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When it comes to unexplained phenomena, it is just that. Unexplained. We try to approach this from as many different ways as possible, and to throw out the assumptions that have driven research for a very long time. These strange experiences people have, no matter what you want to label or catagorize them as, are real in some way. They have been reported throughout history and across cultures. If nothing else, they are a very Human experience. None of the theories we have may even come close to divining what we are actually experiencing, if they did, we would have some answers. We do not know what Reality is, what life or death are, or truly why we are here. We do know that our senses filter much out, and our memories do not work like we think they do. New approaches are needed if we are ever to make any progress at all in understanding what we are interacting with. Some of that comes from understanding ourselves, and some of that comes from having a truly open mind in confronting those things that defy explanation. We need new eyes, perspectives, and better questions. That is the goal of Where Did the Road Go? To go places that have not been tread before, and explore new things from new angles. To leave the well worn road, and wander...

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Christopher Jordan on The Ark of the Covenant - May 7, 2014



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This week we talk about the Ark of the Covenant with Christopher Jordan. Chris has written a number of books on what he calls The Ancient Solar Premise. Chris' latest book, The Ark of the Covenant Operations Manual, talks about what the ark really was, and how the miracles ascribed to it were performed.
Christopher Jordan was born in London and studied Chemical Physics at Sussex University, under the guidance of Sir Harold Kroto. He played a part in manually analyzing the early data from the microwave telescopes, eventually identifying an alcohol in interstellar gas clouds. These tasks were being automated by computers, which were doing the job better and faster. During a short spell on the accounting ladder, the same was noted within the financial sector. Chris Jordan surfed this wave of computer growth by developing small and large data systems for national food and beverage companies. Eventually, managing a national software department after stints as a programmer, business analyst and project manager.
During this period he became intrigued with some of the unanswered questions surrounding nature’s development process. After many years of study some concepts were crossed over between the computing and biological arenas. This led to some novel computer systems that literally built themselves around the databases to which they were aimed. This software was the center piece of a computer company set up by a few partners and himself. Several papers on systems analysis and design were published during this time in specialist magazines.
Whilst running this company, further research was carried out modeling non-linear reaction diffusion systems on the surfaces of cells and groups of cells. This led to his seminal work on the nature of morphological determination and the role cell adhesion molecules played within the scheme. This in turn led to some unique experiments in the field of developmental biology. The general framework for development was published in Thailand during a three year sabbatical.
The author started visiting the ancient sites of Asia during this period. Whilst he had previously been a visitor to the European and Egyptian sites, the common facets of the cultures began to emerge from all this travel. Despite a two year interlude managing the IT for a global spirits company in ex Eastern bloc countries, the interest in the ancient past continued. Specifically, the desire to make sense of all of these similar religious sites, tools and unexplained curios. Any scientist is taught that it is from the quirky inexplicable areas that new ideas evolve. A simple paradigm that extends further is deemed more elegant than a restrictive complex alternative. This is where the site narrative that makes up the Secrets of the Sun Sects stems from.
This was coupled with the faulty parabolic mirror theories that surround these same cultures. The math that shows how easy it was for the ancient craftsmen to build the mirrors and how powerful they were, was carried out over thirty years ago. Ironically, this was the first thing the author failed to publish as a teenager. At the time, it was just a table, which a child thought was missing from the classroom texts. Fortuitously, it was very useful in proving that spherical surfaces make good Burning Mirrors for all manner of applications. From these two strands the full scope of the use of solar technology in the ancient world was built up. He is currently promoting the use of solar technologies in the developing countries of Asia.

Check Out his website:


Mack Maloney on Beyond Area 51 - May 31, 2014



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We talk with Mack Maloney about his latest book, Beyond Area 51, and also touch upon his previous book, UFOs in Wartime: What They Didn't Want You To Know. We discuss the facts about secret military bases all around the world. Some of it is probably much stranger than you realize, and not in the way you expect!
Mack Maloney grew up in the Dorchester section of Boston and was taught to read and write by the nuns at St. Ann's School. His father was a veteran of World War II and he used to read military books all the time. As a child, Mack started reading them too, along with a lot of science fiction. He received a BS in journalism and a graduate degree in filmmaking from Emerson College. He was a sports reporter for two years after college before joining corporate America as a publicist for General Electric Company. Mack started writing books in 1984, and have been doing it full time since 1987, penning over 30 books.

