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When it comes to unexplained phenomena, it is just that. Unexplained. We try to approach this from as many different ways as possible, and to throw out the assumptions that have driven research for a very long time. These strange experiences people have, no matter what you want to label or catagorize them as, are real in some way. They have been reported throughout history and across cultures. If nothing else, they are a very Human experience. None of the theories we have may even come close to divining what we are actually experiencing, if they did, we would have some answers. We do not know what Reality is, what life or death are, or truly why we are here. We do know that our senses filter much out, and our memories do not work like we think they do. New approaches are needed if we are ever to make any progress at all in understanding what we are interacting with. Some of that comes from understanding ourselves, and some of that comes from having a truly open mind in confronting those things that defy explanation. We need new eyes, perspectives, and better questions. That is the goal of Where Did the Road Go? To go places that have not been tread before, and explore new things from new angles. To leave the well worn road, and wander...

Where Did the Road Go?

Gef the Mongoose! - April 20, 2024

Seriah is joined by Mat Festa and Roejen in a deep dive into the bizarre events surrounding Gef, a self-described talking mongoose in an isolated region of the UK in the 1930’s. Topics include the “Project Archivist” podcast, “Paratopia” with Jeff Ritzmann and Jeremy Vaeni, the book “Gef! The Strange Tale of an Extra-Special Talking Mongoose”. by Christopher Josiffe, the Isle of Man, poltergeist activity, trickster behavior, “woo” Bigfoot encounters, family stresses and paranormal phenomena, investigators and their interactions with the family, outside witnesses of a mysterious small animal, rock throwing, urination by Gef, tulpas/thought forms, Gef’s various explanations for his identity, hoax allegations, Fae activity, the Malk- a Faerie cat, Roejen’s childhood experiences with a bizarre black dog, the movie “Nandor Fodor and the Talking Mongoose” and its serious flaws, the difficulties with photographic proof of the paranormal, self-negating evidence, investigators Harry Price, Hereward Carrington, and Nandor Fodor, the personal nature of paranormal experiences, “The Dreams in the Witch House” short story by H.P. Lovecraft, Gef’s apparent psychic abilities, attempts to make plaster casts of his footprints, the film “Late Night with the Devil”, Gef as a cryptid, Joshua Cutchins, Fae as an explanatory concept, similarities with Mothman, forensic testing in that era, alleged photographs of Gef, present day fakery on video, “The Excluded Middle”, and much more! This is riveting conversation on a fascinating series of incidents!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music is by Such a Shame by The Scarlet Ending



Listener Stories: Bigfoot, Lights, Dreams, and more - April 13, 2024

Seriah is joined by Chris Ernst, Saxon/Super_Inframan, and author, visual artist, editor, podcaster, magical practitioner, and experiencer Barbara Fisher for a roundtable focusing on listener stories and vintage news reports. Topics include anomalous lights, the energetic body, Wilhelm Reich, Peter Robbins, Rendlesham, a deer hunter’s encounter with Bigfoot in upstate New York, the practical difficulties of Sasquatch as a purely natural animal, an experience with Big Foot in Ohio and making a report to the BFRO, an encounter with sounds in a cemetery, the difficulties of recording the paranormal, a listener story of unexplained intense light in the bedroom, Seriah and Jeremy Vaeni’s experiences with weird nighttime lights, the falling back to sleep phenomena, John Keel being mistaken for the Devil in rural West Virginia, sleep paralysis, Seriah’s instant sleep paralysis experiences, the “Gateway Tapes”, a CIA report on using weaponized astral travel, recurring locations in dreams, a bizarre dream experience involving Saxon and Barbara, Saxon’s dream meetings with his late father, reincarnation/multi-incarnation, Saxon’s experience with the spirit of an ex-girlfriend’s father, Jeff Ritzmann and his family, an act of kindness by Jeremy Vaeni, a pre-mortem dream encounter with an elderly relative, a veteran’s unknowing conversation with a deceased neighbor, categories of dreams and sleep phenomena, a bizarre attack by birds as an omen, “The Bright Sessions” podcast, a weird violent dream set in a real-life location that leads to emotional progress, dream egos and DMT entities, right vs left brain experiences with the paranormal, a 1906 observation of a winged flying woman, an old newspaper report of fireballs during a storm, a vintage Australian report of “shadowy light”, a huge fireball witnessed by many for an extended period of time (and its ludicrous debunking explanation), thousands of buzzsaw-like spinning wheels of fire in the sky, and much more! This is some fascinating, free-flowing conversation!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music is Pretty Little Head from Eliza Rickman




