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Listener Stories: Portals, Entities, and Pan - April 8, 2023

Seriah is joined by Christopher Ernst and Vincent Treewell for an episode focused on listener stories. Topics include synchronicities that follow a dream about gnomes, an odd bird-like object, meaningful coincidences despite mundane explanations, the Fae and their gifts, a disturbing encounter in a government building, 1951 CIA psycho-chemical experimentation on civilians in France, the Betty and Barney Hill case as a possible psyop, the documentary “Wormwood”, Operation Paperclip, Imperial Japanese Unit 731, Nick Redfern, Roswell as human experimentation, the Rendlesham incident, the Cash-Landrum encounter, visions of mandalas and strange entities, Jacques Vallee and control systems, materialist rationalism, balance with mysticism and enchantment, Seriah’s experiences with a strange shadow and a shaking moon, Taylor Bell, mental visualization and lack thereof, a visually-impaired podcaster and his experiences, NDEs and the blind, the subtle body vs the physical body, auras, the starseed concept, non-physical evolution, 3rd order cybernetics, self-generating systems and retro-causality, an incident involving a disappearing road in Geneva Ohio, multiple timelines/dimensions, another bizarre disappearing road incident, “medieval fairs”, paranormal roads, Timothy Renner, “The Seven Gates of Hell”, Vedantic Hinduism, seven planes of existence, the Stephen King series “Castle Rock”, multiple worlds and thin spots between them, timeslips, doppelgangers, Cherylee Black’s encounter in an oddly empty hotel, Seriah and Natalie’s strange “missing” experience, a Pagan listener’s experience with intense meditation and ritual and the entity Pan, automatic writing, creative “downloads”, mystical dream interpretation, spiritual enlightenment, beings appearing as deities, impersonator spirits, intuition, conquering fields of fear, John Keel, initiation rituals and facing fears, writing from outside the self, the goddess Hecate, Wren Collier, the offices of angels, tests of a Vedantic yogi that lead to receiving a mantle, art and spirituality, marketing as chaos magick, Chris makes a spiritual request and receives a blessing, the “Hyperion” book series by Dan Simmons, sleep experiences, a frightening encounter with a malevolent entity, Seriah’s bizarre last sleep paralysis incident, ancient Egyptian post-mortem rituals, Catholic ritual, an encounter with ball lightning, plasma intelligence, a possible stone tape incident or time slip, a listener’s story of-as an infant- having blood on his face without a cut or injury, astrology, an experience as a Jehovah’s Witness, a healing while a member of Falun Gong, “gong hands”, orgone energy, Wilhelm Reich, “Bubble Tech”, an exploding light fixture, and much more! This was a wide-ranging discussion fueled by some fascinating listener stories!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music is The Midnight Review Presents with I Got Bugs Feat. The Famous Sandhogs



As Within, So Without - The Documentary - April 1, 2023

Seriah is joined by Mike from “Mike and Maurice’s Mind Escape Podcast” and the film “As Within, So Without: From UFOs to DMT”. Topics include paranormal documentaries, “The Phenomena” film, Peter Coyote, philosophy, NDEs, psychedelics, alien/interdimensional entities, Greg Little, Andrew Collins, “The Origin of the Gods” book, Carl Jung, living plasma beings, orbs, altered states of consciousness, “The Roswell UFO Symposium” podcast, paranormal videos, an interesting optical effect, sky jellyfish, a bizarre “plastic bag” experience, consciousness vs. illusionism, Toby Martinez, underground sounds, the Taos hum, Havana Syndrome, cattle mutilations, missing time and time distortion, Jane Roberts/Seth channeled material, Michael Masters, time travel, grey aliens, John Keel, “Operation Trojan Horse” and “The Eighth Tower” books, John Hogan, a story of a Foo Fighter sighting, Anthony Tyler, the “Black Hoody Alchemy” podcast, Lea Prime, AI and tech ethics, Daniel Allen Jones, paranormal conventions, Jim Mars, Nick Redfern, Laird Scranton, experiencer stories, high strangeness, trip reports, Martin Ferretti from “The Alchemical Mind” podcast, Matthew Roberts U.S. Navy veteran and author of “Initiated”, unpleasant paranormal encounters, shamanic journeys, Ayahuasca, DMT beings, sleep paralysis, mystical surgery experiences, University of Michigan DMT studies, Rick Strassman, Hamilton Morris, river toads, the Olmec civilization, Terence McKenna, Dan Zetterstrom, UFO disclosure, the “falling leaf” motion in UFO and poltergeist activity, P.D. Newman, entheogens and freemasonry, toads in the paranormal, “Civilized” podcast, Dr. Rick Barnett, psychedelics and epigenetics in human development, Allen Gallimore, the ETH and assumptions of government conspiracy, R.N. Vooght, “Spirit in the Sky” book, symbolism in the ancient world, mythology, Christi Myers paramedic and ketamine researcher, Jack Napier on the DMT experience, hypnosis, the hidden and concealed nature of the true self, the material vs. immaterial divide, Paul Duvall and Justin Gale, “Dreaming Jaguars” youtube channel, Rick Strassman, “DMT: The Spirit Molecule” and “DMT: The Soul of Prophecy” books, Daniel McQueen “Psychedelic Cannabis” book, the DMT-X project, kundalini energy, darkness retreats, NFL quarterback Aaron Rogers, retro-causality, and much more! This is a riveting, information-packed episode!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music is Haishen with Neptune




