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When it comes to unexplained phenomena, it is just that. Unexplained. We try to approach this from as many different ways as possible, and to throw out the assumptions that have driven research for a very long time. These strange experiences people have, no matter what you want to label or catagorize them as, are real in some way. They have been reported throughout history and across cultures. If nothing else, they are a very Human experience. None of the theories we have may even come close to divining what we are actually experiencing, if they did, we would have some answers. We do not know what Reality is, what life or death are, or truly why we are here. We do know that our senses filter much out, and our memories do not work like we think they do. New approaches are needed if we are ever to make any progress at all in understanding what we are interacting with. Some of that comes from understanding ourselves, and some of that comes from having a truly open mind in confronting those things that defy explanation. We need new eyes, perspectives, and better questions. That is the goal of Where Did the Road Go? To go places that have not been tread before, and explore new things from new angles. To leave the well worn road, and wander...

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Seriah on Other Shows

Here you will find Seriah's appearances on other Radio Shows and Podcasts...

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Strange Familiars with Timothy Renner

Tim explores various strange stories in his podcast, Strange Familiars.

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Steph Young's Creepy Mysteries of the Unexplained

This is where you can find the free edition of Steph's podcast. Additional episodes will be available on her membership site.

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Here you will find interviews with movie creators as well as our movie review shows.

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Personal Paranormal Encounters

Here you can find stories from listeners and others who have had their own paranormal experiences.

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Wandering the Stars - August 11, 2021

This show was recorded on July 16, 2021

Seriah hosts Chris Ernst, Super Infra Man, and Red Pill Junkie. A fascinating discussion occurs. Topics include the "official UAP disclosure report", the militarization of space, reasons why humankind has not returned to the Moon, secret space programs and break-away civilization theories, billionaires' private space hobbies, the difficulties of keeping humans alive off of Earth, the "Star Trek" universe as post-capitalist, Moon landing denial, questions about Stanley Kubrik and the lunar footage, Robert C. Hoagland and "edited lunar material", Ingo Swann, structures on the Moon, legends of an Asian female mummy found on the Moon, rather odd reactions by Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin's UFO sightings, Sedona and the face on Mars, George Lucas's esoteric references, climate change, the "Star Wars" universe, art vs. business, the phenomenon of being so rich/successful that no one can question you, Star Wars vs. Star Trek in philosophy/ideology, "The Nine", Andrija Puharich, D. G. Vinod, Gene Roddenberry, Trekkies, the 1960 French book "The Morning of the Magicians" and the 9 Unknowns, the power of narratives, the 17th century Rosicrucians, John Dee's Enochian magick and the British Empire, the Masonic origins of the United States, Netflix series from Iceland "Katla", "Sasquatch" series, Jacques Vallee's experiences with hippies and bikers, the archetype of the Wild Man, and much more!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell



Ghosts of Atlantis with JD Kenyon - August 6, 2021

Seriah interviews author and researcher JD Kenyon. This is a wide-ranging and fascinating discussion. Topics include previous "lost" high-tech civilizations, world-wide historical/cultural amnesia, Egyptology vs. Geology, conflicting timelines, the Egyptian Sphinx, Edgar Cayce, ancient "houses of records", Cataclysicism, end of the last ice age, Immanuel Velikovsky, solar flares, Robert Schoch, Plato, "A Canticle for Leibowitz", Virginia Steen-McIntyre, scientificism, ancient maps showing an accurate Antarctica, materialist-reductionism and its flaws, pole shifts, Colin Wilson, Atlantis possible locations, pole-shifting civilization before the last ice age, pole shiifts, Richard C. Hogland, face on Mars, reincarnation, consciousness vs. materialist reductionism,, etc. This was an awesome episode, and I can't wait to hear more!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell

Outro Music: Meka Nism "The Dance at the End of the World"



