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About This Show

When it comes to unexplained phenomena, it is just that. Unexplained. We try to approach this from as many different ways as possible, and to throw out the assumptions that have driven research for a very long time. These strange experiences people have, no matter what you want to label or catagorize them as, are real in some way. They have been reported throughout history and across cultures. If nothing else, they are a very Human experience. None of the theories we have may even come close to divining what we are actually experiencing, if they did, we would have some answers. We do not know what Reality is, what life or death are, or truly why we are here. We do know that our senses filter much out, and our memories do not work like we think they do. New approaches are needed if we are ever to make any progress at all in understanding what we are interacting with. Some of that comes from understanding ourselves, and some of that comes from having a truly open mind in confronting those things that defy explanation. We need new eyes, perspectives, and better questions. That is the goal of Where Did the Road Go? To go places that have not been tread before, and explore new things from new angles. To leave the well worn road, and wander...

Where Did the Road Go?

Seth and Jane Roberts: Part 2 of 2 - Jan 6, 2024

Part II. Seriah is once again joined by Chris Ernst, Jack Huntington, and Matt Festa for a continuing super deep dive into the Seth material. While this is a further focused episode, the discussion is still wide-ranging. Topics include an academic paper “Problems of Seth’s Origins”, Jane Roberts’ three non-Seth books on psychical interpretations of three famous painters, past-life regression and historical figures, cryptomnesia, coordination points, portals, fixed events in history, the return of Christ, a video game analogy, the Oversoul, alternate selves, the film “Everywhere All at Once”, the concept of the multi-verse, the TV show “Lost”, the film “No One Will Save You”, Jane Roberts’ personal experience while channeling Seth, the soul-structure of Seth/Jane/Robert, transparency, Robert Shock, Edgar Cayce, the “Seth II” entity, non-linear time, Jane’s previous incarnation as “Rupert”, Carl Jung, Jane Roberts’ educational level, an incident involving Jane Roberts predicting the future pre-Seth, varying quality of channeled material, trans-personal psychologist Arthur Hastings, Norman Friedman, an Islamophobic comment by Jane Roberts, genius and muses, telepathy, psychic testing, possible debunking explanations and their flaws, the Dead Sea Scrolls and symbols, creation and art, practical health advice from Seth and Feng-Shui, the upstate New York “Burned-Over District”, Lord Byron, Carlos Castenada, opinions of the validity of the Seth material, and much more! Despite being a specific show, this a widely varied conversation, full of fascinating discussion!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music: The Living Room with Pretty Good for a Failure



Seth and Jane Roberts: Part 1 of 2 - Dec 30, 2023

Seriah is joined by Chris Ernst, Jack Huntington, and Matt Festa for a super deep dive into the Seth material, a large collection of channeled communications from a discarnate entity named Seth to a woman named Jane Roberts and transcribed by her husband Robert Butts between 1963-1984. While this is a focused episode, the discussion is still wide-ranging. Topics include Ouija board experiences, attempts at debunking, the material ringing true and being very different from most channeled content, a psychiatrist involved with MK Ultra investigating the Seth phenomena, the mechanics of Near Death Experiences, a ground-breaking study of NDEs by a skeptical surgeon, a scholarly paper offering multiple explanations for the material, differences between Buddhist and Vedantic understandings of reincarnation, multiple lives as an actor playing different roles, time as a necessary illusion, multiple realities, co-creation, the differences between personalities and higher selves and “the entity”, spirit creating matter, non-physical evolution, theosophy, the mechanics of reincarnation, a soul choosing to sub-divide and reincarnate as a dog, the nature of “God”, the possible explanations of the Seth material including Jane’s subconscious, testable predictions by Seth, ancient lost civilizations, lost continents, the discovery of ancient texts in caves, portal areas, The Last Exit for the Lost music show, “A Murder at the End of the World” TV series, coordination points, the consciousness-first model of reality, UFOs and the subconscious, J.Z. Knight and Ramtha, false apocalypse predictions, Depok Chopra, Marianne Williamson, “The Secret” belief system, New Thought, the concept of the multiverse, Carl Jung, shadow work, retro-causality, the “Mandela Effect”, a future understanding of religion and spirituality, an alternate concept of Jesus Christ, predictions of psychic contact with alien life, Christ Consciousness, the effects on people of learning of previous incarnations, the film “Powder”, lost history and esoteric Christianity, ancient oral traditions world-wide, and much more! While a targeted episode, this conversation is riveting and wide-ranging!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music is Devo Spice with On New Year's Eve




