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Gef the Mongoose! - April 20, 2024

Seriah is joined by Mat Festa and Roejen in a deep dive into the bizarre events surrounding Gef, a self-described talking mongoose in an isolated region of the UK in the 1930’s. Topics include the “Project Archivist” podcast, “Paratopia” with Jeff Ritzmann and Jeremy Vaeni, the book “Gef! The Strange Tale of an Extra-Special Talking Mongoose”. by Christopher Josiffe, the Isle of Man, poltergeist activity, trickster behavior, “woo” Bigfoot encounters, family stresses and paranormal phenomena, investigators and their interactions with the family, outside witnesses of a mysterious small animal, rock throwing, urination by Gef, tulpas/thought forms, Gef’s various explanations for his identity, hoax allegations, Fae activity, the Malk- a Faerie cat, Roejen’s childhood experiences with a bizarre black dog, the movie “Nandor Fodor and the Talking Mongoose” and its serious flaws, the difficulties with photographic proof of the paranormal, self-negating evidence, investigators Harry Price, Hereward Carrington, and Nandor Fodor, the personal nature of paranormal experiences, “The Dreams in the Witch House” short story by H.P. Lovecraft, Gef’s apparent psychic abilities, attempts to make plaster casts of his footprints, the film “Late Night with the Devil”, Gef as a cryptid, Joshua Cutchins, Fae as an explanatory concept, similarities with Mothman, forensic testing in that era, alleged photographs of Gef, present day fakery on video, “The Excluded Middle”, and much more! This is riveting conversation on a fascinating series of incidents!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music is by Such a Shame by The Scarlet Ending



Seth and Jane Roberts: Part 2 of 2 - Jan 6, 2024

Part II. Seriah is once again joined by Chris Ernst, Jack Huntington, and Matt Festa for a continuing super deep dive into the Seth material. While this is a further focused episode, the discussion is still wide-ranging. Topics include an academic paper “Problems of Seth’s Origins”, Jane Roberts’ three non-Seth books on psychical interpretations of three famous painters, past-life regression and historical figures, cryptomnesia, coordination points, portals, fixed events in history, the return of Christ, a video game analogy, the Oversoul, alternate selves, the film “Everywhere All at Once”, the concept of the multi-verse, the TV show “Lost”, the film “No One Will Save You”, Jane Roberts’ personal experience while channeling Seth, the soul-structure of Seth/Jane/Robert, transparency, Robert Shock, Edgar Cayce, the “Seth II” entity, non-linear time, Jane’s previous incarnation as “Rupert”, Carl Jung, Jane Roberts’ educational level, an incident involving Jane Roberts predicting the future pre-Seth, varying quality of channeled material, trans-personal psychologist Arthur Hastings, Norman Friedman, an Islamophobic comment by Jane Roberts, genius and muses, telepathy, psychic testing, possible debunking explanations and their flaws, the Dead Sea Scrolls and symbols, creation and art, practical health advice from Seth and Feng-Shui, the upstate New York “Burned-Over District”, Lord Byron, Carlos Castenada, opinions of the validity of the Seth material, and much more! Despite being a specific show, this a widely varied conversation, full of fascinating discussion!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music: The Living Room with Pretty Good for a Failure



Seth and Jane Roberts: Part 1 of 2 - Dec 30, 2023

Seriah is joined by Chris Ernst, Jack Huntington, and Matt Festa for a super deep dive into the Seth material, a large collection of channeled communications from a discarnate entity named Seth to a woman named Jane Roberts and transcribed by her husband Robert Butts between 1963-1984. While this is a focused episode, the discussion is still wide-ranging. Topics include Ouija board experiences, attempts at debunking, the material ringing true and being very different from most channeled content, a psychiatrist involved with MK Ultra investigating the Seth phenomena, the mechanics of Near Death Experiences, a ground-breaking study of NDEs by a skeptical surgeon, a scholarly paper offering multiple explanations for the material, differences between Buddhist and Vedantic understandings of reincarnation, multiple lives as an actor playing different roles, time as a necessary illusion, multiple realities, co-creation, the differences between personalities and higher selves and “the entity”, spirit creating matter, non-physical evolution, theosophy, the mechanics of reincarnation, a soul choosing to sub-divide and reincarnate as a dog, the nature of “God”, the possible explanations of the Seth material including Jane’s subconscious, testable predictions by Seth, ancient lost civilizations, lost continents, the discovery of ancient texts in caves, portal areas, The Last Exit for the Lost music show, “A Murder at the End of the World” TV series, coordination points, the consciousness-first model of reality, UFOs and the subconscious, J.Z. Knight and Ramtha, false apocalypse predictions, Depok Chopra, Marianne Williamson, “The Secret” belief system, New Thought, the concept of the multiverse, Carl Jung, shadow work, retro-causality, the “Mandela Effect”, a future understanding of religion and spirituality, an alternate concept of Jesus Christ, predictions of psychic contact with alien life, Christ Consciousness, the effects on people of learning of previous incarnations, the film “Powder”, lost history and esoteric Christianity, ancient oral traditions world-wide, and much more! While a targeted episode, this conversation is riveting and wide-ranging!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music is Devo Spice with On New Year's Eve