Tom Blaschko on Calculating Soul Connections - May 24, 2014




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Tom Blaschko has an interesting piece of work, entitled "Calculating Soul Connections", where he attempts to shows the connections between the physical world and what could be defined as our souls. We discuss various aspects of the book and how it came about. 

Tom Blaschko earned a Bachelor’s degree in astronomy from the California Institute of Technology and a Master’s degree in developmental psychology from the State University of New York at Buffalo. He is a third degree black belt in Shotokan Karate, where he learned about ki, the martial arts aspect of the life force. Tom’s scientific influences include research by Rupert Sheldrake on morphic fields, Ian Stevenson’s studies of people who remember past lives, analysis of the effects of Emotional Freedom Techniques and other energy healing, and research on ki by Kuo Kanshin and Shigeru Egami’s group.
Beyond the scientific research there are thousands of stories from seemingly credible people who have talked with angels or fairy folk or apus or djinn, seen ghosts, and lived in Dreamtime. Rather than discredit these reports, Tom asked the question: What needs to be added to Western science to make these stories possible? It was a two-item list: souls with chakras and a fifth force called the life force. Both of these are accepted in many cultures, so nothing new was needed.
Currently, Tom lives in the Pacific Northwest where is working on his next book, We All Have Souls and I Think I Can Prove It.

Christopher O'Brien on Cattle Mutilations: Part 1 - May 17, 2014



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Christopher O'Brien has a new book out entitled. Stalking the Herd, which is one of the most the most thoroughly researched books ever published on Cattle Mutilations. In part one of this interview, we discuss the phenomena in general, we talk about it's history, and the first cases. We do get into the levels of high strangeness, as well as the mundane cases. Chris will be back in June for Part 2.
From 1992 to 2002 Christopher O'Brien investigated over one thousand paranormal events reported in the San Luis Valley—located in south-central Colorado/north-central New Mexico.
Working with law enforcement officials, ex-military, ranchers and an extensive network of skywatchers, he documented what may have been the most intense wave of unexplained activity ever seen in a single region of North America.
His ten-year investigation resulted in the three books of his “mysterious valley” trilogy: The Mysterious Valley, Enter the Valley, and Secrets of the Mysterious Valley.
His meticulous field investigation of UFO reports, unexplained livestock deaths, Native American legends, cryptozoology, secret military activity and the folklore, found in the world's largest alpine valley, has produced one of the largest databases of unusual occurrences gathered from a single geographic region. He is currently working with a team of specialists installing a high-tech video surveillance and hard-data monitoring system in and around the San Luis Valley.
He has also authored Stalking the Tricksters which is published by Adventures Unlimited Press. This controversial book distills his years of field investigation and research into an ingenious unified paranormal theory that is sure to create intense interest and controversy.
Check out Christopher's Website:
Also check out the podcast Chris co-hosts;