Wandering the Road with Saxon - April 6, 2024

In a rather unique episode, Seriah records live the conversations he has with Saxon AKA Super_Inframan as they travel to and from the house where Jane Roberts channeled the Seth material, and on to the Connecticut Hill cemetery. Topics include a friend of Saxon’s experiences with Indigenous/First Nations ceremonies, entheogenic plants, the Seth house, Chris Ernst, Jack Huntington, the Fox sisters, Spiritualism, the paranormal and the pressure to perform, Uri Geller, Ingo Swann, the Trickster element and fakery, channeling and the filtering process, Jeff Ritzmann and Jeremy Vaeni on “Paratopia”, the lack of deception in the Seth material, “Our Undoing Radio” podcast, monetary cost and valuation by the public, “Behind the Bastards” podcast, the Project For the New American Century and a statement foreshadowing 9/11, conspiracy and disinformation, apparent quiet censorship, “Wind of Change” by the Scorpions, Nina Simone and the CIA, government agencies influencing and manipulation, aviation journalist Alex Hollings, advanced military projects, the Tic-Tac “Go Fast” video, government disclosure and its dilemmas, hacker Gary McKinnon and classified material from NASA, Walter Bosley, the world of intelligence officers and operatives, Richard Doty, Paul Bennewitz, the difficulty of discerning informational value, internet medical searches, Seriah’s experiences with diabetes and eye doctors, kundalini energy and its effects, a New Year’s Eve kundalini encounter, Chris Ernst’s documentary on WDTRG “Magicians Long to See”, the Apple TV series “Constellation”, the tour of the Seth house and noticeable perceptions of energies, the project to restore the house as a historical place, Carlos Castaneda, Jane Roberts’ motives and interactions with Seth, the process of questioning one’s own experiences, a personal encounter from Seriah, divination and repeating questions, the human instinct toward pattern recognition, testimony vs proof, the lack of scientific rigor in paranormal investigation, Jeff Kripal’s analogy of the paranormal and a book, re-enchanting the world, dogmatism attracting the Trickster, free will and multiple dimensions, the vastness of the universe, alternative lifetimes under different circumstances, the Connecticut Hill Cemetery, head injury and concussion stories, and much more! This a series of fascinating, free-flowing discussions!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music is Stever with Black Guard



Robert Guffey Part 2 - March 30, 2024

Seriah continues with Robert. Topics include programs to find/develop psychic youth, Whitley Strieber’s book “The Secret School”, “The Psychic Battlefield: A History of the Military-Occult Complex” by W. Adam Mandelbaum and “The Men Who Stare at Goats” by Jon Ronson, a bizarre psychic encounter with a high-clearance military officer, the militarization of psychic phenomenon, an individual without foresight, social effects of isolation on young adults, speculation on military supplements, the experiences of “Damien” of “Chameleo”, homelessness vs targeting, Seriah’s encounter with an electronic cuckoo sound and a visual distortion bubble, the so-called Mandela Effect and its counterpart, strange memories of drones, the films “They Live” and “Earth vs the Flying Saucers”, a strange experience with a tree being shaken by an invisible entity, differences in eye-witness perception of paranormal experiences, Barry Taff, a physical attack during a séance and its perceptions, Terence McKenna’s book “True Hallucinations”, paranormal phenomenon being imitated by high technology, the shadow biosphere, intelligent life in forms very different from human, the book “Solaris” by Stanislaw Lem, alien-like beings in surrealist art, Aleister Crowley and John Dee and an alien-like entity, John Keel and the New Journalism movement, Keel’s “The Eighth Tower”, and Keel’s personal papers, “The Coming Global Superstorm” book by Art Bell and Whitley Strieber, Wilhelm Reich, Trevor James Constable, cloud buster machines and UFOs, Ken Thomas and Steamshovel Press, orgone energy, comic artist Jack Kirby, William S. Burrough’s grave, an incident with an object pursuing a police helicopter, David Letterman’s interview of John Keel, “Strange Magazine”, Mark Chorvinsky, a Keel article in an academic journal, various “Devil’s Footprints” incidents around the world, Charles Fort, Cormac McCarthy and “Blood Meridian”, Fortean influences on mainstream culture and art, copyright issues and the paranormal, David Paulides and a strangely-developed photograph, J. Allen Hynek’s son Joel and Hollywood, infrared light and cameras, advanced electronic military camouflage in Ukraine and Israel, high-tech camo and the Geneva Convention, Richard Schowengerdt’s recognition by the U.S. Navy, VICE News hesitancy to cover “Chameleo”, the public resume of the NCIS agent involved with the stolen night vision goggles, Robert’s other works of fact and fiction, and much more! This is some fascinating conversation with one of the top WDTRG guests of all time!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music is Avi C. Engel with Ladybird, What's Wrong?


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