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AMA Show - Dec 17, 2022

Seriah is joined by Super Inframan and Wren Collier for an Ask Me Anything episode. Topics include Graham Hancock, racism in 19th and 20th century academia, Wisdom Kings from the East, Franz Boas, lost ancient civilizations, Doggerland, great flood myths, catastrophism, solar flares, the Carrington Event of 1859, Oak Island, lost history, treasure hunting, Seriah’s choice of hair care products, invoking entities and the veil, the Trinity test site at White Sands NM, magickal practice and geographic location, Wren’s encounter with a wasp, animal consciousness, dreams and reality, time dilatation, REM sleep, 10 years of WDTRG, psi research, To The Stars Academy, the state of paranormal research, Greg Bishop, Joshua Cutchin, Allen Greenfield’s The Secret Cipher of the Ufonauts, Jack Brewer, UFOs and government psyops, milabs, George Adamski, psychological manipulation and experimentation, Betty and Barney Hill, hypnosis, poltergeist activity, the visible and non-visible light spectrum, facial recognition software, Loren Coleman, the Ape Canyon Bigfoot story, the Bigfoot museum in Georgia, “woo” Bigfoot, dogmatic explanations in the paranormal community, the Extra-Terrestrial Hypothesis as one of many possibilities, alien astral projection, the Seth material, sorcerers from other planets, the nature of time and information traveling into the past, para-causality, multiple dimensions and free will, Seriah’s recommendation for a fiction podcast, the relative rarity of ghosts, 16th century physician/astrologer and philosopher Paracelsus and his views on ghosts, the Stone Tape Theory, multiple theories of the nature of ghosts, a time-related bizarre ghost story from John E.L. Tenney, magick and art, ritual magick explained by an analogy to cooking, chaos magick, the Crypto-Terrestrial Theory, Mac Tonnies, nuclear fusion, the importance of open-mindedness and speculation in understanding the paranormal, the fictional podcast “Archive 81”, and much more! This is a free-wheeling discussion that covers some fascinating material!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music by Worm Quartet with A Worm Quartet Christmas



Wandering the Road - Nov 26, 2022

Seriah welcomes Red Pill Junkie and Super Inframan for a wandering the road episode. Topics include favorite stories of high strangeness, people witnessing cartoon characters in real life, toys moving around on their own, a childhood memory of a muppet-like entity, the farmer gifted pancakes by UFO occupants, writers encountering their characters in physical reality, Alan Moore and John Constantine, Neil Gaiman and a powerful demon, Walter B. Gibson AKA Maxwell Grant and the Shadow, tulpas, Sam the Sandown Clown weird encounter, dead relatives showing up with aliens, assumptions about UFOs as spacecraft, an alien base in Lake Michigan, underwater alien base near a coastal city in Mexico, Alex Whitcomb’s strange bigfoot encounter featuring out-of-synch time experiences, a fascinating speculation about Bob Lazar and a crashed extraterrestrial ship, the nature of time, Whitley Strieber and Jeffrey Kripal sharing a room and an experience at Esalen, shadow people, a physical phenomenon producing an illusion of a strange shadow, Seriah’s experience of mistaken identity, the Aztecs encounter of the Spanish on horseback, ancient horses in North America, Graham Hancock, plasma bursts depicted in ancient art, Seriah relates a bizarre dream about the Devil, the TV series “Lucifer”, Satan and God in the Bible, the story of Job, the story of Adam and Eve and its implications, Gnosticism, the Demiurge, the nature of happiness, the pursuit of wealth, digital vs physical media, Christopher Ryan’s “Civilized to Death”, obsessive collecting, doing tasks yourself vs hiring a skilled person, Seriah’s adventure fixing his AC unit, Kenneth Grant, H.P. Lovecraft, Arthur Machen, UFOs in ancient Chinese and Southeast Asian beliefs, magical creatures that excrete precious metals, Jack Parsons, symbols and reality, how language affects perception, Terence McKenna, the movie “Arrival”, Inuit language and snow, ancient Egyptian language and the soul, Joshua Cutchin’s “Ecology of Souls”, language and perceptions of color, high strangeness breaking through pre-existing mindsets, terminology specific to certain professions, Kenneth Grant’s questionable numerology and drawing of connections, Marjorie Cameron, August Derleth, the Mauve Zone, Michael Bertiaux, the imaginal realm, the Necronomicon, the singularity, Aleister Crowley, a weird race of non-humans, Mayan beliefs, Cthulhu, Hekate, strange voices, magick and UFOs, elaborate hoaxes, the UMMO letters and an early 1990’s alien landing in the Soviet Union, Carlos Castaneda, fiction proceeding real-life encounters, “War of the Worlds”, and much more! This is a casual but riveting discussion, not to be missed!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music is DramaScream with Sham