Questioning Seriah - Oct 16, 2023

Seriah is joined by SuperSaxonMan, Matt Festa, and Katie of the Night to ask questions. Topics include paranormal experiences and pro wrestlers, Chris Jericho, a paranormal show “Chamber of Horrors” by three female WWE wrestlers, Chris Stratlander, Andre the Giant’s appearance as Bigfoot in the TV show “The Six Million Dollar Man”, a huge pair of pants, a telepathic message from a Sasquatch, the “Survivor Man” episode where the host encountered Bigfoot, UFO contactees, Elijah Burke, Randy “Macho Man” Savage, liminality, the Seth material, Jane Roberts, past lives, the second coming of Jesus Christ, Patrick Harper’s “Daemonic Reality”, the possibility of a multiverse, “Forbidden Archelogy” by Michael Cremo and Richard L. Thompson, mathematics and biology, Jeffrey Kripal, George Hansen, Kenneth Ring, “The Omega Project”, Jenny Randles, “Mind Monsters”, the OZ factor, co-creating haunted locations, David Weatherly and a plantation entity that existed but was fictional, colleges and ghosts and urban legends, egregores, Ouija boards, whispers in one’s ear, scientific study of the paranormal, Sarah Lee Black, high strangeness, pk/psi laboratory experiments, Aleister Crowley, Kenneth Grant, Bruce Dickinson’s(of Iron Maiden) “Crowley” movie, a strange experience with a Lyft driver, horror movies and things “coming out of the TV”, fear and poltergeist activity, a childhood experience with a scary movie, “The Ring” film, Cipher from “The Matrix” film, childhood memories of toys moving around, presumptions of evil in the paranormal, H.P. Lovecraft, belief vs fear of the unknown, “The Magnus Archives” horror fiction podcast, Strange Realities conference, Seriah’s autobiography and its cover, objective vs subjective experiences with the paranormal, metal bands as an analogy for understanding vs perception, the Mothman phenomena, Skinwalker Ranch, John Keel’s “The Mothman Prophecies”, Indrid Cold, Woodrow Durenberger, Indiana Jones/Kolchack the Night Stalker, Whitley Strieber, graveyard experiences, sacred spots, Cornell University, Ithica NY, cemeteries as safe spaces, Robert Johnson, the Alpine Portal, and much more! This is some absolutely fascinating discussion!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell

Outro music: Morpheus V2.1 by Psyche Corporation



UFO's, Strange Lights, Weird Encounters, AI, and more - July 15, 2023

Seriah is joined by Joshua Cutchin, Taylor, and graphic artist Matt Festa. Topics include listener comments, government UFO disclosure, strange lights, a bizarre listener encounter with UFOs and a ball of light and a burning smell, an analogy involving cats, Steven Greer and CE-5 experiences, authors meeting their characters, Jeff Ritzmann and co-creation, Wren Collier’s encounter with a “polygonal tiger”, Seriah’s experiences with anomalous birds, Peter Fenwick, Barbara Fisher, Mike Clelland, George P. Hansen, weird bird incidents and connections, death and soul symbolism, Tim Renner’s experience with a large white shape, sky amoebas/manta rays/jellyfish entities, Lon Strickler, Trevor James Constable’s “The Sky Creatures: Living UFOs” and “The Cosmic Pulse of Life”, Antony Milne’s “Sky Critters: Ufos, Science, and Extraterrestrials”, Jason Pargin’s “If This Book Exists, You’re in the Wrong Universe”, the frailty and quirks of memory, aging and novel experiences vs routine, cashiers, a listener who met someone in a dream before meeting her in real life, layered dreaming, King Diamond, projected dreams, Jason Colavito, a highly inaccurate AI article about Star Wars, Gizmodo, AI and writing code, Jim Nettles, musicians and synthesizers, pilots and drones, AI panic, an eating disorder helpline that misused AI, spam and clickbait, Commodore 64’s “Eliza”, the internet and the collective unconscious, corporate greed, an extensive search for missing Indigenous children in the Columbian jungle involving Ayahuasca and a turtle, inaccessible knowledge, the movies “Resolution” and “The Endless”, Devil’s Footprints in Britain, Devil’s Horse’s Hoofprints in North Carolina, Bath NC, the Devil’s Stomping Ground, Blackbeard the pirate, a UFO incident causing paralysis and permanently dead vegetation, the Brown Mountain Lights, “Phantom Armies of the Night: The Wild Hunt and the Ghostly Processions of the Undead” by Claude Lecouteux, the Wild Hunt, radiation, the Cash/Landrum incident, Greg Little, Andrew Collins, a bizarre event during hypnotic regression, Stephanie Quick, a 1970’s mass kidnapping of school children solved in part by hypnotic regression, favorite books on the paranormal, the absurdity paradox, anomalous walls, the “Raised by Wolves” TV series, the film “Mr. Nobody”, and much more! This is prime WDTRG fascinating conversation!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music is The Living Room with Eleven O'Clock is When the Drugs Kick In.


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