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Listener Stories: Frogs, Lights, and Owls - March 18, 2023

Seriah is joined by Chris Ernst and Super-Inframan for a listener stories episode. Topics include the bicameral mind theory of Julian Jaynes, the equal intelligence of ancient peoples, the industrial revolution, the distinction between perception and interpretation, condescending attitudes toward experiencers, masking and screen memories, the brain and the subtle body, flesh-and-blood Bigfoot, misleading headlines about an alien mothership, Parliament funk musician Bootsy Collins, an AI chatbot alleging writings Seriah didn’t actually do, a listener encounter with an overpowering sulfur odor and intense fear, spirit contact, John Keel and fields of fear, a strange experience with a streetlight, a spiritual teacher and electro-magnetic chi, kundalini energy, a man impervious to electrical shock, a personal experience of a frog fall while driving in fog, the Bennington Triangle, Travis Watson, an encounter with a massive upright black wolf, liminality, Jacques Vallee and control systems, paranormal experiences pushing people into questioning reality, youthful hostile interactions with Greys, psychokinetic energy, the paranormal as a performance, a worm fall in China, “The Call of the Void” podcast, a strange experience with a vision of a mandala image and the god Pan, a terrifying encounter with a mysterious stranger in a van and a strange voice, a rolling ball of light on the road in the middle of the night, experiencing wood knocks at a city bus stop, finding a dead owl during a time of family crisis and a dream of Fae accompanied by the growth of mushrooms, synchronicities and gradations between the supernatural and mundane, and much more! These are some fascinating tales accompanied by insightful commentary!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music is Out of Time by March and Beauty



Wandering Through the News - March 4, 2023

Seriah is joined by Super_Inframan and Chris Ernst to discuss recent weird news. Topics include a reporter’s strange experience with a chatbot, Joshua Cutchin’s encounter with an AI description of a book that does not (currently) exist, A.P. Strange, AI as a Trickster, simulacrums, “Society of the Spectacle”, Jean Baudrillard, wealthy doomsday preppers, Peter Theil, deep fake technology, Futurama, advertising in dreams, Tim Boucher, an AI-generated article about itself, quantum computing, scrying, AI as a less than fully conscious intelligent servant, fakery in paranormal photos and videos, a social media influencer targeted by deep-fake porn, changing social mores involving sexual material, tattoos and piercing, Portland OR, cultural norms, the history of fashion, neckties, lost origins of customary practices, critical thinking, political divisions, public distrust of the press, information overload, profit in the news business, the fairness doctrine in the FCC, the 24 hour news cycle, the cold war alliance between the CIA and the New York Times, algorithms, generational differences in news consumption, Tik-Tok, accuracy among various news networks, clickbait, ghost hunting TV shows, side-show gimmicks, alternative rock, “Jackass” and skater culture, the podcast “Wolf 359”, scientists predict collapse of human civilization due to deforestation, the Amazon rainforest, “Silent Running”, climate change, the ozone hole, fixable problems, the ubiquitous influence of money, a post-scarcity society, Adam Smith and capitalism, cronyism, possibly ancient machine tracks in Turkey, prehistoric wheel marks around the world, Graham Hancock, a vast network of linked Mayan cities connected by superhighways, Francisco de Orellana and possible massive lost civilizations in South America, European imperialism and archeology, the myth of progress, catastrophes, the danger of solar flares, the Carrington Event, Whitley Strieber, “Phantoms” by Dean Koontz, “The Rig” TV series, and much more! This is riveting, thought-provoking discussion!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music by Vrangvendt with What Happiness Feels Like



Perceptions, Gorillas and Reality - Feb 25, 2023

Seriah is joined by Super_Inframan and Taylor Bell. Topics include aphantasia (the lack of ability to visualize), imagination, the “mind’s eye”, meditation, mental imagery, an informal survey, imagery in dreams, personal paranormal experiences, aphantasia and creativity, graphic arts, children’s imaginary experiences, internal monologues, self-talk, songs in dreams, different ways of remembering numbers, modes of learning and types of memory, lost objects, the nature and flaws of memory, the book “The Invisible Gorilla”, a strange memory of Seriah’s resolved by keeping a diary, false memories, mental filling-in, emotion and false certainty, PTSD, memories vs. recorded reactions of 9/11, perception and age, a misperception that nearly caused a traffic accident, UFO experiences of Taylor and Seriah and questions of perception, a “folded-up fighter jet”, Barbara Fisher, a mysterious yellow helicopter, an anomalous plane, Saxon’s experience with a giant snake head, Taylor’s childhood memory of scaring himself with a movie monster, reincarnation, children’s memories of past lives, the illusionary power of confidence, confidence vs. competence, the Dunning-Kruger effect, false confidence, con-games and scammers, Steven Greer, alien races, salesmanship, aggressive selling techniques, sales and ethics, psychological manipulation, criminals preying on the elderly, spam email, “Last Exit for the Lost” radio show, the book “Miracle Visitors” by Ian Watson, false certainty in the paranormal community, proving an anomalous event vs. proving an explanation, Bigfoot, “belief” and assumptions, high strangeness, Jeffrey Kripal, paranormal encounters and the witness’s life, narratives perceived or imposed, Aaron Dabbah, myths, the limited number of core stories and archetypes, a pro wrestling analogy, the film “Cloud Atlas”, the hero’s journey archetype, the Epic of Gilgamesh, “John Wick”, H.P. Lovecraft, a long-term gaming experience, “Twin Peaks”, the ancient gods vs. cosmic horror, death and its unknowability, Joseph Campbell, and much more! This is an unusual, kind of meta, episode loaded with thought-provoking discussion!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music by DramaScream with What I've Become