AMA Show Super Roundtable - Oct 29, 2020

Seriah hosts an all-star round table (Chris Ernst, Saxon/Super Inframan, Barbara Fisher, and Greg Bishop) to answer patreons’ questions. Topics include trends in paranormal witnesses’ reports, origins of different phenomena, co-creation, rains of frogs, Whitley Streiber, mental perceptions of the unknown, witness forgetfulness, Donald Hoffman, a personal experience with a proto-shadow person, Carl Jung, archetypes, the universe as information theory, UFO materials, dark matter, apports, the effects of the internet on folklore, an AI cryptid, Loab, a personal experience of lights in the woods, the Fae/Fairy folk, folklore vs ETH, hypnotic regression and its dangers, Jenny Randles, Barbara’s personal experience with memory manipulation, value of eyewitness testimony in the legal system, Brendan Dassey, the West Memphis three, the brain and memory, NDE life review, Cherylee Black, hell, karma, the Hindu belief in humans as splinters of God, a personal experience with a Pima Native American sheriff, earliest paranormal experiences, kundalini, a personal encounter with an unknown entity, personal experiences with haunted objects, a strange vision, a bizarre UFO encounter, family tales, a bizarre old-time encounter with an “angel”, a prankster and an apparition, memories of growing up with followers of an Indian holy man, a bizarre Ouija board experience, Paul Weston and Glastonbury, a creepy disappearance of a dog, a ball lightning encounter, a personal experience with “blobby” apparitions, mundane explanations and meaning, Animism, William S. Burroughs, synchronicities, a weird divination experience, David Metcalfe, Kiki Dombrowski, good and bad streaks of experiences, structured craft UFOs, “Trinity” by Jacques Vallee and Paola Leopizzi Harris, Atomic Energy Commission, Adam Gorightly, Twin Peaks, Ivan T. Sanderson, fireballs emerging from water, Fin Handley, Saint Teresa, VR recreations of paranormal experiences, and much more! This is weird conversation at its best!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music is Whirring World by Psyche Corporation


Fin Handley's Videos which are mentioned in the show:


Listener Stories - Oct 22, 2022

Seriah welcomes Octavian, Red Pill Junkie, and Super Inframan for a listener stories episode. Topics include Cal Cooper, an apparition of a dead relative, solid apparitions, the Iliad and Odyssey and their esoteric aspects, spirits impersonating familiar people, MIB phenomena, temporary monsters, Grant Morrison, Superman, the Joker, Jack Nicholson and Heath Ledger, Greg Little, flashes of light, an impossible moon observation, Fatima and the moving sun, Jacques Vallee, Joaquim Fernandes, Fina D’Armada, Dr. Diana Walsh Pasulka, Professor Jeffrey Kripal, Mike Clelland, astronauts and cosmic rays, telescope hallucinations, Percival Lowell and canals on Mars, sleep paralysis, a strange dream experience, the goddess Hecate, synchronicities, an unusual shop in Roswell NM, a bizarre vision, Octavian’s weird shared OBE “alien wedding”, numerous experiences in a haunted house, punk and metal music, confronting and engaging with paranormal phenomena, poltergeist activity as psychokinetic (pk) energy, ceremonial magick and poltergeist activity, a listener’s life experience that parallels Seriah’s, cassette tapes, VHS, tape vs digital, low-fi black metal, bone records from the USSR, a bizarre possible trance experience with a VHS tape, a strange psychedelic UFO experience of Adam Gorightly, the TV series “Midnight Club”, a strange experience with electronic video/audio and a fire alarm, John Keel, analog vs digital and the paranormal, music recording on VHS tape, content destruction for tax and PR purposes, and much more! This is riveting, fast-paced discussion!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music is Trick Or Treatin' by Devo Spice