Wallace Thornhill on The Electric Universe - May 10, 2014


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Wallace Thornhill joins us on this night, and we discuss many facets of the Electric Universe Theory. Why it should be preferred over the current mainstream model, the proof for it, dismissing the Big Bang, Black Holes, Dark Matter, and much more. We talk of galaxies and stars, and what happened to Mars and Earth in the distant path. We talk of Velikovsky and Peratt. It is a fascinating journey.
Wallace Thornhill graduated in Physics at Melbourne University in 1964 and began postgraduate studies with Prof. Victor Hopper’s upper atmosphere research group. Before entering university, he had been inspired by Immanuel Velikovsky through his controversial best-selling book, Worlds in Collision. Wal experienced first-hand the indifference and sometimes hostility toward a radical challenge to mainstream science. He realized there is no career for a heretic in academia.
Wal worked for 11 years with IBM Australia. The later years were spent in the prestigious IBM Systems Development Institute in Canberra, working on the first computer graphics system in Australia. He was the technical support for the computing facilities in the Research Schools at the Australian National University, which gave him excellent access to libraries and scientists there.
Wal was initially heavily influenced by the then revolutionary ideas of Immanuel Velikovsky of Princeton. Velikovsky proposed that mankind had been devastated in the past by cosmological events . Wal took these ideas and with his deep knowledge of astronomy and, plasma physics began his own questioning of scientific dogma. Paramount was the place of electro magnetism, as distinct from gravity, in the formation of the universe . This slowly but surely led to his and other colleagues (such as David Talbot, Donald Scott, and Anthony Peratt) questioning such ingrained theories as the big bang, black holes and Einstein’s theory of relativity. This group in particular contend that many scientific “proofs “are theory laden or mathematically concocted. An insistence on empirical data from observations and experiments gives their work true integrity. (bio taken from, more at the sight)
Wallace's site:

Randall Carlson on Freemasonry, Alchemy, Sacred Geometry, Cataclysms, and much more - May 3, 2014



Where Did the Road Go? Show Archive

We are joined once again by Randall Carlson for a discussion that ranges from Sacred Geometry and Cataclysm, to the Georgia Guidestones and Freemasonry, to Space Exploration, Alchemy, and the Future of the Human Race. 
Randall Carlson is a master builder and architectural designer, teacher, geometrician, geomythologist, geological explorer and renegade scholar. He has 4 decades of study, research and exploration Into the interface between ancient mysteries and modern science, has been an active Freemason for 30 years and is Past Master of one of the oldest and largest Masonic lodges in Georgia. He has been recognized by The National Science Teachers Association for his commitment to Science education for young people.
The acclaimed 1997 TBS/CNN documentary “Fire from the Sky” was based upon his research into Earth change and catastrophic events. He has organized several dozen field expeditions documenting evidence for catastrophic earth change. He has received academic recognition for outstanding work as a student of geology. His work incorporates Ancient Mythology, Astronomy, Earth Science, Paleontology, Symbolism, Sacred Geometry and Architecture, Geomancy, and other arcane and scientific traditions. For over 25 years he has presented classes, lectures, and multimedia programs synthesizing this information for students of the Mysteries.
Randall is uniquely qualified to interpret the hidden meaning of the great masterpieces of mystical architecture, as well as esoteric and occult ritual and symbolism. It is his aspiration to affect a revival of lost knowledge towards the goal of creating the new world based upon universal principles of harmony, freedom, and spiritual evolution.
Sacred Geometry International -
Check out our previous interviews with Randall from September 2013 and March 2013.


Micah Hanks on Giants, The Nephilim, and much more... - April 27, 2014



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Micah Hanks joins us again tonight for a conversation that starts out about Giants, but meanders all over the place, from the Nephilim, to Lost Civilizations, to much, much more. This one also runs a bit long, clocking in around an hour and a half.
Micah Hanks is a writer, researcher, lecturer, and radio personality whose work addresses a variety of scientific concepts and unexplained phenomena. Over the last decade, his research has examined a variety of approaches to studying the unexplained, cultural phenomena, human history, and the prospects of our technological future as a species as influenced by science.
He is author of several books, including Magic, Mysticism and the Molecule,Reynolds Mansion: An Invitation to the Past, and his 2012 New Page Books release, The UFO Singularity. Hanks is an executive editor of Intrepid Magazine, and consulting editor/contributor for FATE Magazine and The Journal of Anomalous Sciences. He also writes for a variety of other publications including UFO Magazine, Mysterious Universe, and New Dawn. Hanks has appeared on numerous TV and radio programs, including Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, Whitley Strieber’s Dreamland, National Geographic’s Paranatural, the History Channel’s Guts and Bolts, CNN Radio, The Jeff Rense Program, and many others. A weekly podcast that follows his research is available at his popular Website, Hanks lives in the heart of Appalachia near Asheville, North Carolina. For everything Micah does, go to

