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Seriah Azkath

Seriah Azkath

Seriah is the host of Where Did the Road Go?

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UFO's, Strange Lights, Weird Encounters, AI, and more - July 15, 2023

Seriah is joined by Joshua Cutchin, Taylor, and graphic artist Matt Festa. Topics include listener comments, government UFO disclosure, strange lights, a bizarre listener encounter with UFOs and a ball of light and a burning smell, an analogy involving cats, Steven Greer and CE-5 experiences, authors meeting their characters, Jeff Ritzmann and co-creation, Wren Collier’s encounter with a “polygonal tiger”, Seriah’s experiences with anomalous birds, Peter Fenwick, Barbara Fisher, Mike Clelland, George P. Hansen, weird bird incidents and connections, death and soul symbolism, Tim Renner’s experience with a large white shape, sky amoebas/manta rays/jellyfish entities, Lon Strickler, Trevor James Constable’s “The Sky Creatures: Living UFOs” and “The Cosmic Pulse of Life”, Antony Milne’s “Sky Critters: Ufos, Science, and Extraterrestrials”, Jason Pargin’s “If This Book Exists, You’re in the Wrong Universe”, the frailty and quirks of memory, aging and novel experiences vs routine, cashiers, a listener who met someone in a dream before meeting her in real life, layered dreaming, King Diamond, projected dreams, Jason Colavito, a highly inaccurate AI article about Star Wars, Gizmodo, AI and writing code, Jim Nettles, musicians and synthesizers, pilots and drones, AI panic, an eating disorder helpline that misused AI, spam and clickbait, Commodore 64’s “Eliza”, the internet and the collective unconscious, corporate greed, an extensive search for missing Indigenous children in the Columbian jungle involving Ayahuasca and a turtle, inaccessible knowledge, the movies “Resolution” and “The Endless”, Devil’s Footprints in Britain, Devil’s Horse’s Hoofprints in North Carolina, Bath NC, the Devil’s Stomping Ground, Blackbeard the pirate, a UFO incident causing paralysis and permanently dead vegetation, the Brown Mountain Lights, “Phantom Armies of the Night: The Wild Hunt and the Ghostly Processions of the Undead” by Claude Lecouteux, the Wild Hunt, radiation, the Cash/Landrum incident, Greg Little, Andrew Collins, a bizarre event during hypnotic regression, Stephanie Quick, a 1970’s mass kidnapping of school children solved in part by hypnotic regression, favorite books on the paranormal, the absurdity paradox, anomalous walls, the “Raised by Wolves” TV series, the film “Mr. Nobody”, and much more! This is prime WDTRG fascinating conversation!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music is The Living Room with Eleven O'Clock is When the Drugs Kick In.


Dreams and High Strangeness with Suzanne Chancellor - July 8, 2023

Seriah is joined by experiencer, researcher, and blogger Suzanne Chancellor. Topics include spoon bending, Uri Geller, the Amazing Randy, Sarah Lee Black, Mike Clelland, Whitley Strieber, an intense reaction to the cover of “Communion”, precognitive dreams, a disturbing dream experience, a bizarre alien dream encounter, weird childhood experiences with lights, hypnosis, false memories, Brent Raynes, John Keel, a strange experience with a bus crash, OBEs, apparitions of the living, different explanations for ghosts, conceptions of time, multi-dimensional keys, a bizarre visual display of information, a dream experience with a wormhole, a bizarre incident going missing from her own home, an impressed mental message explaining dimensions, situations where people cannot see one another, Joshua Cutchin, Patrick Harper, a woman trapped on a Fairy Fort, David Paulides, one-off paranormal experiences, hauntings of new houses, window areas/weird energy spots, black eyed children, David Weatherly, a plantation haunted by a fictional character, the Philip Experiment, “The Secret”, a synchronicity involving money and a deer accident, magick, Wicca, angels, youthful DIY witchcraft, a Ouija board, the British Broadcasting Company’s (BBC) podcast “Limelight” , electrical phenomena connected to individuals, an incident of shocking a friend, power outages, stress and computers, a bizarre, multi-synchronistic experience involving a fireball coming out of a lake, precognition vs retro causality, Point Pleasant and the Mothman, Psi research at Cornell University, Dr. Daryl Bem, banshees, Jeff Ritzman and Jeremy Vaeni, anomalous lights, a weird sighting in Hollywood, Carl Jung, the imaginal realm, and much more! This is an absolutely fascinating conversation, not to be missed!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music: Mantra "Natural Oasis / Starzdom"


