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When it comes to unexplained phenomena, it is just that. Unexplained. We try to approach this from as many different ways as possible, and to throw out the assumptions that have driven research for a very long time. These strange experiences people have, no matter what you want to label or catagorize them as, are real in some way. They have been reported throughout history and across cultures. If nothing else, they are a very Human experience. None of the theories we have may even come close to divining what we are actually experiencing, if they did, we would have some answers. We do not know what Reality is, what life or death are, or truly why we are here. We do know that our senses filter much out, and our memories do not work like we think they do. New approaches are needed if we are ever to make any progress at all in understanding what we are interacting with. Some of that comes from understanding ourselves, and some of that comes from having a truly open mind in confronting those things that defy explanation. We need new eyes, perspectives, and better questions. That is the goal of Where Did the Road Go? To go places that have not been tread before, and explore new things from new angles. To leave the well worn road, and wander...

Where Did the Road Go?

Real or Hoax: Trinity UFO Case - May 20, 2023

Seriah is joined by Red Pill Junkie and Chris Ernst in a focused episode about the recent book by Jacques Vallee and Paola Harris “Trinity: Best Kept Secret”, a debunking expose, and the response to it. Topics include the Trinity nuclear test and its effects, Reme Baca, Jose Padilla, a story of a crashed avocado-shaped UFO, a possible object taken from the craft, Douglas Dean Johnson, congressional action on UAPs, Bob Lazar, Ray and Rex Stanford, dinosaur tracks, the Manhattan Project, radiation, alien beings, the metric system, Eddie Apodaca, unusual metal samples, the book “Born on the Edge of Ground Zero”, a theory of alien craft, New Mexico Highway Patrol, WWII, childhood memories, “photographic memory”, MUFON, the “Invisible Gorilla” book, memory abilities, Sabrina Padilla, strange angel hair material, a theory to explain the timeline, nuclear weapons and UFO activity, Barbara Fisher, UFO whistle-blowers, Christopher Mellon, Omni magazine, Don Schmitt and Kevin Randle, Rosemary Ellen Guiley, Philip Imbrogno, Ufology culture, Vallee and computer technology, leading questions in interviews, Philip J. Corso, The Black Tapes podcast, Bill Brophy, Wendelle Stevens, a different story of a UFO crash recovery, Ron Brinkley, “Witness to Another World” film, UFO trauma, Peter Robbins, lying Rendlesham witness, Isaac Cory, Charlie Wiser, Travis Walton, high strangeness appearing to marginalized people, Ariel School UFO incident, UFO tarot deck, and much more! This was an absolutely fascinating deep dive!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music is by BELLS≥ with End Over End.



High Strangeness with Jeremy Vaeni - May 13, 2023

Seriah is joined by Super_inframan and author, researcher, and experiencer Jeremy Vaeni. Jeremy brings his unique, sarcastic sense of humor. Topics include an experience with the late Jeff Ritzmann, strange light phenomenon, the Paratopia podcast, Project Archivist, UFO disclosure, George Hansen, David Jacobs, Bud Hopkins, Emma Woods, hypnotic regression, alien abduction phenomenon, UFO Magazine, Nancy Burns, Peter Robbins, Carol Rainey, Brooklyn Bridge Abduction, Hopkin’s misconduct, Paul Kimball, abduction as a spiritual experience, lack of progress in paranormal fields, a bizarre ghost hunting experience in Gettysburg, electronics in paranormal research, an experience with a Theremin, an encounter with a dark formless entity, a lost tape, Jeff Ritzmann’s strange experience with a female apparition, the trickster element in high strangeness, a very weird light incident, Whitley Streiber’s novel “2012: The War for Souls”, Mac Tonnies, kundalini energy, a weird encounter in a field, a strange orb/ball of light experience, multiple explanations for paranormal phenomenon, cognitive dissonance, nonsensical actions of entities, aliens with outdated technology, Bigfoot showing up in suburban areas, anomalous ghost hunting EVPs, southern Lizardman sightings, Seriah’s bizarre EVP recording, fox sounds, ghost hunters fooled by coyotes, cougar encounters, Saxon’s experience with a weird massive snake, an encounter with a bizarre, possibly folkloric entity in Japan, the limits of perception and the human brain, linguistics, Noam Chomsky, the importance of language to forming an understanding, the Lakota language, the Australian Indigenous language, Tiokasin Ghosthorse, the exclusiveness of the discussion about space, “The Infinite Now” podcast, Jeremy’s book “Aliens: The First and Final Disclosure”, humor and high strangeness, absurdity in the paranormal, Native Hawaiian worldview, cultural appropriation, George Hansen and Trickster theory, an alleged dancing figurine of the Virgin Mary, ego in the paranormal world, Steven Greer, Kim Carlsberg, Zachariah Sitchin, human/alien hybrid theory, channeling, spiritual grifting, Scott Lilienfeld and hypnosis, and much more! This is a one of a kind, wide-ranging and delightful conversation!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music by The Jon Stickley Trio with "Darth Radar".