Betty and Barney Hill - March 25, 2023

Seriah is joined by Red Pill Junkie and Wren Collier for a deep dive into the iconic UFO abduction story of Barney and Betty Hill and possible re-interpretations. Topics include government psyops, MK Ultra, Martin Cannon’s “The Controllers”, missing time, Project Bluebook, Dr. Benjamin Simon, hypnotherapy, shared delusions, John G. Fuller’s “Interrupted Journey”, Donald Keyhoe, Charles Douglas Jackson, Stanton T. Friedman and Kathleen Marden’s “Captured”, hypnotic regression, milabs, Antonio Vilas-Boas, Bosco Nedelcovic, allegations of fake UFO events by the CIA, racism, the NAACP, Operation Midnight Climax, Project Paperclip, Nazis mentioned by Barney Hill, the “red-headed Irishman”, “The Outer Limits” TV show, Travis Walton, false memories, AI chatbots and inaccuracies, chatbot malfunctions as a marketing ploy, AI and Magick rituals, parapolitics, Whitley Strieber, bedroom invaders, OBEs, driving trance states, sleep deprivation, Charles Lindbergh, sleep paralysis, the Pascagoula abduction, Kit Green, Bud Hopkins, George Adamski, Allen Dulles, UFO contactees, space brothers, the “Mabel” podcast, cattle mutilations, radiation, “Body Snatchers in the Desert”, government experimentation on marginalized groups of people, the city of Montreal, differing levels of hypnosis susceptibility, Jacques Vallee and a bizarre experiment by the Hills, recurring abductions and bloodline abductions, Vilas-Boas’s previous paranormal experiences, Rendlesham, Cash-Landrum incident, Peter Robbins, strange U.S. Navy patents and experiments, remote viewing, government experiments carried out through corporations, Robert Bigelow, and much more! This classic case still contains many unanswered questions!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music is Razorblade by Vrangvendt



Listener Stories: Frogs, Lights, and Owls - March 18, 2023

Seriah is joined by Chris Ernst and Super-Inframan for a listener stories episode. Topics include the bicameral mind theory of Julian Jaynes, the equal intelligence of ancient peoples, the industrial revolution, the distinction between perception and interpretation, condescending attitudes toward experiencers, masking and screen memories, the brain and the subtle body, flesh-and-blood Bigfoot, misleading headlines about an alien mothership, Parliament funk musician Bootsy Collins, an AI chatbot alleging writings Seriah didn’t actually do, a listener encounter with an overpowering sulfur odor and intense fear, spirit contact, John Keel and fields of fear, a strange experience with a streetlight, a spiritual teacher and electro-magnetic chi, kundalini energy, a man impervious to electrical shock, a personal experience of a frog fall while driving in fog, the Bennington Triangle, Travis Watson, an encounter with a massive upright black wolf, liminality, Jacques Vallee and control systems, paranormal experiences pushing people into questioning reality, youthful hostile interactions with Greys, psychokinetic energy, the paranormal as a performance, a worm fall in China, “The Call of the Void” podcast, a strange experience with a vision of a mandala image and the god Pan, a terrifying encounter with a mysterious stranger in a van and a strange voice, a rolling ball of light on the road in the middle of the night, experiencing wood knocks at a city bus stop, finding a dead owl during a time of family crisis and a dream of Fae accompanied by the growth of mushrooms, synchronicities and gradations between the supernatural and mundane, and much more! These are some fascinating tales accompanied by insightful commentary!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music is Out of Time by March and Beauty