Shadow People, Poltergeists, and an Owl - December 23, 2023

Seriah is joined by Brittany and Jonathan, hosts of the podcast “Strange Stories with the Seeker and the Skeptic”. Topics include different approaches to understanding the paranormal, youthful experiences with bizarre voices and phone calls, a haunted house experienced by other people, youthful encounters with poltergeist-type activity, small shadow animals, lucid dreaming, sleep paralysis, a years-long series of related dreams, mindfulness, reading in dreams, a visitation from a departed relative, Reiki practice and experiences, activity happening or not happening depending on who is present, an intense shadow person encounter, the Dark Man in ritual magick, synchronicities and paranormal research, a shadow hand experience, a strange encounter with shadows at a friend’s home, liquid darkness, theories of time and other universes, emotional energy, Daryl Bem psy researcher at Cornel University, Jeffrey Kripal, an experience with poltergeist activity and emotional intensity and a disco ball, the Akashic Records, channeling, spiritual energetic healing, angels, archetypes and Pagan gods/goddesses, spirit guides, predestination vs free will, changing timelines, an analogy involving a 3-D object in a 2-D universe, an incident of automatic writing and an accurate prediction, a mystifying pre-cognition, “Twin Peaks”, “Hellier”, Allan Greenfield and the ”The Secret Cypher of the Ufonauts” book, the “Penny Royal” podcast, a download of inspiration, ferreting out fake stories, the scientific establishment and meteors, ancient knowledge of the atom, “The Last Exit for the Lost” music show, the film “Dream Scenario” with Nick Cage, actual skepticism vs debunking, isolation vs a holistic approach to the paranormal, an encounter with a strange entity repeatedly by the side of the road, a childhood encounter with a small entity, human souls sold for ten dollars each and correlating life circumstances, Diamond Dallas Page a former pro wrestler who teaches yoga, Jake “The Snake” Roberts and a t-shirt, changing religions as a child, the “Rock Talk” radio show with Allan Handelman, Coast to Coast AM, self-reflection and questioning of beliefs, manifestation, a “Twin Peaks” Tarot deck, the Chris Ernst documentary “Magicians Long to See”, intense Tarot experiences, and much more! This is some fascinating conversation!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music is by ænorex with The Animals Understanding of Nothingness




The Forest Poltergeist with Travis Watson: Part 2 - Dec 16, 2023

Seriah is joined by Travis Watson for a continuation discussion of his latest book “The Forest Poltergeist” and numerous related subjects. Topics include struggling with brevity and detail as a writer, the Olive Hill incident, Class B encounters as defined by the Big Foot Research Organization (BFRO). Colin Wilson, William G. Roll, repeated spontaneous psychokinesis, tree structures, poltergeists rearranging the furniture, a common pattern in the intensity of poltergeist activity, hoaxing, flaps in various paranormal phenomena, the siloing of the paranormal investigation community, misinterpretation of activity, a knocked over picture of Jesus Christ, the Black Monk case, phenomena responding to expectations and being intentionally provocative, unexplained indoor pools of water, dancing furniture, disappearing eggs from a refrigerator, bizarre smells, a poltergeist leaving tracks, an encounter with an apparent dead person leaving footprints, Sasquatch activity vs poltergeist activity, stone throwing, the Enfield case, Guy Lyon Playfair, “This House Is Haunted” book, an incident involving Spiritists and a poltergeist in Brazil, Allan Kardec, an incident of a bizarrely moving stone, apports, disappearing and re-appearing onjects, Seriah’s experience with a weirdly behaving stereo system, woven nests attributed to Sasquatch, a young girl covered in heavy furniture, a theory of paranormal entities being energy anomalies, three-toed tracks, Lyle Blackburn, “LIZARD MAN: The True Story of the Bishopville Monster” book, looking for footprints as a vintage ghost hunting technique, the Devil’s Footprints incident in the UK, the Devil’s Horse’s Hoofprints phenomenon in North Carolina, the Bell Witch, the film “Nandor Fodor and the Talking Mongoose”, Geoff the Mongoose, mundane vs high strangeness Sasquatch encounters, BFRO database, the practical limitations of a flash and blood Big Foot, Hawaiian hairy primates, vocalization and mimicry, Catherine Crowe, “The Night Side of Nature” book, an unseen talking entity in the 1600’s, the Sierra Sounds, a Canadian soldier encountering what sounds like foreign speech, “Apparitions” book by G.N.M. Tyrrell, a Victorian landlord’s encounter with a bizarre sound and a deceased tenant, Steve Savedow and a Goetic magickal summoning gone wrong, the Oz Effect, Jenny Randles, missing time/time distortion with Sasquatch, and much more! Travis brings a ton of facts and examples supporting the thesis of his book, in a fascinating discussion!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music is Pretty Little Head from Eliza Rickman


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