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Lizard Man: The True Story of the Bishopville Monster by Lyle Blackburn (2013)

Lizard Man: The True Story of the Bishopville Monster by Lyle Blackburn (2013)

The Lizard Man is a very strange case and Lyle does a fantastic job of covering it. Following up his previous book, The Beast of Boggy Creek, Lyle attempts to separate the fact from fiction in the various reports of The Lizard Man in Bishopville, South Carolina. He conducts interviews with those that are still alive, and visits the locations that the sighting occured. It's quite a fascinating tale, really. He debunks some of the accepted facts, and overturns some previously believed debuked facts and explanations. In the end, what you have is still a mystery, but something clearly happened to the people of Bishopville, and Lyle does an exceptional job of fleshing that out honestly and clearly. Well written and entertaining, and with plenty of pictures and illustrations. A definite must have for any serious cryptic fan.

Lyle's Website

Seriah is the host of Where Did the Road Go?