The Road to Magick - Oct 15, 2022

Seriah hosts a round table of Wren Collier, Octavian Graves, and Super Infra Man. The discussion covers many aspects of magick. Topics include a strange experience alone in the woods, the feeling of being unwelcome in a place, grimoire hijinks, the summoning of spirits, psychic impressions, an intense encounter during a ritual, different approaches to ceremonial magick, a painful experience caused by skipping a protective practice, astrological hours, Poke Runyon’s “Secrets of Solomon”, ceremonial magick rituals on youtube, drawing spirits into crystals, Sam Block, Daniel Ogden and Greek necromancy, the Biblical King Solomon vs conflated magicians from ancient times, “Unlocking the Mysteries of Magic” by Dr. Stephen Skinner, attribution of grimoires to famous authors, recovering past magical systems vs creating new ones, “Order of Rod and Ring” by Samuel David, Solomonic magick in ancient Mesopotamia, Taoist sorcery, theories of how magick ritual was introduced to humanity, the Book of Enoch, Laird Scranton, Animism, ayahuasca and plant spirits, Gobekli Tepe, intoxication to achieve an altered state of consciousness, alcohol in ritual, necromancy by irritating a spirit, ghost hunters, restless spirits, Raymond Moody, contacting shades for information, Jason Miller, giving blood to spirits, the dangers of offerings, dealing with angels vs dealing with demons, exorcisms, purposes of being a magician in a community, money rituals, communications from angels, dream experiences, the Estes method, Ouija boards and ritual magick, nature spirits, a bizarre dream communication, Robin Artisson, profane scrying, dream incubation, mundane and meaningful dreams, some bizarre significant dreams, the Holy Guardian Angel (HGA), a horrifying dream sent by an entity, spirits attaching to people and tormenting them, synchronicities in response to a rite, intuitive walking and a sign from an entity, Ufonauts, Allen Greenfield, sigils, coercing demons, spirits and smell, asceticism in Solomonic magick, different means of reaching a trance state, people having experiences and then denying them, a weird shared OBE, people interpreting encounters through the lens they need, grey aliens as demons, an experience with the image of a European “Jesus”, and much more!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music is Left Hand Path from RADII



Alien Animals! - Sept 10, 2022

Seriah is joined by A.P. Strange and Super Infra Man to discuss the vintage book "Alien Animals" by Janet and Colin Bord.

Topics include U.S. vs. U.K. paranormal research and writing, mystic sites and ley lines, 1970's-90's paranormal zines, cryptids, folklore, Alien Big Cats, lake monsters, Black Dogs, giant birds, bird-like humanoids, humanoid hairy beings, a photo of a headless dog, ghost dogs, human-faced dogs, shape-shifting dogs, black dogs and the Devil in folklore, a benevolent black dog memorialized in a church, Black Shuck, dogs and storms, ball lightning, living plasma, the smell of sulphur, invisible dogs, a shape-shifting fox, Hecate, dog-headed humans, an unoffical dog saint, a white dog and a UFO, a saucer landing releasing multiple dogs, Nessie, Tony "Doc" Shiels, Monstermind, Morgor, psychic backlash, Owlman, Ted Holiday, an exorcism of Loch Ness, humor and magick, Owlman sightings, Bat Beast of Kent, Owlman vs. Mothman, marketing for the 2002 Richard Gere and Laura Linney "Mothman Prophecies" movie, high strangeness affecting those in contact with the paranormal, an eel-like Irish lake monster, the Irish "Peiste", Nessie and other lake monsters as possible mollusks, a benevolent series of encounters between a Native American man and Sasquatch, a ghostly albino fox, the ineffectiveness of guns against paranormal entities, a 1970's theory that electrical and microwave fields cause phenomena, possible "muting" effects of cellphone and other fields, why more encounters happen in the wilderness, people affected by electro-magnetic fields, W.T. Watson and strange fogs, "wandering bits of consciousness", a repeatedly-experienced ghost who never existed as a living person, the Loveland Frogman, and much more! There's a bunch of fascinating material discussed here!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro is Terro Cosmos by Darwin