Martin Popoff on Flaming Telepaths - July 24, 2021

Okay, for starters- this is an epic episode! Even if your knowledge of BOC (like mine) begins and ends with "Don't Fear The Reaper", lol, you want to listen to this! Seriah interviews prolific author and graphic artist Martin Popoff. Topics include occult/esoteric origins of World War I, Richard Wagner, Pre-Nazi German "Aryanism", British Victorian-era occult revival, Austin Osman Spare, art as a factor in controling societies, Charles August Albert Dellschau, airship phenomena, hollow-earth theories, vrill energy, Process Church of the Final Judgment, Aleister Crowley, Kevin Grant, H.P. Lovecraft and all his mythos, John Dee, black mirror object, Peter Levenda, psi phenomenon, retro-causality, and so, so much more! This is an episode not be missed. It's over-loaded with material that connects to other material. The central question of [my impression] "are artists unintentional magickians?" leads in all sorts of directions!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell



Louise Hamill's Paranormal Experiences - July 26, 2021

Seriah interviews Australian artist and life-long experiencer Louise Hamill. A wide-ranging discussion ensues. Topics include (but are certainly not limited to) her high strangeness possible near-abduction as an infant, a truly unique UFO-Alien encounter, the Tibetan wheel of fortune, Ouija board experiences, dream entity encounters, oppression by malignant spirits, Djinn phenomena, poltergeist activity, a possible shadow person, precognitive dreams, sleep paralysis, the "old hag" experience, Jungian psychology and synchronicities, a time in a haunted house with apparitions, doppelgangers, an apparently sentient floating "diamond-shaped" entity, family orb encounters, psychic impressions from objects, emotional empathy transmitted by art, channeling, a massive nature spirit entity, pagan deities, craft and light UFOs, Kundalini and Chakra experiences, acupuncture, personal electrical / electronic experiences, ancient knowledge in the Indian/West Asian world, serpent and space imagery, art's cross-over with the paranormal, Triskelion (Celtic sacred symbol of 3 spirals) Project, and much more! Louise Hamill's experiences connect to a ton of fascinating topics!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell

Instagram- @thetriskelionproject




Lee Adams Personal Experiences - July 17, 2021

Seriah interviews author, lucid dreaming expert, and Navy veteran Lee Adams. A fascinating, wide-ranging discussion ensues. Topics include: a youthful UFO experience, conscious plasma beings, the difficulty of communication between humans and "the other", symbology, alien abduction experiences and implants compared to shamanic initiations, a military UFO experience, "sky jellyfish", ceremonial magick, ritual in everyday life, Jungian psychology, modern mythology, symbology in marketing, entities occupying specific places, fear of the dark "vibes", electromagnetism and the paranormal, sleep paralysis, dream phenomena, and much, much more. This is an episode where I can't wait for the Patreon extra!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell

Outro Music is Sleep Dread by Vrangvendt




Wandering the Road with Chris and Saxon - July 10, 2021

Seriah is joined by Chris Ernst and Super Infra Man. A fascinating and sometimes deeply personal discussion ensues. Topics include greater acceptance of the weird among younger people, interconnectedness of paranormal experiences, repeat vs. "one-time" experiencers, Jacques Vallee, Gurdjieff, Hindu and Sikh esoteric traditions, the "Starseed" concept/community, Indigo Children, Hybrids, alien reincarnation, past life memories as living on other planets, prodigy children, separating con artists from authentically gifted teachers, the Seth channeled materials, Jane Roberts, Ram Dass, the ancient relationships between humans and both dogs and cats, dogs as psychopomps, folklore of benign werewolves, personal stories of emotional/spiritual connections to pets, communication among plants, Monarch butterflies and the continuance of memory, modern technology of altering DNA, Rupert Sheldrake, the Indian concept of the "subtle body matrix", Michael Talbot, location of memories, "The Invisible Gorilla", emotion and memory, the Mandela Effect, multi-verse theories, time as an illusion, retro-causality, positive thinking/"The Secret"/manifesting, human empathy, the balance of good and evil, and more! This is uniquely heartfelt episode and thoroughly entrancing.

