantment vs re-enchantment, reasonable skepticism, John Mack, Bud Hopkins, Mark Jacobs, Emma Woods, Jeff Ritzman and Jeremy Vaeni, Peter Robbins, Rendlesham Forest incident, Larry Warren, the problems with hypnotic regression, Paul Kimball, Red Pill Junkie, Mike Clelland, Jenny Randles, hypnosis and memory recovery, a video game analogy, past lives in Atlantis, Richard Doty and the gullibility of current “disclosure”, Paratopia podcast, the 2013 film “Mirage Men”, the book “Project Beta” by Greg Bishop, “Saucers, Spooks, and Kooks” by Adam Gorightly, Steve Berg, “Messengers of Deception” by Jacques Vallee, politics and its avoidance on WDTRG, free speech, Timothy Renner, Amber, religious perspectives, an analogy by Aleister Crowley, reality TV and demons, daemons vs demons, European cat murder, esoteric Nazism, better questions in the paranormal, the difficulty of establishing facts, evidence vs proof, data vs interpretation, studying the phenomena through art vs science, Steve Jobs, the “Behind the Bastards” podcast, the Seth material, the occult and magical practice, Seriah’s entry into magick, Jack Parsons and Aleister Crowley, the esoteric and the UFO phenomenon, memories and false memories, the film “Witness to Another World”, shamanic journeys, The Electric Universe, Terrence Howard’s embrace of alternative science and attempt to start a new form of math, Joe Rogan, Walt Thornhill, the book “The God Star”, the idea of Bigfoot and the wilderness poltergeist, Joshua Cutchin and Timothy Renner, “Strange Familiars” podcast, Micha Hanks and Paul Kimball, Chris’s documentary on WDTRG “Magicians Long to See”, previous frequent guests Taylor And Wren, paranormal experiences and the need (or lack of need for) validation, Natalie Grewe WDTRG sometime audio editor, the animated series “Scavengers Reign”, Seriah’s autobiography, early and more recent roundtable guests, Barbara Fisher, Mike Festa, Adam Sayne and Serfiel Stevenson, Marty Garza, Katie of the Night, Octavian and the “Strange Dominions” podcast, Vincent Treewell and “The Weird Part” podcast, Cherylee Black, Aaron Gulyas and “The Saucer Life” podcast, UFO history episodes, artists involved in the intro and outro music, Jeff Ritzmann, people who have contributed to the show, difficulties of scheduling, extensive book recommendations, and much, much more! This episode is a priceless resource for things to look into!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music is Hellbound by Vrangvendt



Primer 1: High Strangeness, Kundalini, and Show History - June 1, 2024

In a unique episode, Seriah is joined by Chris Ernst to answer frequently asked questions about the show, its guests, and his life. Topics include “The Last Exit for the Lost” music radio show, zines, Coast-to-Coast AM, Jesse Ventura, WVBR from Ithica New York, Walter Cruttenden and “Lost Star of Myth and Time”, kundalini energy and its effects, Jim Elvidge and “The Universe- Solved”, chakras, Vedic and Sufi beliefs, Wilhelm Reich and orgone energy, chi energy, fringe science, Peter Robbins, Seriah’s kundalini experiences, Fate Magazine, John White’s “Kundalini and Enlightenment”, Phil Hine British magickal practitioner, acupuncture, reiki, the origin of the name “Seriah Azkath”, Mike Clelland, one-off experiences, a bizarre sound in the night and weird lights, a strange experience in a potter’s field for a closed psychiatric facility, invisible Bigfoot, simulation theory, the book “The Invisible Gorilla”, human perception, paranormal vs rare experiences, the constellation of subjects discussed on WDTRG, Charles Fort and “damned” topics, Jack Hunter, UFO sightings, a very difficult kundalini experience at a liminal time, the origin of the title “Where Did The Road Go?”, other “Seriahs”, Wren Collier, astrology, the importance of recording events, trauma and the paranormal, Dr. Kenneth Ring and “The Omega Project”, UFO and NDE experiences, Cherylee Black, professional wrestling, ECW, the “Derelict” and “Fathom” podcast, the universality of “paranormal” experience, the Sphinx and its origins, an encounter where a family experiences both a UFO and a dead loved one, Whitley and Ann Strieber, John Keel, “The Eighth Tower” and “The Mothman Prophecies”, the light spectrum, Jacques Vallee, Fairies and UFOs, Diana Pasulka and “American Cosmic”, Patrick Harper and “Daimonic Reality”, George P. Hansen and “The Trickster and the Paranormal”, the Enfield poltergeist phenomenon, the Warrens, Jeff Ritzman, the self-negating nature of the paranormal, John Anthony West, Laird Scranton, Robert Schoch and much more! This is a fascinating, unique episode!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music is Whirring World from Psyche Corporation



