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Mandela Effect, Tulpa's, and Kundalini - Dec 2, 2023

Seriah is joined by Chris Ernst and Tillie Treadwell. Topics include roman numerals, Mandela Effect/Retconning, Star Wars, quantum science, retro-causality, a vanishing scar, paranormal counseling, kundalini energy, feats of recovery by Indian yogis, strange bruising/absence of bruising, Seriah’s bizarre out of body experience, the origin of the name “Seriah”, the film “Gateways to Magonia”, orders vs requests, workplace cultures, human nature vs transcendence, consciousness and multiverse timelines, Seth materials, scrying, the Kozyrev mirror, Wren Collier, psychic devices, Seriah’s strange barn experiences, black mirrors, abandoned buildings, “Backrooms” online, the unique experiences of being awake in the middle of the night, the film “Miracle Mile“, the enjoyable vibe of not being connected, the book “God Star”, Saturn as first Sun theory, story-telling vs written cultures, Wal Thornhill, internet culture vs gatekeeping, the book “The Invisible Gorilla”, human memory and its flaws, the TV show “Dark Matter”, dealing with trauma, Lifewave therapy patches, Saxon and electro-magnetic healing, use and misuse of the term “quantum”, the podcast “Small Town Horror”, the radio show “Last Exit For The Lost”, Wilhelm Reich and Orgone energy, Peter Robbins and a Reichian cloud buster at Rendlesham, consensus reality and NPCs, alternate explanations for haunted houses, energetic empathy and visits from beings, contagious paranormal experiences, the paranormal as created by the subconscious mind, thought forms/tulpas, multiple explanations for ghosts, enchanted Christmas trees, evergreen lore, language and its limitations, and much more! This is a fascinating, unique discussion!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music is by Darwin with Night of Swords



Wandering After Albatwitch - Oct 21, 2023

After attending Alabatwitch Day, Seriah is joined by Timothy and Allison Renner, Chris Ernst, and Tyler Strand. Topics include alchemical teachings, the global phenomenon of non-human entities imparting knowledge, UFOs and spiritual initiations, a youthful encounter with a UFO, curiosity and the paranormal, “The Philosophers Stone” by Peter Marshall, a bizarre experience over the phone earlier that day, the green-skinned children of Woolpit, St. Martin’s Land, strange phone experiences, subtle transmissions, communication by non-physical beings, a video game analogy and the limits of reality, yogis and hidden laws of nature, supernatural vs rare phenomena, the nature of experiencers, the “Hellier” series and magical initiation, fate and free will, Tim Renner’s book “Beyond the Seventh Gate”, Chris Ernst’s film “Corpse”, ebbs and flows in the creative process, Jeff Ritzmann, the need to avoid total immersion in the paranormal, Jeremy Vaeni, “Paratopia” podcast, cross-phenomenon high strangeness, the importance of connecting with nature, going into the wilderness in multiple spiritual traditions, a suspected Bigfoot hoax, the difference between audio and video recordings of paranormal phenomena, analog vs digital recording, the Patterson-Gimlin film, Tobe Johnson, the Siera Sounds, mysterious lights as a universal experience, the observation effect, co-creation, human fascination with fire, spelunking, mining towns in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, Tyler’s experience working as a cavern guide, little-known facts about caves, the underworld in world folklore, the Ant People, a bizarre experience of a co-worker in a cavern, kobolds, Fae activity and time dilation, the “Hellier” goblin and its inspiration, the Hopkinsville KY goblins, and much more! This is a fascinating, spontaneous roundtable discussion!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music is Stone Breath with The Sleeping Rise