American Metaphysical Religion - July 1, 2023

Seriah is joined by writer, researcher, musician, and experiencer Ronnie Pontiac, author of "American Metaphysical Religion: Esoteric and Mystical Traditions of the New World", Topics include Manly P. Hall, "The Platonist" magazine, the influence of Platonism and Neo-Platonism in the American West, Abner Doubleday, esotericism, U.S. religious history, transcendentalism, alchemy, astrology, Rosicrucianism, John Winthrop the elder and younger, John Dee, Puritanism and fear of the wilderness, herbal medicine, The Intelligencers, the College of Light, the Royal Society, Cotton Mather, Hermetic philosophy, Oliver Cromwell, the Cavaliers, Tom Morton, a fascinating trading post, wenching, abuses by the Pilgrims, origins of the slave trade, America’s occult history vs Fundamentalist Christian propaganda, hybrid belief systems, Harold Bloom, American Orphism, changes in academia regarding the study of esotericism, Kabbalah, alchemy at Ivy League schools, Catherine L. Albanese, "A Republic of Mind and Spirit", alternative spirituality and the cross-over of beliefs and practices, early Christianity vs the prosperity gospel, the Rosicrucian manifestos of the 1600’s, the Holy Roman Empire, Giordano Bruno, universal reformation, the Invisible College, Frances Yates and esoteric history, astronomical events and multiple interpretations thereof, the 30 years war, religious freedom in Bohemia, political and religious intrigues between Catholics and Protestants, phases and changes in American Spiritualism, Edgar Cayce, "The Unobstructed Universe", Stuart and Betty White, Carl Jung, the podcast “Tanis”, the belief system of the obstructed vs unobstructed universe, consciousness and reincarnation, the meaning of life, immortal individualism, entities called the Invisibles, incredible experiences between Betty and Stuart White, the Seer of the Sunbelt Reverend Edward A. Monroe, a talkative Scottish spirit, and much more! This is an exceptional conversation jam-packed with ideas and references!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music is Lucid Nation with Food Chain



Exploring Theosophy - June 24, 2023

Seriah is joined by AP Strange and Christopher Ernst for a deep dive on the subject of Theosophy. Topics include a weird trip to a graveyard, Madame Blavatsky, the books “The Secret Doctrine” and “Isis Unveiled”, Gary Lachman, Henry Steel Olcott, the I AM movement, Guy Ballard, conspiracy theories, eugenics, the Nazi regime, colonialism, racist concepts in anthropology, Mahatmas, “root races”, Western interpretation of Hinduism, Rudolph Steiner, Lemurians, Atlantians, cognitive dissonance, Indian independence movement, spiritual adepts, Tibet, the Theosophical Society of 1875, the Spiritualist movement, a Coptic magician, ascended masters, UFO contactees, seances, Sufiism, Meher Baba movement, saints and gurus, George Gurdjieff, MIB and space brothers, ascetics, cross-over Muslims and Hindus, Zoroastrianism, Eastern and Western esotericism, vast time period cycles, Buddhism, yogic and tantric practices, Kabbalah , Vedantic tradition, the Indian caste system, the Yuga cycles, the age of Aquarius, the significance of the number 7, Infinite Intelligence, reincarnation through different forms, evolution vs infolution, Aleister Crowley, the concept of avatars, the new age movement, C.W. Leadbeater, Krishna Murti, Maitreya, Buddhi vistas, secret chiefs, ecological systems, Gaea theory, the great white brotherhood, Twin Peaks, David Lynch, transcendental meditation, Mark Frost, opposing mystic lodges, “Vril: The Coming Race”, “The Morning of the Magicians”, “Iron Sky”, scientific materialism and atrocities, George Adamski and Desmond Leslie, William Dudley Pelley, Edgar Cayce, the 1977 book “Healer” by F. Paul Wilson, the death of Blavatsky, Annie Besant and Alice Bailey, the Lucius Trust, William Quan Judge, today’s Theosophical Society, Thomas Edison, misconceptions about Theosophy, maya and illusion, Trickster characters, racism, self-mythologizing, anti-colonialism, mystical flapdoodle, Lachman’s “The Key To Theosophy” book, Arthur Machen, Austin Osmond Spare, the Seth material, and much more! This is a fascinating conversation loaded with information and connections!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music is A Hidden City from Songs of the Drow