- Recap by Vincent Treewell



Alex Matsuo and Joshua Cutchin on Ghost Hunting - July 3, 2021

Seriah is joined by Alex Matsuo and Joshua Cutchin. Free-ranging discussion ensues. Topics include ghost hunting, personal experiences, Kenneth Ring, trauma as a factor in paranormal experiences, NDEs, George P. Hansen, paranormal interest as a search for re-enchantment, Pennsylvania weirdness, seances, "believing skepticism", Brian Bates, actors as shamans, Fiona Shaw, Jungian psychology, Gettysburg, Devil's Den, "window areas", Alex's new how-to book on ghost hunting, experiences in a haunted theatre, SPR, psi communication between military personnel, Christian vs. Pagan views on the paranormal, the existence of demons, Alex's possible OBE/NDE connected to an "attached" human spirit, cross-cultural beliefs in human souls becoming other types of entities, unnoticed paranormal encounters, Bridget Cleary and the abuse of Fae / changeling lore, and much more!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell

Outro Music is All the Miles by Fifty Dollar Dynasty



Rethinking the Paranormal - June 26, 2021

Seriah is joined by Stephanie Quick and David Metcalfe for a wide-ranging discussion based around the subject of using a multidisciplinary approach to studying the paranormal. Topics include Bigfoot encounters that include strange lights/UFOs/MIB, Loch Ness Monster and the occult, witness testimony, emotions affecting perception, orinthology vs ufology, the film "The Explorers", the 1946 UFO sighted in southern California and described as being made of balsa wood, Meade Layne, Mark Probert, meta-materials, the paranormal encounter as a holistic experience, California wild fires and flash floods as metaphors for the paranormal, the Stephenville lights, the O'Haire Airport UFO, anomalous weather, Jeffrey Mishlove's "The PK Man: the true and strange story of Ted Owens", the UFO as a manifested object, witnesses seeing very different things, Jenny Randles' book "Mind Monsters", geo-magnetic anomalies and the paranormal, Dr. William G. Roll's University of West Georgia studies of poltergeist activity, Dr. David Mitchell's UWG study of quartz and time-slip phenomenon, Dr. Christine Simmonds-Moore's UWG study of the "God Helmet", citizen-scientists and the paranormal, APRO, reality TV paranormal investigation, shadow people, bird-watching as a model for establishing scientific paranormal studies, Patricia Pearson on systematizing experiences with the dead, Jacques Vallee and Paula Harris, interview techniques, psi training, the devaluing of repeat experiencers, old-school MUFON networking, the counter-productivity of the internet and social media, target demographic marketing, the news cycle and the decline of investigative journalism, and much more! This is an episode not be missed, loaded with information!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell

Outro Music is "Femme" by Delta of Venus





Listener Stories - June 19, 2021

Seriah discusses listener stories with Natalie, Super Infra Man, and Chris Ernst. Topics include a listener story about a literally disappearing road, the Mandela Effect, other realities, dream phenomena, a listener story of a bizarre fog, other mysterious fogs and entities that appear in them, "sending someone a dream", a listener story about strange lights in the woods while hunting, Joshua Cutchin's theory that light stimulates the pineal gland to produce natural DMT, Natalie's light experiences, a listener story about "8 sitting gods", dream logic, Natalie's experiences with the entity who appears to both her and Heather, a listener story about horrifying "dreams" as child while living on a U.S. Army base that had previously been a Nazi forced-labor camp, phenomena interpreted through various lenses that include religion, a listener story about a near-identical dream shared by 2 people that appears to be a visitation from a deceased loved one, a listener story about a night visitor who left a mark and a feeling of memory-removal, a listener story about unexplained bending of silverware, Edgar Cayce, odd physical components in folk magick ritual, and more!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell

Outro mustc by Vrangvendt with Sleep Dread




Wandering the UFO Road - June 12, 2021

Seriah is joined by Red Pill Junky and Joshua Cutchin. A rollicking discussion ensues. Topics include government UFO disclosure, the upcoming official report to Congress, Robert Bigelow, the apparently shot-down Russian Mars probe, Soviet government paranormal research, the Humanoid Database, Latin-American UFO phenomena, Magical Realism, Dream Logic, altered states of consciousness, multiple dimensions as a form of the "the other world", inter-dimenionality/ultraterrestrials, Greg Bishop, Laird Scanton, the paranormal as an effect of our limited senses, the pineal gland and DMT, materialism vs. spirituality, economic inequality and societal expectations, co-creation of the paranormal, Fae and technology, robots as ghost hunters, Jeff Ritzman [RIP] on AI, Martian Canals, the Moon as artificial creation, Electric Universe Theory, Dark Matter's scientific theories, and much more!

Recap by Vincent Treewell

Outro music is "Twenty Nineteen" by Zero Mean recorded live on The Last Exit for the Lost 



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