Wandering Paratopia - Sept 16, 2023

Seriah is joined by Jeremy Vaeni and Christopher Ernst to discuss the Paratopia podcast with the late Jeff Ritzmann. Topics include the disaster in Hawaii, Joshua Cutchin, Timothy Renner, a broader view of the paranormal, Tim Binnall, Ufology and official disclosure, trying to step away from studying the phenomenon, a couple of experiences in the woods, people who have strange experiences vs those who do not, Carl Jung, the depths vs the shallows, Gray Barker, John Keel, the book “They Knew Too Much About Flying Saucers”, Bud Hopkins, the Brooklyn Bridge abduction, Linda Cortile, David Grusch, Carol Rainey, Emma Woods, hypnosis, “Elizabeth”, David Jacobs, alien hybrids, false memories, alien contact through text messages, Carol Crawford, Angel cards, Bashar, Mark Nesbitt and ghost hunting, kundalini and the sound of bells, the subtle and astral bodies, chakras, egoic death, Vedic belief systems, yogis, a variety of spiritual experiences, personal evolution, Hinduism and Sufiism, the Kali Yuga cycle, nirvana, the intellect and the self, reincarnation, personal transformation, the brain and consciousness, planes of existence, the nature of truth, the nature of time, knowledge vs direct experience, Adivedanta, evolution vs enlightenment, Jiddu Krishnamurti, a strange electronic event, the “Last Exit For The Lost” radio show, the game “Conarium”, the Strange Realities Conference, alien implants, iron collecting in the human body, Whitley Strieber, elf shooting, scoop marks, experiencers, Michael Sala, a ludicrous alleged alien, swimming with dolphins, solar activity and psychic research, the consciousness of stars, solar flares, an incident involving a UFO sighting and a simultaneous visit from a dead person, abduction experiences, the ”ecosystem” of the paranormal, varieties of high strangeness, “Illuminations: The UFO Phenomenon as a Parapsychological Event” by Eric Ouellet, Kenneth Ring’s book “The Omega Project”, and much more! There is some fantastic conversation going on here!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music is from The Burned Out Suns with Off and in the Stars



Wandering the Road - Sept 2, 2023

Seriah is joined by Christopher Ernst and Saxon/Super Inframan for some fascinating discussion. Topics include an elaboration on a Scottish ghost sighting described directly by the witness, a humorous suggestion for a drinking game, Chris and other WDTRG guests experiences working at MTV, late talk show host Morton Downey Jr. and his UFO encounter including missing time, an alleged hypnotic regression, psychology, skeptics/debunkers, different perceptions of the abduction experience, Travis Watson and paranormal fog, abduction as a non-physical experience, Jenny Randles and her book “Time Storms”, Raymond Fowler, Betty Andreasson, the perils of hypnotic regression, Downey’s hate crime hoax, polygraphs, the dangers of cigarette smoking, personality and show business, reality TV, John E.L. Tenney, screen memories, Sigmund Freud, Mike Clelland, David M. Jacobs, Mothman, the Owlman of Kent (UK), Tony "Doc" Shiels, ghost hunting and necromancy, Spiritualism, Western culture’s failure to deal with the reality of death, the Apple series “Invasion”, the 2023 Strange Realities Conference, Tom Gunning and Jainie Geiser, peer-reviewed psy research ay Cornell University, Spiritualism and early cinema, CIA investigation into psychic practices, “Stalking the Wild Pendulum” book by Itzhak Bentov, Psychic ability and the martial arts, mudras and sigils, government disclosure and its misinterpretation, Grusch the alleged whistleblower, Wernher von Braun, cell phone dead zones in strange areas, Bigfoot in Michigan, John Keel and fear fields, an “Alpine Portal” in upstate New York involving Sasquatch and many other paranormal activity, “Connecticut Hill” area, the Oz effect, and much more! Through a very fortunately saved VHS tape, Downey (who died in 2001) tells the story in his own words. This is a unique and fascinating episode, not to be missed!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Link to video with Morton Downey Jr. -