Lovecraft and the King in Yellow - Sept 3, 2022

Artwork by the always awesome Mister Sam Shearon. Purchase a print and check out more of his artwork at his store -

Seriah is joined by an all-star round table (Taylor Bell, Walter Bosley, Chris Ernst, and Super Infra Man) to discuss H.P. Lovecraft and his many influences and connections. Topics include Lovecraftian fiction, Robert W. Chambers, Ambrose Bierce, cosmic horror, Kenneth Grant, Dion Fortune, Aleister Crowley, synchronicities, "The Magical Revival", atheism and religious experience, Mike Clelland, paranormal entities and interactions with humans, the Aeon of Horus, artists picking up a mystical message unconsciously, muses, Robert E. Howard, the terrifying abyss of knowledge, "The King In Yellow", City of Carcosa, Lake of Hali, George R.R. Martin, "True Detective", Nic Pizzolatto, deep occult references, Epstein and Maxwell, Lovecraft Historical Society, Blue Oyster Cult, "Flaming Telepaths", film vs. VR, ritual in film, "Corpse", connections between Lovecraft and Crowley, Peter Levenda, Cthulhu, weird parallels between Crowley and Lovecraft's writings, August Derleth, "Weird Tales", Daniel Harms, Grady McMurtry, "Impossible Landscapes", "Call of Cthulhu" RPG, Lovecraft's wife Sonia Greene, Joseph Fink, "Welcome to Night Vale", writers of speculative fiction who deny any interest in the paranormal, practitioners who deny occult practice, disgraced author Jason Pargin, a Star Wars analogy, fear and denial of the paranormal, IRL dangers of occult practice, Greg Bishop, Susan Demeter, the Necronomicon, the Picatrix, Lovecraft-inspired films, "Lovecraft Country" in art and real life, a possible actual person who may have inspired Lovecraft's recurring protagonist, a tale of fascinating madness, and much more! This is fascinating discussion, not to be missed!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music is Nightmares by Psyche Corporation



Mysteries of the Unexplained: Part 2 - August 28, 2022

Seriah is joined by Red Pill Junkie, Super Infra Man, and Chris Ernst to discuss stories from the Fortean classic "Readers' Digest Mysteries of the Unexplained". Topics include a hurricane in Britain, volcanoes on the moon, ball lightning, an astronomer's sighting of a bright light on the moon, a weird fog in colonial Connecticut, W.T. Watson, a mirage of an entire city in Ireland, Jeremy Corbell and Skinwalker Ranch, Fata Morgana, Hy Brasil, co-ocurring earthquake and sunspots and howling sounds, an astronomer's sighting of a micro-planet within Earth's orbit, Tabby's Star, rogue planets, dark days and strange clouds, volcanic activity, forest fires, fire tornadoes, meteorites and lightning, the planet Vulcan, assumptions in science, big discoveries and citizen scientists, a flaming cylinder, Dr. James E. McDonald and fire tornadoes, lunar lights, energy sources on the moon, helium-3, strange bubbles, the yellow day, pyramids or horns appearing on the moon, a bizarre cloud, a wave of darkness in Oshkosh Wisconsin, a dust storm on Mars, strange episodes of darkness, causeless fires, a transient shadow on the moon, a lost Soviet Mars probe, life on Mars, Tesla's received signals, Edison vs Tesla, free energy, Marconi and the death ray, volcanoes and UFOs, the Ufology Tarot deck, a trench-digging fireball, a freakish blast of heat, a weird electrical encounter, an object orbiting Earth, activity in the solar system, a meteor in Russia, public reaction to disclosure, bizarre indoor ball lightning, Garry Nolan and Christopher "Kit" Green, and much more! This is wide-ranging, fascinating discussion!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music from DramaScream with Fire


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