Listener Stories - February 4, 2023

Seriah is joined by Chris Ernst and Super Inframan for a listener stories episode. Topics include a bizarre encounter with a possible angel, holograms, sleep paralysis, experiences with the ghost of a dog, other dead pet phenomena, Biblical metaphysical and evolutionary insights on pets, psychopomps, a Jesus-like apparition in a child’s closet, a mechanical/robotic sleep paralysis incident, a “shadow cat”, an incident of unexplained knocking and scratching, micro-earthquakes, poltergeist activity, a vardoger experience, a bizarre incident with an old telephone in an apparently haunted trailer, stages of death prior to physical death, traumatic events and hauntings, a weird “partial OBE”, a woman draining energy from appliances, electrical and kundalini energy, mental health and the paranormal, the myth of normalcy, Timothy Renner and the “Strange Familiars” podcast, the “Last Exit for the Lost” radio show, a “Hat Man” and “waking dream” encounter in a tattoo shop, bad experiences with parasitic shadow people, Carlos Castaneda, holographic universe theory, strange voices, a weird disappearing spider, encounters with an invisible entity, an apparently successful occult ritual, magick and depression, chaos magick vs ceremonial magick, schizophrenia, and much more! These are fascinating stories accompanied by very interesting discussion!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music by Marble with "Terrified One"



Year End Super Roundtable: Part 2 - Jan 7, 2023

Seriah hosts the continuation of the 2022 in Review Round Table with guests A.P Strange, Super Inframan, Red Pill Junkie, and Christopher Ernst. Topics include the late Professor Frank Drake and the Drake Equation, SETI, The 1997 film “Contact” (starring Jodie Foster, based on a novel by Carl Sagan), NASA’s new announcement of its intention to investigate UAPs, President Jimmy Carter’s attempts at greater UFO transparency, Jacques Vallee getting stone-walled by NASA, a potential space-race with China, “Superman IV”, Congressional hearings on UFOs, UAPs as foreign (human) intelligence and surveillance, former fighter pilot Lt. Ryan Graves, classified projects done by corporations, plausible deniability, the Wilson memo, congress creating a channel for UFO whistle-blowers, a delayed final report on UAP sightings in the military, the USS Nimitz and media ridicule, the Calvine UFO photo, Nick Pope, Professor Avi Loeb’s search for a crashed extraterrestrial tech object in Papua New Guinea, the 1959 encounter with Rev. William Gill and high strangeness, NASA’s successful deflection of an asteroid, denial of asteroid cataclysm, the Tunguska event in 1908 Russia and its fortunate placement, Charles Berlitz, Nikola Tesla, the Chicxulub asteroid impact in the Yucatan Peninsula, Blake Lemoine and alleged Google sentient AI, Cristóbal de las Casas and the souls of Indigenous people, the Ufological Tarot Deck project, comic artist Mark Gruenwald’s cremation and ashes mixed into his final work, the partial release of JFK assassination documents, George H.W. Bush, John Foster Dulles, a humorous Aleister Crowley story, “Two Flat Earthers Kidnap a Freemason” and “Subjective Truth” podcasts, a tragic but bizarre story of a woman killed by an elephant, strange incidents of groups of animals walking in circles, unintended consequences of electronic waves, rising population, nuclear fusion, economic inequality, possible lunar and asteroid mining, “Ancient Apocalypse” and Graham Hancock, manipulation of information and theories by racists, biases in academia, geologist Robert M. Schoch, archeologist Virginia Steen-McIntyre’s controversial work with ancient footprints in Mexico, and much more! This some wide-ranging, fascinating discussion!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music is "Hollow" by New Animal




