Shows from 2016

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Main Shows from 2016.

Steph Young on Hunted in the Woods Part 1 - January 16, 2016

Hunted in the WoodsSteph Young returns to the show to talk about her latest book, HUNTED IN THE WOODS;: Sometimes predators are humans or animal; and sometimes they are not....Something in the Woods is Taking People...Terrifying True Accounts. Like her previous books, this one has some seriously creepy stories of people disappearing, seeing things that should not be, and mysterious deaths. 

In this part we talk about some weird deaths in the UK, accompanied by some UFO reports and weird entities, a really creepy Black Eyed Kids encounter, Some strange black eyed people paintings, a couple of boys with myterious things happening to them, and a ghost girl...


Top Stories of 2015: Part 1 - Michael Hughes, Joshua Cutchin, and Red Pill Junkie - January 9, 2016


In this three part show, we discuss some of the top stories from 2015. From the paranormal to ancient civilizations, to big movie releases, and returning TV shows, to noteworthy deaths, we go all over the place. This is part one. I am joined by Red Pill Junkie, Joshia Cutchin, and Michael Hughes.


Cherylee Black on her Near Death Experiences and After Effects: Part 2 of 2 - January 2, 2016

CheryleeBlackCherylee Black has had multiple Near Death Experiences in her life, and the after-effects have been both challenging an enlightening. Since about 2010, Cherylee has been training and developing a psychokinetic ability, and she has been documenting her progress as a researcher. This unique blend of science and experience provides a valuable insight into the phenomena of PK and the field of parapsychology.


In this 2 Part interview, we talk to Cherylee about her three main NDE's, and the aftereffects, which became more and more severe with each experience. We do not get much into her scientific work in this interview, but will have her back in the future to talk about that and her book. 

TheCarberryNewExpress Jan 27 1993


Exploring the Fringe...