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Listener Stories - March 13, 2021

Seriah hosts Chris Ernst and Super Infra Man to discuss some fascinating listener stories. Topics include: ghost hunting near a Napoleonic cemetery leads to a Fae-like encounter, Fairy music, Patrick Harper on Napoleon's paranormal experiences, eerie silences as a phenomenon, the film "Yellow Brick Road", shadow people, dream phenomena, the "diverse ecosystem" idea of the paranormal, karma and lost souls as ghosts, meditation and OBEs, TK, sex with spirit beings. disappearing/reappearing window, "added time", electronics responding to mental energy, remote viewing, altered states of consciousness, abnormally large flies, 1866 news report of anomalous activity on the moon, airship phenomenon, and more. Some extremely interesting discussion!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell




Listener Stories - Jan 2, 2021

Seriah, accompanied by Christopher Ernst and Super Inframan, read some intriguing listener stories. Topics addressed (and phenomenon experienced) include: psychic perceptions, hypnogogic experiences, retro-causality, angels, telepathy, an invisible bedroom invader, liminality, shadow people, a sickening fly infestation, multi-generational entity visitations, invasive dream entities, sleep paralysis and related experiences, shimmering illusions of family members, and possible time- or dimension-slips. These are some very interesting stories, particularly because they are from people, often anonymous, who have nothing to gain from telling their experiences- a lot of great material! - Recap by Vincent Treewell

Outro Music by Cactus Cathedral with "The Encounter"






Listener Stories - May 30, 2020

In this Listener Stories show, Seriah is joined by Chris Ernst and Saxon Williams, as they discuss some of Saxon's experiences, before getting to submissions from other listeners. The stories focus on Cryptids and Bigfoot, Shadow People, UFO's, Ghosts, Poltergeists, Ouija Boards, and more...

Outro Music by BELLSā‰„ with New Monuments.


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