Year End Super Roundtable: Part 1 - Dec 31, 2022

Seriah is joined by Taylor, Super Inframan, Chris Ernst, Red Pill Junkie, and A.P. Strange for an end of the year super round table episode. Topics include the bombing of the Georgia Guide Stones and the political/religious hysteria surrounding it, Consprinormal and Dr. Future, “Dark Clouds Over Elberton”, Rosicrucianism, the death of Betty Andreasson, mystic visions, alien/human hybrids, the Shaker religious community, Raymond E. Fowler, John G. Fuller, Betty and Barney Hill, hybrid young with the “other” in Celtic folklore and Greco-Roman mythology, Biblical fallen angels, “The Watchers”, the death of high strangeness experiencer Alta Dillard, the death of John Lear, Coast-to-Coast AM and Art Bell, the O.H. Krill papers, William Cooper, UFO/Alien disinformation, “Saucers, Spooks, and Kooks” by Adam Gorightly, Aaron Gulyas, Bob Lazar, the CIA, a soul-catching machine on the moon, Carlos Castaneda and Whitley Strieber’s concerns over “entering the light” at the point of death, the death of Linda Godfrey, the Beast of Bray Road, Dogman, the death of Brazilian researcher A.J. Gevaerd, the 1996 Varginha Brazil strange entity encounter, James Fox and “Moment of Contact”, Antonio Vilas-Boas, the endless baiting of “disclosure”, paranormal incidents and the local tourist economies, the “Chupa-Chupas” and Operation Saucer in Brazil, the Ant People of the Navajo, lore of underground cities, “Ancient Apocalypse” and Graham Hancock, Mount Shasta and the Lemurians, Sedona AZ, Nation Of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan’s UFO encounter in Tepotzlan Mexico, Dr. Stephen Finley, Jeremy Vaeni, “Aliens: the First and Final Disclosure”, mundane astrology, astrological conjunctions in the near future involving technology, nuclear fusion, the planet/non-planet Pluto, the Pioneer space probe, the difficulties of communicating with a truly alien intelligence, origins of life, panspermia, engineered seeds spread throughout the cosmos, the tenacity of life, DNA, imagery in DMT visions, esoteric laws affecting physical laws, the Vedic concepts of three bodies and three worlds/spheres, the nature of Fate, Jacques Vallee’s concept of a “control system”, Seriah’s recommendation for “ars PARADOXICA”, ecosystems, the death of James Lovelock, the Gaia hypothesis, the documentary film “Ariel Phenomenon” about an encounter in 1994 in Zimbabwe between dozens of school children and apparently non-human entities, Dr. John Mack, Randall Nickerson, Chris Ernst’s documentary on WDTRG, Jordan Peele’s “Nope”, the purposes of gathering evidence of paranormal phenomena, disclosure and authority, Dr. Avi Loeb and a possible extraterrestrial tech object on the ocean floor, and much more! This is riveting discussion at its best!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro music is from Vrangvendt with Sinful Nature



Dreams and Nightmares - Dec 24, 2022

Seriah is joined by Super Inframan and Wren Collier to discuss dreams, comas, and other altered states of consciousness. Topics include NDE’s, astral projection, Robert Monroe, sleep paralysis, sleeping behavior and Parkinson’s disease, cultural dismissal of dreams, Joshua Cutchin and “Ecology of Souls”, precognitive dreams, Wren’s personal experience of a precognitive dream, information sent through time, Super Inframan’s personal youth experience, the Taurus symbol, astrology, Seriah’s experience receiving his mystical name, Seriah’s autobiography, ketamine therapy, DMT and other chemical explanations for NDEs, Near Death Experiences and their variations, Seth channeled material and NDEs, medical investigations of the NDE experience, comas and full-body paralysis, diverse experiences while in a coma state, lucid dreaming and OBEs, post-OBE “drunkenness”, unfolding dreams and false awakenings, nested dreams, repetitive nightmares, snake imagery, dreams of school, listeners’ and acquaintances’ stories of coma experiences, feeling dead but being wrong, time dilation in altered states, alternate lives in altered states, life as an arcade game, video game experiences, movie dreams, “Johnny Got His Gun” 1938 novel by Dalton Trumbo and 1971 film directed by the author about a severely wounded soldier trapped in his body, the Metallica song “One” and the video accompanying it, dreams of departed friends, dreams of people one has lost contact with, instant (dream-free) experience of being in a coma, medically induced comas, morphine dreams, different perceptions of time, coma dreams based on movies, the experience of another entity with the person in a coma, a disturbing listener experience, entities interacting with coma patients, alien abductions and altered states experiences, “Among The Stars And Bones” fictional podcast, Wren handles an ethereal attacker, werewolves and dream experiences, UK series “Room 5”, official science’s new approach to dreams, doctors as shamans, fictional podcast “Tomorrow’s Monsters”, napping, the physical/mental/etc. benefits of sleep. Brutal U.S.S.R. sleep experiments, THC and dreams, and much more! This is a fascinating episode, loaded with personal experiences and not to be missed!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music is The Christmas Season from Devo Spice


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