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About This Show

When it comes to unexplained phenomena, it is just that. Unexplained. We try to approach this from as many different ways as possible, and to throw out the assumptions that have driven research for a very long time. These strange experiences people have, no matter what you want to label or catagorize them as, are real in some way. They have been reported throughout history and across cultures. If nothing else, they are a very Human experience. None of the theories we have may even come close to divining what we are actually experiencing, if they did, we would have some answers. We do not know what Reality is, what life or death are, or truly why we are here. We do know that our senses filter much out, and our memories do not work like we think they do. New approaches are needed if we are ever to make any progress at all in understanding what we are interacting with. Some of that comes from understanding ourselves, and some of that comes from having a truly open mind in confronting those things that defy explanation. We need new eyes, perspectives, and better questions. That is the goal of Where Did the Road Go? To go places that have not been tread before, and explore new things from new angles. To leave the well worn road, and wander...

Listener Stories: Bigfoot, Weird Lights, Ghosts, and more - July 22, 2023

Seriah is joined by Saxon and Chris Ernst for an episode of listener stories. Topics include a dancing ghost party in Scottland, Jeff Ritzmann, “The Haunted Mansion” theme park ride, a pair of bizarre events involving a massive blast of light at a school bus stop, abduction experiences, forgetting paranormal encounters, “Nur”-the heatless light of Sufi religious revelation, perception vs. reality, rare experiences, a foreign mental voice leads to intervention in a medical emergency, third man syndrome, Susanne Chancellor, Seriah’s experience with ending up acting as a stranger’s guardian angel, various beings in the Sufi belief system, Dharma and control systems, expectations based on appearance, a bizarre experience in 1960’s Spain, power areas vs sensitive people, a conversation with Jeremy Vaeni and Jeff Ritzmann and Jaques Vallee, the attempted creation of a paranormal hot spot, a weird chiropractor and an unexplainable change of tea into coffee, Seriah’s strange traffic experience, an incident of misperception by police, “The Invisible Gorilla” book, the “What Happened In Skinner” podcast, linguistics and paranormal experience, the difficulties of translation, strange lights in a forest, childhood Bigfoot experiences, an exorcism and a mysterious death, multi-generational alien experiences, extreme poltergeist activity, Irish traditional folk magic, a strange warning about the Moon, a weird disturbing neighbor, photos of orbs near a cemetery, hereditary paranormal experiences, a Paratopia interview of Debra Kauble AKA Kathy Davis, Budd Hopkins, “Extraordinary Contact: Life Beyond Intruders” by Debra Jordon-Kauble, UFO disclosure, Jason Colavito, Frank Scully, 1950 book “Behind the Flying Saucers”, a report of human-looking aliens dressed in Victorian garb with paper books, and much more! This is a rollicking conversation covering some fascinating stories!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music is Dimension B-248 from Craft of Unkonwn Origin



Wandering the News: AI, NDE's, and more - June 10, 2023

Seriah is joined by Barbara Fisher, Superinfra Man, and Chris Ernst to discuss some recent news stories. Topics include a study of NDEs, OBEs, the fullness of the NDE experience and the limitations of materialism, the difficulties of measurement, the scientific method and its limits, ghosts, the Philip experiment, Bigfoot, spirits, tulpas, souls of the dead, Karen Woodhouse, fakery in reality TV ghost hunting, anecdotal evidence, an ancient pre-Homo Sapien species conducting burial rituals and carving symbols, Neanderthals, Homo Erectus, entheogens, primates using drugs, brain size vs intelligence, Graham Hancock, lost history, hoarding of art and artifacts by wealthy collectors, Black Water Inc, Iraq, Hobby Lobby, “Evil Archeology” by Heather Lynn, a strange moving anomaly in the Earth’s magnetic field, weird zones in the magnetic field beneath South America and Africa, a story of AI replacing counselors in an eating disorder helpline, the dubious nature of AI, a bad experience with a weaponized AI drone, Isaac Asimov and the 3 laws of robotics, the importance of empathy, Artificial Intelligence vs mimicry, AI art and content, AI podcasts and audio books, deficiencies in internet information, lack of creativity in pop culture, the pluses and minuses of retail self-check-out, AI pioneer inventors calling for regulation and issuing warnings, Terence McKenna and novelty, the films “WALL-E” and “Elysium”, depopulation conspiracy theories vs the worker shortage, younger peoples’ reluctance to have children, life-extending drugs and procedures, Elon Musk, the series “Altered Carbon”, transhumanism, the life model decoy, the “Subjective Truth” podcast, a consciousness box that traps souls, “Babylon 5”, Hollywood re-boots including “Star Wars” and “Harry Potter”, the movie “12 Monkeys” and the subsequent art film and series, Chris Marker, Whitley Strieber’s “A New World”, Indian Vedic cosmology, other worlds that lack emotion, Sufism, agape love, the series “Westworld”, free will vs predestination, computers turning on humans, reality tunnels, journalism vs entertainment, pro wrestling, 9/11 anti-terrorism drills, conspiracy theories and psyops, the TV series “The Lazarus Project”, an enormous metal structure discovered at the Moon’s south pole, bizarre lunar facts and theories, disappointments of the space program, Gary Nolan, Robert Heinlein’s “Stranger in a Strange Land”, reasons why aliens would avoid human contact, a theory of empathy and the Black Plague, empathy and narcissism, Lobo Matias, Ronald Reagan and peace through a common alien enemy, a warning from Space Force General Chance Saltzman, xenobots, programable robots made from frog cells, consciousness vs sentience, “The Last of Us”, the film “The Day After”, and much more! This is some fascinating discussion, not to be missed!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music is Whirring World from Psyche Corporation