AMA Show - May 4, 2024

Seriah is joined by Chris Ernst and Saxon/Super_Inframan to discuss questions sent in by patreons. Topics include the role of geographical place in paranormal phenomena, a subtle/energetic world as a counterpoint to the physical world, the Myrtle Plantation and Chloe- a ghost of a non-existent person, ley lines and hot spots, ritual as an activator of the paranormal, the Islamic hajj to the Kaaba in Mecca, portals, Seriah’s and a listener’s experiences with deceased loved ones, existence after death, dream encounters, a video game analogy, reincarnation, Meher Baba, Filis Fredrick, immediate experiences after death, the bardo in the Tibetan Book of the Dead, the Seth material, blue light experiences, the Yogic blue pearl, chakras and kundalini, modern-day new age scammers, Chris’s crystal healing experiences, Jeff Ritzmann’s crystal experiences, the ancient origins of Shamanism, full Indian Yoga tradition vs Americanized commercial yoga, all-time best episodes, Patrick Harper, Jeff Ritzmann, Brothers of the Serpent, Aaron Gulyas, Mike Clelland, Timothy Renner, Josh Cutchin, James Elvidge, “The Universe Solved”, Robert Shoch, Steve Mera, Steph Young, the difficulties of travel, world-wide fascinating sites, the Ellora Caves, the alleged Bosnian pyramid, the “Trap Street” podcast, cave paintings in France, the “dragon man” skull found in China, Andrew Collins, Denisovans and autism, ancient types of humans and interbreeding, Gunung Padang, the band “Fields of the Nephilim”, Jeremy Vaeni, a weird perception of light in a dark room, future experiences, Seriah’s UFO encounters, difficulties of recording the paranormal, purposes of mystical experiences, thirty years of “Last Exit for the Lost”, forgotten life experiences, Seriah’s autobiography, and much more! This is a truly enjoyable wide-ranging conversation!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music is Sick Fantasy by Vrangvendt



Listener Stories: Bigfoot, Lights, Dreams, and more - April 13, 2024

Seriah is joined by Chris Ernst, Saxon/Super_Inframan, and author, visual artist, editor, podcaster, magical practitioner, and experiencer Barbara Fisher for a roundtable focusing on listener stories and vintage news reports. Topics include anomalous lights, the energetic body, Wilhelm Reich, Peter Robbins, Rendlesham, a deer hunter’s encounter with Bigfoot in upstate New York, the practical difficulties of Sasquatch as a purely natural animal, an experience with Big Foot in Ohio and making a report to the BFRO, an encounter with sounds in a cemetery, the difficulties of recording the paranormal, a listener story of unexplained intense light in the bedroom, Seriah and Jeremy Vaeni’s experiences with weird nighttime lights, the falling back to sleep phenomena, John Keel being mistaken for the Devil in rural West Virginia, sleep paralysis, Seriah’s instant sleep paralysis experiences, the “Gateway Tapes”, a CIA report on using weaponized astral travel, recurring locations in dreams, a bizarre dream experience involving Saxon and Barbara, Saxon’s dream meetings with his late father, reincarnation/multi-incarnation, Saxon’s experience with the spirit of an ex-girlfriend’s father, Jeff Ritzmann and his family, an act of kindness by Jeremy Vaeni, a pre-mortem dream encounter with an elderly relative, a veteran’s unknowing conversation with a deceased neighbor, categories of dreams and sleep phenomena, a bizarre attack by birds as an omen, “The Bright Sessions” podcast, a weird violent dream set in a real-life location that leads to emotional progress, dream egos and DMT entities, right vs left brain experiences with the paranormal, a 1906 observation of a winged flying woman, an old newspaper report of fireballs during a storm, a vintage Australian report of “shadowy light”, a huge fireball witnessed by many for an extended period of time (and its ludicrous debunking explanation), thousands of buzzsaw-like spinning wheels of fire in the sky, and much more! This is some fascinating, free-flowing conversation!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music is Pretty Little Head from Eliza Rickman