Sasquatch Canada with Travis Watson: Part 3 - May 6, 2023

Seriah is again joined by author and researcher Travis “W.T.” Watson for the third section of a wide-ranging discussion launching from his book “Sasquatch Canada: Beyond British Columbia”. Topics include Bigfoot in Nova Scotia, Fae lore, a Sasquatch accused of stealing eggs and milk, a widow menaced by a marsh-dwelling creature, a fifty year cycle of Sasquatch appearances, extremely tall Bigfoot, the fallacy of “experts” in the Sasquatch field, first-hand witnesses, the Big Horn Dam incident, other anomalous phenomena surrounding Sasquatch sightings, Stan Gordan, repeat experiencers, differences in perception, eyewitness testimony, high strangeness, the Indigenous Thule people in Newfoundland and Labrador, their lore of the Tuniit, the Cree and the “Hairy Creature”, William Decker’s 1895 experience, the ubiquitous appearances of Sasquatch by roadways, highway hypnosis, oblivious Bigfoot, liminality and roads, unintentional psi perceptions, sexual energy and its effects, the triangle of causation, thought forms, Susan MacLeod’s experience with multiple Sasquatch and high strangeness, Mike Clelland’s theory of abduction experiences as shamanic, occultic practice and the veil between the worlds, an encounter in the town of Medicine Hat Alberta with a telepathic Bigfoot, infra-sound, cloaking, Dan Simmon’s novel “Phases of Gravity”, a Sasquatch in Whitehorse Yukon gradually fading out of existence, a mining engineer’s encounter with an apparent Bigfoot pregnant mated pair, Sasquatch instantly disappearing, the prosaic nature of Bigfoot sightings, the questionable physical evidence of flesh-and-blood Sasquatch, unexplained DNA, Gigantopithecus, the Bigfoot skull scam, the materialist-reductionist paradigm in science, and much more!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music is by The Living Room with North



Sasquatch Canada with Travis Watson: Part 2 - April 29, 2023

Seriah is again joined by author and researcher Travis “W.T.” Watson for the second half of a two-part episode to discuss his latest book “Sasquatch Canada: Beyond British Columbia” and related subjects. Topics include an incident of a woman being approached by multiple hostile Sasquatch, liminality, ultrasound, vocalization, the obvious physical differences between Sasquatch and bears, a Bigfoot with arthritis, co-creation, flesh-and-blood theories of Sasquatch aging, Indigenous lore about Sasquatch predations upon humans, Sasquatch as a thought-form, the human tendency to anthropomorphize, paranormal entities mimicking physical creatures, Joshua Cutchin, illness caused by spirits, differences in vibrations between beings, the fear and stigma of ridicule among experiencers, a Native man’s collected notes and sketches of a Sasquatch encounter, paranormal encounters as life-changing events, silent experiencers, an encounter with a possible time-traveler, high strangeness, cross-over amongst weird phenomena, paranormal reality TV, “Finding Bigfoot”, normalizing strange encounters, the Alberta Sasquatch Organization, Big Foot Research Organization, an encounter by a special forces soldier with a deer-hunting Sasquatch, “Samurai chatter”, talking Bigfoot on a military base in Ontario, skepticism vs debunking, “logical” explanations that are less plausible than paranormal phenomenon, the difficulties of cellphone photography in the moment, the challenges of photographic fakery, the illusion of “proof”, human reactions under stress and surprise, police training vs performance in actual shootings, the fear factor in paranormal encounters, “SCP Archives” podcast, a testimonial from a forestry worker in Ontario, Sasquatch appearing as a haystack, PTSD from a Sasquatch encounter, people traumatized by abduction experiences, the folly of categorizing Forteana, the Ape Canyon incident and the unmentioned parts, “Where the Footprints End” by Joshua Cutchin and Timothy Renner, Doug Hajicek, “MonsterQuest” TV episodes, Jeff Meldrum, Curt Nelson, a high strangeness Bigfoot encounter where people slept through rock-pelting and the walls shaking, the Heiberts’ unusually clear Sasquatch photos, Bigfoot instantly vanishing, anomalous tracks, unmarked helicopters and clandestine Canadian government activity, and much more! There are many fascinating experiences here and insightful speculation on what they may mean!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music is by Dufus with Anouk


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