Exploring The Goblin Universe - June 17, 2023

Seriah is joined by AP Strange and Anthony Tyler as they take a deep dive in the rare, hard-to-obtain book “Goblin Universe” by Ted Holiday with a substantial forward by Colin Wilson. Topics include dragons and UFOs as symbols or signals, ancient Satanism, Saint Patrick, Celtic mythology, pareidolia, questions about evolution, Anthony’s book “Hunt Manuel”, Jersey Monster serial rapist Edward Paisnel, Joan of Arc, Gilles de Rais, reincarnation, emotional trauma and paranormal window areas, John Keel’s “The Eighth Tower”, Jungian ideas in the Fortean community, Robert Anton Wilson, Loren Coleman, UK magazine “Fortean Times”, T.C. Lethbridge, a very physical Ted Holiday ghost experience, Jacques Vallee and the “completion of a circuit”, time travel and ghost/poltergeist activity, pre-cognitive dreams, a massive disaster in 1966 Britain and the children who predicted it, the JFK assassination, the Nick Cage movie “Knowing”, gematria, Kenneth Grant, the Jim Carrey movie “The Number 23”, the book “Time Loops” by Eric Wargo, Nostradamus, a bizarre UFO experience, telepathic communication with UFO occupants, Keel’s “The Mothman Prophecies, retro-causality, fate/predestination, manifestation and precognition, psi research, poltergeist activity at Point Pleasant, the events at Fatima, the MIB phenomena, free will vs determinism, the exorcism of Loch Ness, Tarot and other divination, the movie “Dark City”, early man and internal dialogue, Holiday’s decision not to visit a UFO landing area and a completely bizarre accompanying incident, a circus exorcist, the Bermuda Triangle, the Reverend Donald Omand, the shadow complex of human consciousness, summoning Bigfoot, Loch Ness, Fred Anderson, a very strange MIB encounter, synchronicity and a heart attack, MIB and the Grim Reaper, doppelgangers, Jim Keith, the MIB and high strangeness, shock induction hypnosis, Mary Hyer, bizarre behavior and trance states, the book “The Dyfed Enigma: Unidentified Flying Objects in West Wales”, UFO high strangeness in 1970’s Wales, ley lines, astrology, the TV series “Silo”, Alien Big Cats in the UK, cryptid mountain lions in the U.S., Fairies and iron, differing perceptions of the paranormal over time, the Loch Ness “flipper photo”, Sir Peter Scott and Robert Rines, fault lines in the earth, Nessie’s scientific Latin name, an Egyptian Marian Apparition, a bizarre encounter with massive eels or sea snakes in the South Pacific, earthquakes and Fortean occurrences, UAP disclosure, ufology and the Phenomenon, Allen Greenfield, ufology as initiation, repeat vs one-off experiences and their meaning, and much more! This is an eclectic, fascinating conversation!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music is Cowboy Matt Hopewell with New Old School


Strange Light Phenomena REDUX - June 22, 2023

Remastered 4 shows from 2018 into 1. I'm joined by Jeff Ritzmann, Timothy Renner, Wren Collier, and Joshua Cutchin. Jeff is on the first two, Josh on the last two. This is the main 2 shows, then 2 shows talking about comments and emails we got in response.

"On this episode with Timothy Renner, Wren Collier, and Jeff Ritzmann, we talk about mysterious lights, flashes, orbs, and various other odd light phenomena. We get into some of what Tim experienced on Site 7, which you can hear in his Strange Familiars episode, Lights in the Woods."

"On these follow-up episodes with Timothy Renner, Wren Collier, and Joshua Cutchin, we talk about listener stories involving mysterious lights, flashes, orbs, and various other odd light phenomena. Joshua also relates some of the fae folklore as well."