Outro music by Entire Dog by Worm Quartet



Wandering the Road with Josh, Chris, Saxon, and Michael - Aug 26, 2023

Seriah is joined by Michael Angelo, Chris Ernst, Joshua Cutchin, and Saxon/Super Inframan for a fascinating roundtable. Topics include human memory, past lives, ayahuasca, Indigenous Australians and dreams, a Malaysian tribe and dream experiences, art and the unconscious, places experienced only in dreams, a memorable experience in New Zealand, Eric Wargo, major and minor dreams, feedback loops, increasing speeds of communication, Terence McKenna, time wave zero, novelty and information, dueling Terence McKenna impersonations (no, really), city vs. country environments, West Virginia cryptids, Appalachian high strangeness, entanglement with media and mass information, a survey of plants and animals in Japan, long-time traditions, Djinn vs. electronics, Rosemary Ellen Guiley, Ernesto de Martino, magic and magic-accepting cultures, Rupert Sheldrake, experiences in the Mexican jungle, naming creatures, modern medicine and its outliers, language and its purposes, different languages and personalities, Adriano Celentano, “Prisencolinensinainciusol” an Italian hit song in pseudo-English, the film “Skewrl”, the film “Titus”, subtitles, translation and its complications, an episode of the TV series “News Radio”, Joe Rogan and Tony Danza, the film “Genghis Blues”, Mongolian throat singing, Paul Pena, “Jet Airliner” by the Steve Miller Band, Biblical translations, apocryphal texts, an incident from “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”, Julian Jaynes, the bicameral mind, the Great Year and the Yuga cycle and its interpretations, Daniel O. McClellan, the Iliad, Grahm Hancock, cycles within cycles, “Finnegans Wake” by James Joyce, Walter Cruttenden, Procession of the Equinox, ages and consciousness, a binary star cycle with Sirius, Robert Shock, psychics and solar activity, Laird Scranton, the Dogan people, Fish-headed entities, two universes, Wim Wender’s film “Wings of Desire”, the Nick Cage re-make “City of Angels”, Kevin Randle’s book “The October Scenario”, Anthony Peake, Joshua Cutchin’s “Ecology of Souls”, incarnations and the higher self, simulation theory, Vedanta cosmology/theology, the TV series “Invasion”, Sutton Hoo Anglo-Saxon archeological site, Rendlesham Forest, an ancient ship, “The Dig” Netflix series, folklore, trolls in Norway, the Spirit of the Land, Mexican Fae folk, pareidolia and its possible meanings, Don Quixote, Dziga Vertov and the kino eye, the breakdown of consensus reality, co-creation, the replicability crisis in science, Robert Temple, necromancy, and much more! This is absolutely riveting conversation!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music is Our Mortality from 50 Dollar Dynasty.



The Big Questions: Life, Reality, Consciousness - Aug 5, 2023

Seriah is joined by Chris Ernst, Saxon, and Wren. Topics include fate, predestination, a strange incident with a lost dog, free will, the meaning of life, art and creation, cultural biases, Advaita Vedanta, the analogy of a train, destiny and magick, time as a river, Thelema, three levels of guardian angels, Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, Orphic mythos, challenges in life, the Eleusinian mysteries, Greco-Roman Hades, altruism and responsibility, maturity, Meher Baba, “Stalking the Wild Pendulum” by Itzhak Bentov, creation and oneness, NDEs. Seth material and multiple selves, individuality, Orphism and Buddhism, the cross-pollination of ancient ideas, reincarnating along with other souls, children’s memories of past lives, cosmic wave bubbles, unusually familiar strangers, a bizarre experience in Thailand, a bonded group of friends, simulation theory, the concept of physical reality as an illusion, an analogy to computer code, the limits of magick, the paranormal as a tool for understanding reality, a bizarre experience of a “glitching” animal, the problems of perception, Platonic ideal forms, spirituality and ascetism, Gnosticism, religion and the denial of pleasure, greed and materialism, the nature of suffering, the lives of people in previous eras, Rick Rubin, creativity and the phenomenon, Bibliomancy, System of a Down, talented musical acts getting over-played, “The Last Movie” podcast, cyclical lifetimes, “Way of the Peaceful Warrior” by Dan Millman, Seriah’s late brother’s last conversation, a three day window of separation between the body and soul, the phenomenon and spirituality, Jacque Vallee, John Keel, Saxon’s experiences with the death of his father, materialism and the fear of death, Wren’s encounter with a deceased friend, dreams as a gateway to the underworld, the subconscious and the imaginal, Seriah’s dreams of his late mother, Jeff Ritzmann, Greco-Roman necromancy, Seth on death and the body and consciousness, what happens immediately after death, the Elysian Fields and the waters of Lethe, the diversity of life paths, the importance of respecting other opinions, our polarized society, the value of mystery, and much more! The conversation gets truly deep this time!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music is Dead Harrison with Dance of the Dead