What Really Happened at Roswell? - March 11, 2023

Seriah is joined by Red Pill Junkie and Chris Ernst to discuss, for the first time ever, the Roswell incident. Topics include Nick Redfern, “Body Snatchers in the Desert”, Jeremy Corbell, George Knapp, the phantom of Baghdad, military technology, Tom DeLonge, video fakery, Guillermo del Toro, John Keel, Fu-Go balloons, Bill Moore and Charles Berlitz, “The Roswell Incident”, “The Day After Roswell”, Douglas Dietrich, Japanese POWs, Imperial Japan’s germ warfare program and Unit 731, government information security tests, Congressional Committee On Human Radiation Experiments, the Imperial Japanese equivalent to Operation Paper Clip, high-altitude human testing, progeria syndrome, Maria the black widow, Al Barker, Bill Salter, UK Ministry of Defense, Roswell extraterrestrial story as disinformation, U.S. government human experimentation 1944-74, Nueralink, cold war psyops, Annie Jacobsen, Area 51, Josef Mengele, Joseph Stalin, Lieutenant-Colonel Jesse Marcel, balloon materials, mis-identified camera slides, destroyed documents, the MJ-12 documents, secrecy and obstruction within the government, UAPs, lunar landing hoax allegations, the Manhattan Project, Soviet espionage, Communist China, war-time secrecy, the Wuhan covid lab release theory, the 9/11 Building 7 incident, the magic bullet theory in the JFK assassination, power vs, truth, U.S. Air Force Office of Public Affairs, U.S. Department of Energy, alien autopsy films, Ray Santilli, contact lenses for nuclear pilots, Philip Mantle, an experimental aircraft crash near White Sands NM, Jacques Vallee and Paola Harris, atomic aircraft, Adam Gorightly, cattle mutilations, Whitley Strieber, shamanism, progeria and the grey alien image, the podcast “The Bridge”, wartime Fu-Go balloon secrecy, Lou Elizondo, Bob Lazar, the Hell’s Angels MC, a Japanese vintage mechanical disc, Continuity of Government Program, the Soviet AIDS from a U.S. lab propaganda op, Rendlesham, Roswell in TV and film, Colonel Philip J. Corso, “In Search Of”, “Unsolved Mysteries”, Stanton Friedman, back-engineering, Jay Stratton, Joe Rogan, the “Intellectual Dark Web”, the reality of the UFO phenomena, Terence McKenna, and much more! This conversation draws out countless angles on a seemingly cliched topic!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music by Dyonisis with "Eve's Song"



Wandering Through the News - March 4, 2023

Seriah is joined by Super_Inframan and Chris Ernst to discuss recent weird news. Topics include a reporter’s strange experience with a chatbot, Joshua Cutchin’s encounter with an AI description of a book that does not (currently) exist, A.P. Strange, AI as a Trickster, simulacrums, “Society of the Spectacle”, Jean Baudrillard, wealthy doomsday preppers, Peter Theil, deep fake technology, Futurama, advertising in dreams, Tim Boucher, an AI-generated article about itself, quantum computing, scrying, AI as a less than fully conscious intelligent servant, fakery in paranormal photos and videos, a social media influencer targeted by deep-fake porn, changing social mores involving sexual material, tattoos and piercing, Portland OR, cultural norms, the history of fashion, neckties, lost origins of customary practices, critical thinking, political divisions, public distrust of the press, information overload, profit in the news business, the fairness doctrine in the FCC, the 24 hour news cycle, the cold war alliance between the CIA and the New York Times, algorithms, generational differences in news consumption, Tik-Tok, accuracy among various news networks, clickbait, ghost hunting TV shows, side-show gimmicks, alternative rock, “Jackass” and skater culture, the podcast “Wolf 359”, scientists predict collapse of human civilization due to deforestation, the Amazon rainforest, “Silent Running”, climate change, the ozone hole, fixable problems, the ubiquitous influence of money, a post-scarcity society, Adam Smith and capitalism, cronyism, possibly ancient machine tracks in Turkey, prehistoric wheel marks around the world, Graham Hancock, a vast network of linked Mayan cities connected by superhighways, Francisco de Orellana and possible massive lost civilizations in South America, European imperialism and archeology, the myth of progress, catastrophes, the danger of solar flares, the Carrington Event, Whitley Strieber, “Phantoms” by Dean Koontz, “The Rig” TV series, and much more! This is riveting, thought-provoking discussion!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music by Vrangvendt with What Happiness Feels Like


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