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When it comes to unexplained phenomena, it is just that. Unexplained. We try to approach this from as many different ways as possible, and to throw out the assumptions that have driven research for a very long time. These strange experiences people have, no matter what you want to label or catagorize them as, are real in some way. They have been reported throughout history and across cultures. If nothing else, they are a very Human experience. None of the theories we have may even come close to divining what we are actually experiencing, if they did, we would have some answers. We do not know what Reality is, what life or death are, or truly why we are here. We do know that our senses filter much out, and our memories do not work like we think they do. New approaches are needed if we are ever to make any progress at all in understanding what we are interacting with. Some of that comes from understanding ourselves, and some of that comes from having a truly open mind in confronting those things that defy explanation. We need new eyes, perspectives, and better questions. That is the goal of Where Did the Road Go? To go places that have not been tread before, and explore new things from new angles. To leave the well worn road, and wander...

Where Did the Road Go?

Red Pill Junkie and Joshua Cutchin on UFO's, Bigfoot, Forteana, and more - October 24, 2015

RPJJoshSeriah is joined this week by Red Pill Junkie and Joshua Cutchin as they discuss UFO's, Bigfoot, Space, Alien Life, and much more. It's a very open conversation, and it just goes where it goes.


Prior to pursuing his dream of becoming a full-time author and musician in 2015, Joshua Cutchin served as Public Affairs Director of the University of Georgia Hugh Hodgson School of Music for three years. During his tenure at UGA, Joshua authored over one hundred articles, press releases, and blog posts.

In addition to appearing in local media, his press releases have also been referenced and distributed by such media outlets as the Associated Press and National Public Radio. Before his time at UGA, Joshua provided content for the Georgia Symphony Orchestra (Marietta, GA), Athens Banner-Herald (Athens, GA), Walton Tribune (Monroe, GA), and Observer News Enterprise (Newton, NC).

Joshua has appeared on a variety of paranormal programs discussing his work, including Coast to Coast AM, Mysterious Universe, Binnall of America, and the Gralien Report. In 2015, Anomalist Books released his first book, A Trojan Feast.

Joshua's website.

Red Pill Junkie is a fortean blogger for The Daily Grail and other online publications. He has been a guest on various radio shows as well and has a wide base of knowledge in the field of the unexplained.


Peter Robbins on Travis and Halt in Woodbridge - December 5, 2015

peterbookPeter Robbins joins us to talk about his new book, Halt In Woodbridge: An Air Force Colonel's Thirty-Year Fight to Silence an Authetic UFO Whistle-Blower. We will also be discussing the documetary Travis that he was involved in...


Halt in Woodbridge: One of the most fascinating and intriguing UFO cases of all time occurred in December 1980 in the United Kingdom, near the U.S.-operated military base of RAF Bentwaters, within the Rendlesham Forest. For thirty-five years, it has stood the test of time as something truly extraordinary. Moreover, it has been subject to more controversy than any other UFO case in history, rivaled only by Roswell. One element of this controversy concerns one of the key witnesses of this case, a U.S. airman named Larry Warren, who has been attacked repeatedly by the base's Deputy Commander, Lt. Colonel (later full Colonel) Charles Halt. These attacks have become so misleading and vicious, that they have not only caused serious confusion about what actually happened during the Rendlesham Forest Incident (RFI), but have triggered speculation about Mr. Halt's motives. Peter Robbins is one of the leading experts on the RFI, and is the co-author (with Larry Warren) of Left at East Gate, one of the most important studies of the RFI. Here, Mr. Robbins has not only written a definitive refutation of Mr. Halt's attacks on Larry Warren, but has made the definitive defense of Mr. Warren, proving conclusively that Warren was there, and was truthful in his testimony about what transpired.


Robert Sullivan on Cinema Symbolism - October 10, 2015

combocoversWe speak with Robert W Sullivan IV about his latest book, Cinema Symbolism: A Guide to Esoteric Imagery in Popular Movies, and get into everything from The Matrix to The Smurfs, to Star Wars. It's a fascinating journey!


RobertSullivanimageRobert W. Sullivan IV is a philosopher, historian, antiquarian, jurist, theologian, radio/TV personality, writer, lawyer, and the best-selling author of the books "The Royal Arch of Enoch: The Impact of Masonic Ritual, Philosophy, and Symbolism" (2012) and "Cinema Symbolism: A Guide to Esoteric Imagery in Popular Movies" (2014). He is currently writing "Cinema Symbolism 2: More Esoteric Imagery from Popular Movies" as well as his first work of fiction, "A Pact with the Devil: The Story of Elizabeth Burnblack and her Involvement with the Occult, Black Magic, and the Dark Arts." Sullivan is also working on another book on Masonry titled "Freemasonry and the Path to Babylon." Mr. Sullivan is a Freemason having joined Amicable-St. John's Lodge #25, Baltimore, Maryland in 1997; he became a 32nd degree (Master of the Royal Secret) Scottish Rite Mason in 1999, Valley of Baltimore, Orient of Maryland. A lifelong Marylander, he resides in Baltimore.

You can find more at his website;

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