Discordianism and Church of the Subgenius - March 2, 2024

Seriah is joined by Chris Ernst and author and researcher Adam Gorightly to discuss Discordionism, its origins, and its influences on society. Topics include the Illuminati, Kerry Thornley, Greg Hill, Lee Harvey Oswald, D.A. Jim Garrison, the goddess Discordia, order and chaos, Principia Discordia, public-domain publishing, Jonathan Vankin, U.S. Marine Corps, socialism, communism, the book “The Idle Warriors”, the Warren Commission, Wittier CA, New Orleans LA, Grace Zabriskie, Gary Kirstein, Slim Brooks, 1950’s/early 60’s Beatnik milieu, JFK assassination, counter-culture, groovy packs, Robert Anton Wilson, Playboy magazine, anarchism, “jakes”, the book “Oswald”, Operation Mindfuck, John Birch Society, Alan Chapman, Clay Shaw, anti-LGBTQ conspiracy witch hunt, the three tramps in Dallas, E. Howard Hunt, paranoid schizophrenia, the Inside Edition TV interview, Barbara Reid, Thornley/Oswald cloning theory, the books “The Illuminatus! Trilogy”, Loompanics publishing, esoteric Nazism, the Necronomicon, Ann Marjory Camron, the book “Wormwood Star the Magickal Life of Marjorie Cameron”, Greg Hill and computer programming, Bank of America, hacking and Easter eggs, Bavarian Illuminati, Nesta Webster, John Robison, anti-communism, anti-Semitism, theories that the CIA introduced LSD to the counter-culture, Atsugi U.S. Navy base, “Behind the Bastards” podcast, “Who Killed JFK?” podcast, U-2 pilot Gary Powers, Oswald as intelligence agent, two-Oswald theories, the book “Harvey and Lee” by John Armstrong, Rob Reiner and Soledad O’Brien, the book “Family of Secrets” by Russ Baker, George H.W. Bush and the JFK assassination, “The Devil’s Hour” TV series, Church of the Subgenius, Adam’s book “The Prankster and the Conspiracy”, Ivan Stang’s book “High Weirdness By Mail”, slack, the J.R. “Bob” Dobbs avatar, the alternative music group Negativland, audio sampling, the Burning Man festival, Roland Barthes’ theory of semiotics, the commodification of Che Guevara’s image, Sondra London, culture jamming, AI and future chaos, Adam’s books, and much more! This is an absolutely fascinating discussion that goes all sorts of places!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music is Sickhoose with SJR.The song can be found on Spotify under Diablo Sickhoose)



Was Saturn Our Sun? - God Star Part 1 - Feb 17, 2024

Seriah is joined by Chris Ernst and Super Inframan AKA Saxon to discuss the book "God Star" by the late Dwardu Cardona and related complimentary and contradictory theories. Topics involve the hypothesis that Saturn was once more like a sun and Earth orbited it before being dragged into its current solar system, the accuracy of ancient astronomy, comparative mythology between Egyptian and Greek deities, Osirus vs Dionysus, classical-era comparative mythology, ancient Greek historians Herodotus and Plutarch, colonialism and racism, a universal collective of unconscious knowledge, ideas and inventions emerging from different sources, cross-cultural folklore, the precision of oral tradition, the procession of the zodiac, memory vs writing, the use of memory palaces, referencing vs understanding, emojis, context and idiom in language, mathematics as a language, "Lost Knowledge of the Imagination" by Gary Lachman, the god Ra, possible ancient appearance of the sun as green, Scott Creighton, the great pyramid, Saturnian cults, world-wide catastrophe, Robert Schoch, ancient plasma formations, solar outbursts, different appearances of the sky, recorded history of unusual astronomical events, David Levinson, different values and definitions of evidence in different fields of science, ancient Babylonian descriptions of Saturn as the Sun, Ambrosius Theodosius Macrobius, Immanuel Velikovsky, Helio vs Sol, ancient Roman cult of Sol Invictus, Roger Wescott, forming rates of gas giant planets, comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 in 1994, Dogan and other African traditional beliefs, "Electric Universe" by David Talbott and Wallace Thornhill, the myths of an ”immovable sun”, the phase-locked orbit of the Moon around Earth, Saturn as a fixed sun in various cultures, gods and planets, a possible polar alignment with Saturn, the 2007 film "The King of California" starring Evan Rachel Wood and Michael Douglas, a global bulge at the north pole, mytho-historical and mytho-religious records, mistranslations, tidal forces, Earth’s crust and a gravitational pull from Saturn, satellite geographical evidence, the actual shape of the Earth, C. Leroy Ellenberger, huge amounts of silty “muck” in the arctic, the ubiquity of darkness and massive water in creation stories, “purple dawn”, Neanderthals as apex predators of humans, and much more! This is wide-ranging, fascinating discussion!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell

Outro Music is Dave Peckett with Run Away (A version of the song can be found on Spotify under Diablo Sickhoose)