Listener Stories: Bigfoot, Weird Lights, Ghosts, and more - July 22, 2023

Seriah is joined by Saxon and Chris Ernst for an episode of listener stories. Topics include a dancing ghost party in Scottland, Jeff Ritzmann, “The Haunted Mansion” theme park ride, a pair of bizarre events involving a massive blast of light at a school bus stop, abduction experiences, forgetting paranormal encounters, “Nur”-the heatless light of Sufi religious revelation, perception vs. reality, rare experiences, a foreign mental voice leads to intervention in a medical emergency, third man syndrome, Susanne Chancellor, Seriah’s experience with ending up acting as a stranger’s guardian angel, various beings in the Sufi belief system, Dharma and control systems, expectations based on appearance, a bizarre experience in 1960’s Spain, power areas vs sensitive people, a conversation with Jeremy Vaeni and Jeff Ritzmann and Jaques Vallee, the attempted creation of a paranormal hot spot, a weird chiropractor and an unexplainable change of tea into coffee, Seriah’s strange traffic experience, an incident of misperception by police, “The Invisible Gorilla” book, the “What Happened In Skinner” podcast, linguistics and paranormal experience, the difficulties of translation, strange lights in a forest, childhood Bigfoot experiences, an exorcism and a mysterious death, multi-generational alien experiences, extreme poltergeist activity, Irish traditional folk magic, a strange warning about the Moon, a weird disturbing neighbor, photos of orbs near a cemetery, hereditary paranormal experiences, a Paratopia interview of Debra Kauble AKA Kathy Davis, Budd Hopkins, “Extraordinary Contact: Life Beyond Intruders” by Debra Jordon-Kauble, UFO disclosure, Jason Colavito, Frank Scully, 1950 book “Behind the Flying Saucers”, a report of human-looking aliens dressed in Victorian garb with paper books, and much more! This is a rollicking conversation covering some fascinating stories!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music is Dimension B-248 from Craft of Unkonwn Origin



Exploring Theosophy - June 24, 2023

Seriah is joined by AP Strange and Christopher Ernst for a deep dive on the subject of Theosophy. Topics include a weird trip to a graveyard, Madame Blavatsky, the books “The Secret Doctrine” and “Isis Unveiled”, Gary Lachman, Henry Steel Olcott, the I AM movement, Guy Ballard, conspiracy theories, eugenics, the Nazi regime, colonialism, racist concepts in anthropology, Mahatmas, “root races”, Western interpretation of Hinduism, Rudolph Steiner, Lemurians, Atlantians, cognitive dissonance, Indian independence movement, spiritual adepts, Tibet, the Theosophical Society of 1875, the Spiritualist movement, a Coptic magician, ascended masters, UFO contactees, seances, Sufiism, Meher Baba movement, saints and gurus, George Gurdjieff, MIB and space brothers, ascetics, cross-over Muslims and Hindus, Zoroastrianism, Eastern and Western esotericism, vast time period cycles, Buddhism, yogic and tantric practices, Kabbalah , Vedantic tradition, the Indian caste system, the Yuga cycles, the age of Aquarius, the significance of the number 7, Infinite Intelligence, reincarnation through different forms, evolution vs infolution, Aleister Crowley, the concept of avatars, the new age movement, C.W. Leadbeater, Krishna Murti, Maitreya, Buddhi vistas, secret chiefs, ecological systems, Gaea theory, the great white brotherhood, Twin Peaks, David Lynch, transcendental meditation, Mark Frost, opposing mystic lodges, “Vril: The Coming Race”, “The Morning of the Magicians”, “Iron Sky”, scientific materialism and atrocities, George Adamski and Desmond Leslie, William Dudley Pelley, Edgar Cayce, the 1977 book “Healer” by F. Paul Wilson, the death of Blavatsky, Annie Besant and Alice Bailey, the Lucius Trust, William Quan Judge, today’s Theosophical Society, Thomas Edison, misconceptions about Theosophy, maya and illusion, Trickster characters, racism, self-mythologizing, anti-colonialism, mystical flapdoodle, Lachman’s “The Key To Theosophy” book, Arthur Machen, Austin Osmond Spare, the Seth material, and much more! This is a fascinating conversation loaded with information and connections!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music is A Hidden City from Songs of the Drow



