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Rick Waid on his Paranormal Journey - November 29, 2014



This week's guest is Rick Waid. Rick's book is My Paranormal Journey, and we discuss the book, and where his journey has led him since.
From his webiste,, "Rick Waid is a seer, remote viewer, and past-life reader. He was born with gifts that he did not realize he had until his late-30s. While Rick’s mother was also a reader, he did not become aware of his talents until he began researching the paranormal field.
Rick Waid began to connect with the other side through electronic voice phenomena, and he started having visions and hearing his spirit guide,” Rick explained. “As his gift progressed, He learned how to remote view and was able to psychically see places he had never been to before.”
As Rick’s gifts progressed, he began to see past lives of individuals. He can also now connect with “the other side” and frequently receives messages from loved ones beyond the veil.
“He wrote My Paranormal Journey: One Man’s Obsession to share with others a compelling passion that ultimately revealed to me gifts he never knew he had,” Rick said. “I hope it will help others realize there are reasons for exploring into new territories and breaking through current boundaries.”
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