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When it comes to unexplained phenomena, it is just that. Unexplained. We try to approach this from as many different ways as possible, and to throw out the assumptions that have driven research for a very long time. These strange experiences people have, no matter what you want to label or catagorize them as, are real in some way. They have been reported throughout history and across cultures. If nothing else, they are a very Human experience. None of the theories we have may even come close to divining what we are actually experiencing, if they did, we would have some answers. We do not know what Reality is, what life or death are, or truly why we are here. We do know that our senses filter much out, and our memories do not work like we think they do. New approaches are needed if we are ever to make any progress at all in understanding what we are interacting with. Some of that comes from understanding ourselves, and some of that comes from having a truly open mind in confronting those things that defy explanation. We need new eyes, perspectives, and better questions. That is the goal of Where Did the Road Go? To go places that have not been tread before, and explore new things from new angles. To leave the well worn road, and wander...

Peter Robbins and Ryan Sprague on the UFO Phenomenon and Rendlesham - November 16, 2013

Where Did the Road Go? Show Archive
Peter Robbins Returns to the show to talk more about the UFO Phenomenon. We discuss the role of hypnosis in the UFO Phenomenon, Peter's connection to Whitley Strieber, and much more. 
Peter Robbins is an investigative writer, author and lecturer best known for his UFO related papers, columns, articles, editorials, commentaries, lectures and media appearances. He is a regular fixture on radio and has appeared as a guest on and been consultant to numerous television shows and documentaries.
Robbins’ background is fairly nonstandard for his chosen field. He was born in New York City and studied art, design and theater at University of Bridgeport in Connecticut, receiving his BFA (painting, film history) from New York City’s School of Visual Arts (SVA) where he taught painting for more than a dozen years. He was a member of the art faculties of St. Anns School in Brooklyn Heights and the Oklahoma Council on the Arts ‘Arts Encounters’ program. Following graduation from art school he was studio assistant to the abstract expressionist painter Adolph Gotlieb and to the American primitive painter William Cply. He worked in Off Broadway theater for years, primarily as house manager for New York City’s distinguished Mirror Repertory Company. Peter has traveled in approximately thirty countries, is an experienced New York City tour guide and an accomplished photographer. He is also co-author, along with Larry Warren, of the highly acclaimed British best-seller, Left at East Gate: A First-Hand Account of the Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident, Its Cover-Up and Investigation.
Halfway through we will be joined by Ryan Sprague, who is also an UFOlogist, who has written a play about the Rendlesham Incident, called Rendlesham, The Play. Originally from Syracuse, NY, Ryan graduated from Oswego State University with a degree in Theatre and Playwriting in 2006. After countless readings, workshops, commissions, and productions, Ryan went on to become artistic director for Loaf Theatre Company. He also served as Literary Manager for The Secret Theatre in Queens, NY. Ryan's website is 

Peter Robbins on Wilhelm Reich: Part 1 - March 8, 2014


Where Did the Road Go? Show Archive

Peter Robbins returns to the show, and we talk about his return to the UK and Rendlesham, and then get into the life and research of Wilhelm Reich. If you are not familiar with the man, you should be. You will see why on this show. Peter is of course best known for his work on the Rendlesham Forest case, but has an extensive resume dealing with Reich as well. Peter Robbins was first introduced to the books of Wilhelm Reich as a teenager by a college roommate, to whom he remains deeply indebted. In 1976 he met Dr. Elsworth F. Baker, Reich’s first assistant for the last eleven years of his life. Soon after this he became a patient of Dr. Baker and entered into almost seven years of medical orgone therapy with the distinguished orgonomist.
Robbins went on to enroll in the classes New York University offered in scientific and social orgonomy which was taught by the Reich scholars Professors John Bell and Paul Matthews. They in turn invited him to become a member of their ongoing Seminar in Social and Scientific Orgonomy, patterned after the seminars which Sigmund Freud presided over during the nineteen twenties. Peter spent much of the nineteen eighties involved with this group, presenting a variety of papers to his fellow seminar members under Matthews’ and Bell’s guidance and leadership.
Peter was a volunteer fundraiser for the American College of Orgonomy’s (ACO) Building Fund and had two papers on Wilhelm Reich and UFOs published in the Journal of Orgonomy. He was part of a select group of volunteers invited to witness a demonstration of cloudbusting technology and presented on the subject of Reich and UFOs at the ACO’s Princeton NJ facility, and at international conferences on the life and work of Reich in New York City, Ashland Oregon, Niece France and Karavomilos Greece. His lectures have been well received at numerous scientific and UFO conferences both here and abroad while his articles on the subject have been published in a variety of print and web publications. Robbins’ extensively researched paper, “Politics, Religion and Human Nature: Practical Problems and Roadblocks on the Path Toward Official UFO Acknowledgment” is scheduled to be published in the upcoming issue of Annals of the Institute for Orgonomic Science.