The Paranormal Year in Review 2023 - Jan 13, 2024

Seriah is joined by Red Pill Junky, Saxon, and Chris Ernst to discuss the paranormal highlights of 2023. Topics include the Chinese balloon incident, UAP disclosure, David Grusch, hoaxed alien bodies presented to the Mexican congress, alleged aliens at a Miami mall, a meteor and alleged aliens in Las Vegas, stories of strange entities invading a Peruvian village, jet packs, secret government technology, conspiracy theories, Havana Syndrome, corporate legacy programs, non-human biologics, Catherine Austin Fitts, government waste, drones, multiple motives for cover-ups, the Osprey military aircraft, the Iraqi sky jellyfish video, Jeremy Corbell, George Knapp, Jason Colavito, Avi Loeb, strange metal balls in Papua New Guinea, a theory of extraterrestrial probes, Corey Goode and an alleged secret space program, “The Secret of Oak Island” TV show, the Knights Templar, unknown history, a lost city in Ecuador, recently re-discovered ancient civilizations in the Amazon, ancient super-soil, a confusing AI-written paper, AI manipulation of photographs, the difficulties of correctly interpreting history and artifacts, unexplained ancient metal objects, Robert Temple, sophisticated fire-starting lenses in ancient times, the Antikythera mechanism, an AI-assisted battery invention, “Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny” movie, positive and negative uses of AI, Sam Altman and OpenAI, inventor Dean Kamen and the Segway, illusions about AI sentience, the Rob Reiner and Soledad O’Brien podcast “Who Killed JFK?”, “The Creator” film, David Grusch, Tom DeLonge, the Sol Foundation, factions in government and media, the UFO narrative/agenda, Lockheed-Matin, Marty Garza, fusion technology, Leslie Kean, Ralph Blumenthal, Ross Coulthart, NewsNation, Red Pill’s theory on the timing of certain news stories, and much more! This is a fascinating, wide-ranging discussion!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music is Psyche Corporation with Whirring World



Seth and Jane Roberts: Part 2 of 2 - Jan 6, 2024

Part II. Seriah is once again joined by Chris Ernst, Jack Huntington, and Matt Festa for a continuing super deep dive into the Seth material. While this is a further focused episode, the discussion is still wide-ranging. Topics include an academic paper “Problems of Seth’s Origins”, Jane Roberts’ three non-Seth books on psychical interpretations of three famous painters, past-life regression and historical figures, cryptomnesia, coordination points, portals, fixed events in history, the return of Christ, a video game analogy, the Oversoul, alternate selves, the film “Everywhere All at Once”, the concept of the multi-verse, the TV show “Lost”, the film “No One Will Save You”, Jane Roberts’ personal experience while channeling Seth, the soul-structure of Seth/Jane/Robert, transparency, Robert Shock, Edgar Cayce, the “Seth II” entity, non-linear time, Jane’s previous incarnation as “Rupert”, Carl Jung, Jane Roberts’ educational level, an incident involving Jane Roberts predicting the future pre-Seth, varying quality of channeled material, trans-personal psychologist Arthur Hastings, Norman Friedman, an Islamophobic comment by Jane Roberts, genius and muses, telepathy, psychic testing, possible debunking explanations and their flaws, the Dead Sea Scrolls and symbols, creation and art, practical health advice from Seth and Feng-Shui, the upstate New York “Burned-Over District”, Lord Byron, Carlos Castenada, opinions of the validity of the Seth material, and much more! Despite being a specific show, this a widely varied conversation, full of fascinating discussion!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music: The Living Room with Pretty Good for a Failure



Seth and Jane Roberts: Part 1 of 2 - Dec 30, 2023

Seriah is joined by Chris Ernst, Jack Huntington, and Matt Festa for a super deep dive into the Seth material, a large collection of channeled communications from a discarnate entity named Seth to a woman named Jane Roberts and transcribed by her husband Robert Butts between 1963-1984. While this is a focused episode, the discussion is still wide-ranging. Topics include Ouija board experiences, attempts at debunking, the material ringing true and being very different from most channeled content, a psychiatrist involved with MK Ultra investigating the Seth phenomena, the mechanics of Near Death Experiences, a ground-breaking study of NDEs by a skeptical surgeon, a scholarly paper offering multiple explanations for the material, differences between Buddhist and Vedantic understandings of reincarnation, multiple lives as an actor playing different roles, time as a necessary illusion, multiple realities, co-creation, the differences between personalities and higher selves and “the entity”, spirit creating matter, non-physical evolution, theosophy, the mechanics of reincarnation, a soul choosing to sub-divide and reincarnate as a dog, the nature of “God”, the possible explanations of the Seth material including Jane’s subconscious, testable predictions by Seth, ancient lost civilizations, lost continents, the discovery of ancient texts in caves, portal areas, The Last Exit for the Lost music show, “A Murder at the End of the World” TV series, coordination points, the consciousness-first model of reality, UFOs and the subconscious, J.Z. Knight and Ramtha, false apocalypse predictions, Depok Chopra, Marianne Williamson, “The Secret” belief system, New Thought, the concept of the multiverse, Carl Jung, shadow work, retro-causality, the “Mandela Effect”, a future understanding of religion and spirituality, an alternate concept of Jesus Christ, predictions of psychic contact with alien life, Christ Consciousness, the effects on people of learning of previous incarnations, the film “Powder”, lost history and esoteric Christianity, ancient oral traditions world-wide, and much more! While a targeted episode, this conversation is riveting and wide-ranging!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music is Devo Spice with On New Year's Eve



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