Wandering the Road with Natalie and Saxon - May 27, 2023

Seriah is joined by Super Infra Man and Natalie for a wide-ranging discussion. Topics include a weird pebble-throwing experience, strange orbs in a cemetery, orbs at a shrine in Korea, Oz effect at a cemetery, UFOs over lakes, a listener’s theory of paranormal phenomenon, Greg Bishop, DMT, Rick Strassman, Bill Hicks, Ayahuasca, shared psychedelic trips, linguistics, shared dreams, Natalie’s experiences with Heather, The Ungoogleable Michelangelo, synchronicities, a bizarre shared dream, brain tumors, a listener comment against experiencers, an analogy between the Other and weather phenomenon, mundane explanations for the unexplained, “The Invisible Gorilla”, an angry listener rants against discussion of the paranormal, militant material-reductionist atheism, frontiers in science, “unknown unknowns”, the analogy of the fish in the fishbowl, the academic humanities fields showing interest in the paranormal, Jeffrey Kripal, documenting dreams, Saxon’s childhood experiences in a haunted house, high strangeness running in families and being affected by location, Seriah’s two bizarre recent dream experiences, folklore about little people, Timothy Renner, Natalie’s recent strange dreams, Seriah and Natalie seemingly sharing a dream and then a character appearing in real life, oddly over-dressed people in summer, bizarre electronic tones, Timothy Renner recording a sleep paralysis experience, Natalie’s very strange electronic sleep paralysis incident while in a college class, Saxon’s first lucid dream, simulation theory, Natalie and Heather encounter a very weird man in a forest, “Odin the wanderer”, the “Paratopia” podcast, Jeff Ritzmann, Jeremy Vaeni, a reoccurring character in both Natalie and Heathers’ dreams, Norse mythology, archetypes, Saxon’s fascinating friend, Natalie’s extensive ongoing dream, John Keel, strangely behaving aircraft, extremely odd but apparently normal people, the experience of being someone else’s entity, Natalie’s “Self-portraits As Other People” podcast and an intense psychedelic encounter, being controlled by other entities and/or parts of our minds, Saxon’s ketamine experience and an apparent vision of his higher self from his youth, one of Seriah’s sleep paralysis experience and a bizarre synchronicity, a weird experience with the “name game”, and much more! This is a thoroughly fascinating conversation!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music is Elusive Travel with Art of Letting Go