Peter Robbins on Wilhelm Reich: Part 2 - April 12, 2014




Peter Robbins returns to the show to continue our discussion about Wilhelm Reich. First we discuss some happenings in the UFO world, before delving into some of Reich's theories, Orgone, connections to Eastern philosophy, sex, and even Aleister Crowley.
Peter stuck around then for our music show, The Last Exit for the Lost, and we did a Tribute to his late sister, Helen, which you can listen to here.
Peter Robbins was first introduced to the books of Wilhelm Reich as a teenager by a college roommate, to whom he remains deeply indebted. In 1976 he met Dr. Elsworth F. Baker, Reich’s first assistant for the last eleven years of his life. Soon after this he became a patient of Dr. Baker and entered into almost seven years of medical orgone therapy with the distinguished orgonomist.
Robbins went on to enroll in the classes New York University offered in scientific and social orgonomy which was taught by the Reich scholars Professors John Bell and Paul Matthews. They in turn invited him to become a member of their ongoing Seminar in Social and Scientific Orgonomy, patterned after the seminars which Sigmund Freud presided over during the nineteen twenties. Peter spent much of the nineteen eighties involved with this group, presenting a variety of papers to his fellow seminar members under Matthews’ and Bell’s guidance and leadership.
Peter was a volunteer fundraiser for the American College of Orgonomy’s (ACO) Building Fund and had two papers on Wilhelm Reich and UFOs published in the Journal of Orgonomy. He was part of a select group of volunteers invited to witness a demonstration of cloudbusting technology and presented on the subject of Reich and UFOs at the ACO’s Princeton NJ facility, and at international conferences on the life and work of Reich in New York City, Ashland Oregon, Niece France and Karavomilos Greece. His lectures have been well received at numerous scientific and UFO conferences both here and abroad while his articles on the subject have been published in a variety of print and web publications. Robbins’ extensively researched paper, “Politics, Religion and Human Nature: Practical Problems and Roadblocks on the Path Toward Official UFO Acknowledgment” is scheduled to be published in the upcoming issue of Annals of the Institute for Orgonomic Science.

Peter Robbins on his new book and Wilhelm Reich: Part 3 - June 15, 2014



Where Did the Road Go? Show Archive

Peter Robbins returns to the show to continue our discussion about Wilhelm Reich. You can find part one of that discussion here and part two here. We talk about Peters' latest book, called Deception, and do get into varies discussion about UFO's, and then get into Reich, Cloudbusting,  and UFO's.
Peter Robbins was first introduced to the books of Wilhelm Reich as a teenager by a college roommate, to whom he remains deeply indebted. In 1976 he met Dr. Elsworth F. Baker, Reich’s first assistant for the last eleven years of his life. Soon after this he became a patient of Dr. Baker and entered into almost seven years of medical orgone therapy with the distinguished orgonomist.
Robbins went on to enroll in the classes New York University offered in scientific and social orgonomy which was taught by the Reich scholars Professors John Bell and Paul Matthews. They in turn invited him to become a member of their ongoing Seminar in Social and Scientific Orgonomy, patterned after the seminars which Sigmund Freud presided over during the nineteen twenties. Peter spent much of the nineteen eighties involved with this group, presenting a variety of papers to his fellow seminar members under Matthews’ and Bell’s guidance and leadership.
Peter was a volunteer fundraiser for the American College of Orgonomy’s (ACO) Building Fund and had two papers on Wilhelm Reich and UFOs published in the Journal of Orgonomy. He was part of a select group of volunteers invited to witness a demonstration of cloudbusting technology and presented on the subject of Reich and UFOs at the ACO’s Princeton NJ facility, and at international conferences on the life and work of Reich in New York City, Ashland Oregon, Niece France and Karavomilos Greece. His lectures have been well received at numerous scientific and UFO conferences both here and abroad while his articles on the subject have been published in a variety of print and web publications. Robbins’ extensively researched paper, “Politics, Religion and Human Nature: Practical Problems and Roadblocks on the Path Toward Official UFO Acknowledgment” is scheduled to be published in the upcoming issue of Annals of the Institute for Orgonomic Science.

Deliberate Deception by Peter Robbins

Peter Robbins wrote this book rather unintentionally. It started as a book review of Nick Pope's encounter in Rendlesham Forest. As Peter read the book, he thought something wasn't right, and as he continued, he felt that Nick, for some reason, was being intentionally deceptive with his work. This led to the book review, becoming a book. Not only a book, though, Peter has made available all of the data he had regarding the case, so people can draw their own conclusions. He released this through Phenomena Magazine in the UK for free. Since some people have had problems downloading it from their site, Peter has allowed us to also make the book available through our site, in this case as a zip file. 

Download the Book

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