Wandering the News: AI, NDE's, and more - June 10, 2023

Seriah is joined by Barbara Fisher, Superinfra Man, and Chris Ernst to discuss some recent news stories. Topics include a study of NDEs, OBEs, the fullness of the NDE experience and the limitations of materialism, the difficulties of measurement, the scientific method and its limits, ghosts, the Philip experiment, Bigfoot, spirits, tulpas, souls of the dead, Karen Woodhouse, fakery in reality TV ghost hunting, anecdotal evidence, an ancient pre-Homo Sapien species conducting burial rituals and carving symbols, Neanderthals, Homo Erectus, entheogens, primates using drugs, brain size vs intelligence, Graham Hancock, lost history, hoarding of art and artifacts by wealthy collectors, Black Water Inc, Iraq, Hobby Lobby, “Evil Archeology” by Heather Lynn, a strange moving anomaly in the Earth’s magnetic field, weird zones in the magnetic field beneath South America and Africa, a story of AI replacing counselors in an eating disorder helpline, the dubious nature of AI, a bad experience with a weaponized AI drone, Isaac Asimov and the 3 laws of robotics, the importance of empathy, Artificial Intelligence vs mimicry, AI art and content, AI podcasts and audio books, deficiencies in internet information, lack of creativity in pop culture, the pluses and minuses of retail self-check-out, AI pioneer inventors calling for regulation and issuing warnings, Terence McKenna and novelty, the films “WALL-E” and “Elysium”, depopulation conspiracy theories vs the worker shortage, younger peoples’ reluctance to have children, life-extending drugs and procedures, Elon Musk, the series “Altered Carbon”, transhumanism, the life model decoy, the “Subjective Truth” podcast, a consciousness box that traps souls, “Babylon 5”, Hollywood re-boots including “Star Wars” and “Harry Potter”, the movie “12 Monkeys” and the subsequent art film and series, Chris Marker, Whitley Strieber’s “A New World”, Indian Vedic cosmology, other worlds that lack emotion, Sufism, agape love, the series “Westworld”, free will vs predestination, computers turning on humans, reality tunnels, journalism vs entertainment, pro wrestling, 9/11 anti-terrorism drills, conspiracy theories and psyops, the TV series “The Lazarus Project”, an enormous metal structure discovered at the Moon’s south pole, bizarre lunar facts and theories, disappointments of the space program, Gary Nolan, Robert Heinlein’s “Stranger in a Strange Land”, reasons why aliens would avoid human contact, a theory of empathy and the Black Plague, empathy and narcissism, Lobo Matias, Ronald Reagan and peace through a common alien enemy, a warning from Space Force General Chance Saltzman, xenobots, programable robots made from frog cells, consciousness vs sentience, “The Last of Us”, the film “The Day After”, and much more! This is some fascinating discussion, not to be missed!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast

Outro Music is Whirring World from Psyche Corporation


Fae Down Under - June 3, 2023

Seriah is joined by Joshua Cutchin and Louise Hamill, an artist and experiencer from Australia. Topics include poltergeist activity, the Fae, Dan Ackroyd, an infant NDE, nature spirits, strange experiences with a four-leaf clover and a wooden ring, the Min Min lights, an incident of missing time, an unusually located home, the goddess Hekate, an encounter with a strange entity, Indigenous spirituality, a being experienced by Louise but also perceived by her husband, Josh’s theories on spirits, child abduction by Fairies, a UFO sighting, the pop culture depiction of the Fae, psychic impressions, channeling experiences, the film “Australien”, debunkers explanations for ghost lights, the bog men in Europe, John Keel’s window area theory, colonialism and the paranormal, a pillowcase ghost, the phenomenon of two or more witnesses seeing something at the same time but differing in their perceptions, Goetic spirits, disturbed earth, a child’s encounters with an apparition, a haunted room, sage burning, night terrors, morning glory vines, a “plant man”, bedroom invaders, an OBE with a goddess deity, offerings, the afterlife of pets, the goddesses Diana, Hekate, and Luna, the difficulties of mythology, a ritual and a response, dark vs. evil, an interaction with a sentient ball of light, weird disembodied singing, morning glories as psychedelics, plant spirits, dogs and horses and birds as psychopomps, Fae music, “Behind the Bastards” podcast, Matt Festa, pro wrestling, Seriah’s autobiography, Mike Clelland, the value of journaling, “Last Exit for the Lost” music show, Katie of the Night, Rosemary Ellen Guiley, Fortfest, a “tree man”, a cleansing ritual, incidents of sleep paralysis, the Archangel Michael, a post-cleansing apparition, an offering to the Fairies and a reaction, crossroads, the felt presence of spirit beings, an encounter with an imp, hypnopompic vs hypnogogic experiences, the “Fairy Census”, Nasturtium flowers, and much more! This is some riveting, wide-ranging conversation!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast


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