High Strangeness with Jeremy Vaeni - May 13, 2023

Seriah is joined by Super_inframan and author, researcher, and experiencer Jeremy Vaeni. Jeremy brings his unique, sarcastic sense of humor. Topics include an experience with the late Jeff Ritzmann, strange light phenomenon, the Paratopia podcast, Project Archivist, UFO disclosure, George Hansen, David Jacobs, Bud Hopkins, Emma Woods, hypnotic regression, alien abduction phenomenon, UFO Magazine, Nancy Burns, Peter Robbins, Carol Rainey, Brooklyn Bridge Abduction, Hopkin’s misconduct, Paul Kimball, abduction as a spiritual experience, lack of progress in paranormal fields, a bizarre ghost hunting experience in Gettysburg, electronics in paranormal research, an experience with a Theremin, an encounter with a dark formless entity, a lost tape, Jeff Ritzmann’s strange experience with a female apparition, the trickster element in high strangeness, a very weird light incident, Whitley Streiber’s novel “2012: The War for Souls”, Mac Tonnies, kundalini energy, a weird encounter in a field, a strange orb/ball of light experience, multiple explanations for paranormal phenomenon, cognitive dissonance, nonsensical actions of entities, aliens with outdated technology, Bigfoot showing up in suburban areas, anomalous ghost hunting EVPs, southern Lizardman sightings, Seriah’s bizarre EVP recording, fox sounds, ghost hunters fooled by coyotes, cougar encounters, Saxon’s experience with a weird massive snake, an encounter with a bizarre, possibly folkloric entity in Japan, the limits of perception and the human brain, linguistics, Noam Chomsky, the importance of language to forming an understanding, the Lakota language, the Australian Indigenous language, Tiokasin Ghosthorse, the exclusiveness of the discussion about space, “The Infinite Now” podcast, Jeremy’s book “Aliens: The First and Final Disclosure”, humor and high strangeness, absurdity in the paranormal, Native Hawaiian worldview, cultural appropriation, George Hansen and Trickster theory, an alleged dancing figurine of the Virgin Mary, ego in the paranormal world, Steven Greer, Kim Carlsberg, Zachariah Sitchin, human/alien hybrid theory, channeling, spiritual grifting, Scott Lilienfeld and hypnosis, and much more! This is a one of a kind, wide-ranging and delightful conversation!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music by The Jon Stickley Trio with "Darth Radar".



The Strangelove Monster - April 15, 2023

Seriah is joined by Super Inframan and Leo, a life-long experiencer. Topics include the Seth material, synchronicities, artistic creativity and mysticism, Paul Kimball, the paranormal as an art project by the Other, EVP, Friedrich Jürgensen, Instrumental Transcommunication (ITC), phone calls and radio/TV communication with the dead, psychic mediumship, spirit guides, Sonia Rinaldi, voices from the unseen, Jane Roberts, Graham Hancock, The Daily Grail, Indigenous history in the Americas, a family story of ball lightning, a strange column of light, differences in human perceptions and reactions, an isolated island, the film “Dr. Strangelove”, a bizarre encounter with an apparent underwater creature, fading memories of paranormal experiences, ongoing incidents of strangely bent cedar trees, repeated weird vandalism-type occurrences, a recording of an unexplained voice, experiences alone in the woods at night, life events and the paranormal, strange lightning and fire incidents, other tree weirdness, folklore about entities crossing running water, recording affecting appearances, an encounter with a small flying square object, a bizarre sound, sound projection, “Malevolent” podcast by Harlan Guthrie, a peculiar rock resembling a megalithic standing stone, nature and art, simulacra, Josh Cutchin, earthworks in Ireland, sacred spaces, Carl Jung, Jacques Vallee, Fae lore, lake monsters, Tim Renner, “Where the Footprints End”, the unification of the paranormal, Todd Standing, “Discovering Bigfoot”, Les Stroud, “Survivorman”, a bizarre fallen tree that seems to defy physics, stomping sounds in the middle of the night, A.P. Strange, hostile poltergeist activity, being alone with the unknown, habituators, odd dreams, and much more! This is a fascinating discussion of first-hand high strangeness experiences!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Leo has also started an Instagram @strangeloveisland
You can also email him at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Outro Music is Tom Fury with See You in the Bar




Listener Stories: Frogs, Lights, and Owls - March 18, 2023

Seriah is joined by Chris Ernst and Super-Inframan for a listener stories episode. Topics include the bicameral mind theory of Julian Jaynes, the equal intelligence of ancient peoples, the industrial revolution, the distinction between perception and interpretation, condescending attitudes toward experiencers, masking and screen memories, the brain and the subtle body, flesh-and-blood Bigfoot, misleading headlines about an alien mothership, Parliament funk musician Bootsy Collins, an AI chatbot alleging writings Seriah didn’t actually do, a listener encounter with an overpowering sulfur odor and intense fear, spirit contact, John Keel and fields of fear, a strange experience with a streetlight, a spiritual teacher and electro-magnetic chi, kundalini energy, a man impervious to electrical shock, a personal experience of a frog fall while driving in fog, the Bennington Triangle, Travis Watson, an encounter with a massive upright black wolf, liminality, Jacques Vallee and control systems, paranormal experiences pushing people into questioning reality, youthful hostile interactions with Greys, psychokinetic energy, the paranormal as a performance, a worm fall in China, “The Call of the Void” podcast, a strange experience with a vision of a mandala image and the god Pan, a terrifying encounter with a mysterious stranger in a van and a strange voice, a rolling ball of light on the road in the middle of the night, experiencing wood knocks at a city bus stop, finding a dead owl during a time of family crisis and a dream of Fae accompanied by the growth of mushrooms, synchronicities and gradations between the supernatural and mundane, and much more! These are some fascinating tales accompanied by insightful commentary!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music is Out of Time by March and Beauty