Cal Cooper on Telephone Calls from the Dead - April 19, 2014



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Born in Nottinghamshire, Cal Cooper spent much of his early life reading up on the paranormal at his local school library whenever he could. Years later he developed an interest in human behavior and the many questions we always want to ask about the mind and its capabilities. 
Cal received much media interest for his research into phone calls from the dead after he received the Eileen J. Garrett Scholarship from the Parapsychology Foundation in 2009. He holds a BSc (Hons) in psychology from the University of Northampton and a MRes in psychology from Sheffield Hallam University. He is the recipient of the Alex Tanous Scholarship Award from the Alex Tanous Foundation for Scientific Research, several times over. Currently, Cal is based at the University of Northampton pursuing doctoral research in psychology and parapsychology. He is also a lecturer at the university on subjects such as: parapsychology, thanatology, and ancient mysticism.
Cal has many areas of interest in psychology including; research methods, beliefs, motivation and emotion, and the psychology of death. However, parapsychology is what Cal is most recognized for with his research into survival of death, psychic abilities, poltergeists, apparitions and hauntings. 
We talk about his book, Telephone Calls from the Dead, as well as the paranormal in general, some of his investigations, and much more.
Check out Cal's Website at;

Peter Robbins on Wilhelm Reich: Part 2 - April 12, 2014




Peter Robbins returns to the show to continue our discussion about Wilhelm Reich. First we discuss some happenings in the UFO world, before delving into some of Reich's theories, Orgone, connections to Eastern philosophy, sex, and even Aleister Crowley.
Peter stuck around then for our music show, The Last Exit for the Lost, and we did a Tribute to his late sister, Helen, which you can listen to here.
Peter Robbins was first introduced to the books of Wilhelm Reich as a teenager by a college roommate, to whom he remains deeply indebted. In 1976 he met Dr. Elsworth F. Baker, Reich’s first assistant for the last eleven years of his life. Soon after this he became a patient of Dr. Baker and entered into almost seven years of medical orgone therapy with the distinguished orgonomist.
Robbins went on to enroll in the classes New York University offered in scientific and social orgonomy which was taught by the Reich scholars Professors John Bell and Paul Matthews. They in turn invited him to become a member of their ongoing Seminar in Social and Scientific Orgonomy, patterned after the seminars which Sigmund Freud presided over during the nineteen twenties. Peter spent much of the nineteen eighties involved with this group, presenting a variety of papers to his fellow seminar members under Matthews’ and Bell’s guidance and leadership.
Peter was a volunteer fundraiser for the American College of Orgonomy’s (ACO) Building Fund and had two papers on Wilhelm Reich and UFOs published in the Journal of Orgonomy. He was part of a select group of volunteers invited to witness a demonstration of cloudbusting technology and presented on the subject of Reich and UFOs at the ACO’s Princeton NJ facility, and at international conferences on the life and work of Reich in New York City, Ashland Oregon, Niece France and Karavomilos Greece. His lectures have been well received at numerous scientific and UFO conferences both here and abroad while his articles on the subject have been published in a variety of print and web publications. Robbins’ extensively researched paper, “Politics, Religion and Human Nature: Practical Problems and Roadblocks on the Path Toward Official UFO Acknowledgment” is scheduled to be published in the upcoming issue of Annals of the Institute for Orgonomic Science.

Marty Leeds on Gematria and Sacred Geometry - April 5, 2014



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Marty Leeds is the author of three books: Pi & The English Alphabet Vol. 1 and 2 and The Peacock's Tales - The Alchemical Writings of Claudia Pavonis. Marty's work focuses on sacred geometry, gematria, symbolism, occultism, philosophy, comparative mythology and spirituality. Marty has uncovered a mathematical cipher for the English alphabet based on religious and secret society symbols as well as the transcendental mathematical constant pi, 3.141. This cipher decodes and unveils deep levels of information encoded within everything from board games to biblical verses to the Constitution of the United States. Marty Leeds has been a guest on many popular podcasts and was a featured speaker at the Free Your Mind Conference in Philadelphia in 2013.
We discuss everything from Pi, Sacred Geometry, Chess, Gematria, the Bible, 666, Jesus, the Holographic Universe, and much more...
Marty's website;
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