Wandering the News: AI, NDE's, and more - June 10, 2023

Seriah is joined by Barbara Fisher, Superinfra Man, and Chris Ernst to discuss some recent news stories. Topics include a study of NDEs, OBEs, the fullness of the NDE experience and the limitations of materialism, the difficulties of measurement, the scientific method and its limits, ghosts, the Philip experiment, Bigfoot, spirits, tulpas, souls of the dead, Karen Woodhouse, fakery in reality TV ghost hunting, anecdotal evidence, an ancient pre-Homo Sapien species conducting burial rituals and carving symbols, Neanderthals, Homo Erectus, entheogens, primates using drugs, brain size vs intelligence, Graham Hancock, lost history, hoarding of art and artifacts by wealthy collectors, Black Water Inc, Iraq, Hobby Lobby, “Evil Archeology” by Heather Lynn, a strange moving anomaly in the Earth’s magnetic field, weird zones in the magnetic field beneath South America and Africa, a story of AI replacing counselors in an eating disorder helpline, the dubious nature of AI, a bad experience with a weaponized AI drone, Isaac Asimov and the 3 laws of robotics, the importance of empathy, Artificial Intelligence vs mimicry, AI art and content, AI podcasts and audio books, deficiencies in internet information, lack of creativity in pop culture, the pluses and minuses of retail self-check-out, AI pioneer inventors calling for regulation and issuing warnings, Terence McKenna and novelty, the films “WALL-E” and “Elysium”, depopulation conspiracy theories vs the worker shortage, younger peoples’ reluctance to have children, life-extending drugs and procedures, Elon Musk, the series “Altered Carbon”, transhumanism, the life model decoy, the “Subjective Truth” podcast, a consciousness box that traps souls, “Babylon 5”, Hollywood re-boots including “Star Wars” and “Harry Potter”, the movie “12 Monkeys” and the subsequent art film and series, Chris Marker, Whitley Strieber’s “A New World”, Indian Vedic cosmology, other worlds that lack emotion, Sufism, agape love, the series “Westworld”, free will vs predestination, computers turning on humans, reality tunnels, journalism vs entertainment, pro wrestling, 9/11 anti-terrorism drills, conspiracy theories and psyops, the TV series “The Lazarus Project”, an enormous metal structure discovered at the Moon’s south pole, bizarre lunar facts and theories, disappointments of the space program, Gary Nolan, Robert Heinlein’s “Stranger in a Strange Land”, reasons why aliens would avoid human contact, a theory of empathy and the Black Plague, empathy and narcissism, Lobo Matias, Ronald Reagan and peace through a common alien enemy, a warning from Space Force General Chance Saltzman, xenobots, programable robots made from frog cells, consciousness vs sentience, “The Last of Us”, the film “The Day After”, and much more! This is some fascinating discussion, not to be missed!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music is Whirring World from Psyche Corporation


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