Wandering Through the News - March 4, 2023

Seriah is joined by Super_Inframan and Chris Ernst to discuss recent weird news. Topics include a reporter’s strange experience with a chatbot, Joshua Cutchin’s encounter with an AI description of a book that does not (currently) exist, A.P. Strange, AI as a Trickster, simulacrums, “Society of the Spectacle”, Jean Baudrillard, wealthy doomsday preppers, Peter Theil, deep fake technology, Futurama, advertising in dreams, Tim Boucher, an AI-generated article about itself, quantum computing, scrying, AI as a less than fully conscious intelligent servant, fakery in paranormal photos and videos, a social media influencer targeted by deep-fake porn, changing social mores involving sexual material, tattoos and piercing, Portland OR, cultural norms, the history of fashion, neckties, lost origins of customary practices, critical thinking, political divisions, public distrust of the press, information overload, profit in the news business, the fairness doctrine in the FCC, the 24 hour news cycle, the cold war alliance between the CIA and the New York Times, algorithms, generational differences in news consumption, Tik-Tok, accuracy among various news networks, clickbait, ghost hunting TV shows, side-show gimmicks, alternative rock, “Jackass” and skater culture, the podcast “Wolf 359”, scientists predict collapse of human civilization due to deforestation, the Amazon rainforest, “Silent Running”, climate change, the ozone hole, fixable problems, the ubiquitous influence of money, a post-scarcity society, Adam Smith and capitalism, cronyism, possibly ancient machine tracks in Turkey, prehistoric wheel marks around the world, Graham Hancock, a vast network of linked Mayan cities connected by superhighways, Francisco de Orellana and possible massive lost civilizations in South America, European imperialism and archeology, the myth of progress, catastrophes, the danger of solar flares, the Carrington Event, Whitley Strieber, “Phantoms” by Dean Koontz, “The Rig” TV series, and much more! This is riveting, thought-provoking discussion!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music by Vrangvendt with What Happiness Feels Like



Perceptions, Gorillas and Reality - Feb 25, 2023

Seriah is joined by Super_Inframan and Taylor Bell. Topics include aphantasia (the lack of ability to visualize), imagination, the “mind’s eye”, meditation, mental imagery, an informal survey, imagery in dreams, personal paranormal experiences, aphantasia and creativity, graphic arts, children’s imaginary experiences, internal monologues, self-talk, songs in dreams, different ways of remembering numbers, modes of learning and types of memory, lost objects, the nature and flaws of memory, the book “The Invisible Gorilla”, a strange memory of Seriah’s resolved by keeping a diary, false memories, mental filling-in, emotion and false certainty, PTSD, memories vs. recorded reactions of 9/11, perception and age, a misperception that nearly caused a traffic accident, UFO experiences of Taylor and Seriah and questions of perception, a “folded-up fighter jet”, Barbara Fisher, a mysterious yellow helicopter, an anomalous plane, Saxon’s experience with a giant snake head, Taylor’s childhood memory of scaring himself with a movie monster, reincarnation, children’s memories of past lives, the illusionary power of confidence, confidence vs. competence, the Dunning-Kruger effect, false confidence, con-games and scammers, Steven Greer, alien races, salesmanship, aggressive selling techniques, sales and ethics, psychological manipulation, criminals preying on the elderly, spam email, “Last Exit for the Lost” radio show, the book “Miracle Visitors” by Ian Watson, false certainty in the paranormal community, proving an anomalous event vs. proving an explanation, Bigfoot, “belief” and assumptions, high strangeness, Jeffrey Kripal, paranormal encounters and the witness’s life, narratives perceived or imposed, Aaron Dabbah, myths, the limited number of core stories and archetypes, a pro wrestling analogy, the film “Cloud Atlas”, the hero’s journey archetype, the Epic of Gilgamesh, “John Wick”, H.P. Lovecraft, a long-term gaming experience, “Twin Peaks”, the ancient gods vs. cosmic horror, death and its unknowability, Joseph Campbell, and much more! This is an unusual, kind of meta, episode loaded with thought-provoking discussion!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music by DramaScream with What I've Become


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